Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume III: The Late Period (Ancient Egyptian Literature)

Miriam Lichtheim

  Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume III: The Late Period (Ancient Egyptian Literature)  Miriam Lichtheim  First published in 1973 - and followed by Volume II in 1976 and Volume III in 1980 - this anthology has assumed classic status in the field of Egyptology and portrays the remarkable evolution of the literary forms of one of the world's earliest civilizations. Volume I outlines the early and gradual evolution of Egyptian literary genres, including biographical and historical inscriptions carved on stone, the various classes of literary works written with pen on papyrus, and the mortuary literature that focuses on life after death. Introduced with a new foreword by Antonio Loprieno. Volume II shows the culmination of these literary genres within the single period known as the New Kingdom (1550-1080 B.C.). With a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert. Volume III spans the last millennium of Pharaonic civilization, from the tenth century B.C. to the beginning of the Christian era. With a new foreword by Joseph G. Manning.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин First published in 1973 - and followed by Volume II in 1976 and Volume III in 1980 - this anthology has assumed classic status in the field of Egyptology and portrays the remarkable evolution of the literary forms of one of the world's earliest civilizations. Volume I outlines the early and gradual evolution of Egyptian literary genres, including biographical and historical inscriptions carved on stone, the various classes of literary works written with pen on papyrus, and the mortuary literature that focuses on life after death. Introduced with a new foreword by Antonio Loprieno. Volume II shows the culmination of these literary genres within the single period known as the New Kingdom (1550-1080 B.C.). With a new foreword by Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert. Volume III spans the last millennium of Pharaonic civilization, from the tenth century B.C. to the beginning of the Christian era. With a new foreword by Joseph G. Manning....

Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation (Wiley Finance)

Greg N. Gregoriou, Georges HA?bner, Nicolas Papageorgiou, Fabrice Rouah

  Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation (Wiley Finance)  Greg N. Gregoriou, Georges HA?bner, Nicolas Papageorgiou, Fabrice Rouah  Whether already experienced with hedge funds or just thinking about investing in them, readers need a firm understanding of this unique investment vehicle in order to achieve maximum success. Hedge Funds unites over thirty of the top practitioners and academics in the hedge fund industry to provide readers with the latest findings in this field. Their analysis deals with a variety of topics, from new methods of performance evaluation to portfolio allocation and risk/return matters. Although some of the information is technical in nature, an understanding and applicability of the results as well as theoretical developments are stressed. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Hedge Funds helps readers make the most of this flexible investment vehicle.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Whether already experienced with hedge funds or just thinking about investing in them, readers need a firm understanding of this unique investment vehicle in order to achieve maximum success. Hedge Funds unites over thirty of the top practitioners and academics in the hedge fund industry to provide readers with the latest findings in this field. Their analysis deals with a variety of topics, from new methods of performance evaluation to portfolio allocation and risk/return matters. Although some of the information is technical in nature, an understanding and applicability of the results as well as theoretical developments are stressed. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Hedge Funds helps readers make the most of this flexible investment vehicle....

Culture and Demography in Organizations

J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll

  Culture and Demography in Organizations  J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll  How do corporations and other organizations maintain and transmit their cultures over time? Culture and Demography in Organizations offers the most reliable and comprehensive answer to this complex question to date. The first book on the subject to ground its analysis in mathematical tools and computer simulation, it goes beyond standard approaches, which focus on socialization within organizations, by explicitly considering the effects of demographic processes of entry, exit, and organizational growth. J. Richard Harrison and Glenn R. Carroll base their analysis on a formal model with three components: hiring, socialization, and employee turnover. In exploring the model's implications through computer simulation methods, the authors cover topics such as organizational growth and decline, top management teams, organizational influence networks, terrorist organizations, cultural integration following mergers, and organizational failure. For each topic, they identify...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How do corporations and other organizations maintain and transmit their cultures over time? Culture and Demography in Organizations offers the most reliable and comprehensive answer to this complex question to date. The first book on the subject to ground its analysis in mathematical tools and computer simulation, it goes beyond standard approaches, which focus on socialization within organizations, by explicitly considering the effects of demographic processes of entry, exit, and organizational growth. J. Richard Harrison and Glenn R. Carroll base their analysis on a formal model with three components: hiring, socialization, and employee turnover. In exploring the model's implications through computer simulation methods, the authors cover topics such as organizational growth and decline, top management teams, organizational influence networks, terrorist organizations, cultural integration following mergers, and organizational failure. For each topic, they identify......

Самый быстрый способ выучить таблицу умножения

О. Узорова, Е. Нефедова

  Самый быстрый способ выучить таблицу умножения  О. Узорова, Е. Нефедова  АСТ, Астрель, Харвест.   Заучивание таблицы умножения нельзя заменить полностью, но можно облегчить почти наполовину. С помощью этой системы возможно уменьшить время заучивания почти в два раза! Откройте брошюру и посмотрите, как каждая из таблиц разбивается на белые и желтые панельки. Можно пропускать примеры, напечатанные в белой панельке, так как они изучены из предыдущей таблицы. Выучите все примеры на желтых панелях - и таблица умножения будет изучена на отлично!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель, Харвест. Заучивание таблицы умножения нельзя заменить полностью, но можно облегчить почти наполовину. С помощью этой системы возможно уменьшить время заучивания почти в два раза! Откройте брошюру и посмотрите, как каждая из таблиц разбивается на белые и желтые панельки. Можно пропускать примеры, напечатанные в белой панельке, так как они изучены из предыдущей таблицы. Выучите все примеры на желтых панелях - и таблица умножения будет изучена на отлично!...

Contemporary Enameling: Art And Technique (Schiffer Book for Artists)

  Contemporary Enameling: Art And Technique (Schiffer Book for Artists)  Lilyan Bachrach  Lilyan Bachrach  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lilyan Bachrach...

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Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume III: The Late Period (Ancient Egyptian Literature). Miriam Lichtheim . Книги.

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