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Care-Related Quality of Life in Old Age: Concepts, Models, and Empirical Findings
Springer. This book examines the relationship between quality of care and quality of life of frail older persons who are dependent on external support and care. Quality of life in old age has become a key issue within gerontology and health and social care research. The book specifically addresses this issue by developing a new concept of “care-related quality of life.” Key questions addressed include: what are the determinants of care-related quality of life in old age? How can care contribute to and support the quality of life of older clients? And how should care be managed to facilitate good quality and effective care? The book addresses these issues by providing theoretical and methodological perspectives on the problem area, together with chapters based on original empirical research. The research was financed by the EU, and it involved studies in Finland, Estonia, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom. This book contributes to the ongoing discussion on the concept of quality......
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The Face Reader: Discover Anyone's Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges ThroughFace Reading Patrician McCarthy
Dutton Adult. -...
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Shamanic Reiki: Expanded Ways of Working with Universal Life Force Energy
Llyn Roberts, Robert Levy...
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Sadhana of the Heart: A Collection of Talks on Spiritual Life
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda...
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A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television John Kenneth Muir
McFarland. Since its inception in November 1963, the British science fiction television series Doctor Who has exerted an enormous impact on the world of science fiction (over 1,500 books have been written about the show). The series follows the adventures of a mysterious "Time Lord" from the distant planet Gallifrey who travels through time and space to fight evil and injustice. Along the way, he has visited Rome under the rule of Nero, played backgammon with Kublai Khan, and participated in the mythic gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Predating the Star Trek phenomenon by three years, Doctor Who seriously dealt with continuing characters, adult genre principles and futuristic philosophies. Critical and historical examinations of the ideas, philosophies, conceits and morals put forth in the Doctor Who series, which ran for 26 seasons and 159 episodes, are provided here. Also analyzed are thematic concepts, genre antecedents, the overall cinematography and the special effects of the long-running cult......
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Care-Related Quality of Life in Old Age: Concepts, Models, and Empirical Findings. . Книги.
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