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Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows (In Association with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation) Helmut Reisen
This book explores the international aspects of pension reform, private savings and volatile capital markets and clarifies how they relate to each other. Building the case for the pension-improving benefits of global asset diversification, analyzing the implications of financial reform for stimulating savings, and exploring both the benefits and risks of global capital flows to emerging markets. Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows will inform policy and academic debates on financial globalization....
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Creating Training Miracles Alastair Rylatt, Kevin Lohan
Create your own training miracles! Discover training techniques that produce extraordinary results--training miracles! With the right tools and training, everyone has the ability to learn. And to be a successful trainer, you yourself need to continue learning. Explore emerging trAnds in training such as globalization, competency-based training, and high-tech delivery of training. Each chapter introduces you to a different training method, and opens with a story to actually demonstrate how the technique works. Learn all about: Getting Training Results in the Workplace Competency-Based Training Self-Directed Learning Using Icebreakers and Energizers to Warm Up Learners Neurolinguistic Programming The Power of Accelerative Learning Successful Role-Playing Techniques Designing and Using Classic Case Studies Organizing Outdoor Learning Programs Facilitation . . . and more! Select only the topics that interest you. Want to......
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Selling from the Inside Out : An Inspirational Story for Salespeople George Kengott, Joseph Downey, Joseph Downey
This is an adventure story of pain and success, struggle and rewards. It probes into the life of Steven, a salesperson down on his luck. He's bordering between mediocrity and failure--until an anonymous mentor takes him on as a student. That doesn't meanhis trials and tribulations are over; his new mentor asks him to sell from the inside versus the outside, a new and confusing concept for Steven. Steven's ultimate achievements are inspirational for both beginning and experienced salespeople, and for business owners and others for whom selling is a necessity. Those who find the prospect of selling discomforting will be especially encouraged by this book!...
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Без измены нет интриги Надин Бисмют
Флюид / FreeFly. Французская линия. Останется тайным, Райский сад, Фондю по-китайски, Cheap love, Семейный завтрак, Держись, Подружка на свадьбе, Мое сердце как горячая картошка, Памятник старины, Шоколадное или ванильное, Свиная шкурка, Традиция, Без измены нет интриги. Дебютный сборник новелл молодой канадки Надин Бисмют с единодушными овациями был встречен и публикой, и прессой. 13 зарисовок, графически четких и лаконичных: - Жизни сегодняшней, повседневной, вашей и ваших соседей; - Любви, показанной с разных точек зрения и во всем многообразии ее проявлений; - Ну и, конечно же, измен, неизбежно сопутствующих как любви, так и жизни в целом. Измен не глобальных, а сиюминутных, "бытовых", совершаемых на каждом шагу, - мелких и крупных, самому себе и родным, любимым, близким, просто окружающим. Яркие картинки, в которых явлена вся палитра нашей "невинной" лжи, наших слабостей и порывов. Написанные живым, непосредственным языком рассказы подкупают удивительной психологической точностью. Талантливо, трогательно, честно....
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Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed Rand Morimoto
The most extensive Exchange 2003 reference found on the market today from one of the world's leading Microsoft server experts, Rand Morimoto. Written from the ground up exclusively for Exchange 2003--not a revision of an Exchange 2000 book. Based on the author's experience implementing Exchange 2003 in heavy-use corporate environments since Beta release 1. Contains hard-to-find intermediate to advanced coverage far beyond the competition's typical installation and set-up how-to's including planning, migration, security, disaster recovery, and vast troubleshooting tips. A complete reference targeted at intermediate to advanced users for help in managing the complicated and business-critical matters of e-mail, message databases, and ever-increasing mobile and remote system access....
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На главную
Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows (In Association with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation). Helmut Reisen . Книги.
Иваново, Тюмень, Мурманск, Волжский, Уфа, Волжский, Пермь, Элиста, Норильск, Прокопьевск, Пенза, Кострома, Чита,
Охрана и безопасность труда. Трудовые ресурсы| Педагогика| Статистика| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Мистические драмы| Полнометражные мультфильмы| Промышленность| Биографии писателей| Пародийные комедии| Скандалы. Сенсации. Катастрофы| Фэнтези| Киберпанк и виртуальная реальность|
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