Тайны создания игр в Macromedia Flash MX 2004+CD

Джоуб Макар, Бен Виниарчик

  Тайны создания игр в Macromedia Flash MX 2004+CD  Джоуб Макар, Бен Виниарчик  НТ Пресс.   Самоучитель.   Книга содержит практические рекомендации по разработке игр в среде Macromedia Flash MX 2004. Она предназначена для пользователей, ранее работавших с Flash и знакомых с основами ActionScript. В книге подробно изложена методика применения ActionScript для создания структуры игры и программирования ее логики, а также приведены советы по работе с графикой и звуком. В каждом разделе книги рассматриваются как теоретические основы разработки игр, так и примеры реализации сценариев, снабженные подробными комментариями. Множество иллюстраций обеспечивают наглядное представление излагаемого материала. Книга рекомендуется начинающим разработчикам игр в среде Macromedia Flash.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин НТ Пресс. Самоучитель. Книга содержит практические рекомендации по разработке игр в среде Macromedia Flash MX 2004. Она предназначена для пользователей, ранее работавших с Flash и знакомых с основами ActionScript. В книге подробно изложена методика применения ActionScript для создания структуры игры и программирования ее логики, а также приведены советы по работе с графикой и звуком. В каждом разделе книги рассматриваются как теоретические основы разработки игр, так и примеры реализации сценариев, снабженные подробными комментариями. Множество иллюстраций обеспечивают наглядное представление излагаемого материала. Книга рекомендуется начинающим разработчикам игр в среде Macromedia Flash....

А. Фадеев. Собрание сочинений в семи томах. Том 1

А. Фадеев

  А. Фадеев. Собрание сочинений в семи томах. Том 1  А. Фадеев  Художественная литература.   А. Фадеев. Собрание сочинений в семи томах.   В основу настоящего Собрания сочинений положено первое (посмертное) Собрание сочинений А. А. Фадеева в 5 томах, Гослитиздат, 1959 - 1961. В первый том вошли роман Художественная литература. А. Фадеев. Собрание сочинений в семи томах. В основу настоящего Собрания сочинений положено первое (посмертное) Собрание сочинений А. А. Фадеева в 5 томах, Гослитиздат, 1959 - 1961. В первый том вошли роман "Разгром", повести и рассказы 1924 - 1931 гг....

The Quotable Tycoon: An Irreverent Collection Of Brutally Honest And Inspirational Business Wisdom

David Olive

  The Quotable Tycoon: An Irreverent Collection Of Brutally Honest And Inspirational Business Wisdom  David Olive  Book DescriptionThe Quotable Tycoon covers more than a century of inspirational, irreverent and timely insights, arranged thematically on subjects such as marketing, hiring, family business and customer service. At turns insightful, wise and hilarious, this treasury is essential reading for those seeking a deeper insight into the inner workings of the great business minds. From Rockefeller, Ford, Buffett and Trump to Twain and Churchill, The Quotable Tycoon offers more than 700 instructive and oftenoutrageous perspectives on business from the world's most powerful corporate leaders and entrepreneurs, past and present.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Quotable Tycoon covers more than a century of inspirational, irreverent and timely insights, arranged thematically on subjects such as marketing, hiring, family business and customer service. At turns insightful, wise and hilarious, this treasury is essential reading for those seeking a deeper insight into the inner workings of the great business minds. From Rockefeller, Ford, Buffett and Trump to Twain and Churchill, The Quotable Tycoon offers more than 700 instructive and oftenoutrageous perspectives on business from the world's most powerful corporate leaders and entrepreneurs, past and present....

Computer-Based Testing and the Internet : Issues and Advances

  Computer-Based Testing and the Internet : Issues and Advances  Book DescriptionNo topic is more central to innovation and current practice in testing and assessment today than computers and the Internet. This timely publication highlights four main themes that define current issues, technical advances and applications of computer-based testing: Advances in computer-based testing -- new test designs, item selection algorithms, exposure control issues and methods, and new tests that capitalize on the power of computer technology. Operational issues -- systems design, test security, and legal and ethical matters. New and improved uses -- for tests in employment and credentialing. The future of computer-based testing -- identifying potential issues, developments, major advances and problems to overcome. Written by internationally recognized contributors, each chapter focuses on issues of control, quality, security and technology. These issues provide the basic structure for the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNo topic is more central to innovation and current practice in testing and assessment today than computers and the Internet. This timely publication highlights four main themes that define current issues, technical advances and applications of computer-based testing: Advances in computer-based testing -- new test designs, item selection algorithms, exposure control issues and methods, and new tests that capitalize on the power of computer technology. Operational issues -- systems design, test security, and legal and ethical matters. New and improved uses -- for tests in employment and credentialing. The future of computer-based testing -- identifying potential issues, developments, major advances and problems to overcome. Written by internationally recognized contributors, each chapter focuses on issues of control, quality, security and technology. These issues provide the basic structure for the......

Between Dancing And Writing: The Practice Of Religious Studies

Kimerer L. LaMothe

  Between Dancing And Writing: The Practice Of Religious Studies  Kimerer L. LaMothe  Book DescriptionThis book provides philosophical grounds for an emerging area of scholarship: the study of religion and dance. In the first part, LaMothe investigates why scholars in religious studies have tended to overlook dance, or rhythmic bodily movement, in favor of textual expressions of religious life. In close readings of Descartes, Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, and Kierkegaard, LaMothe traces this attitude to formative moments of the field in which philosophers relied upon the practice of writing to mediate between the study of Book DescriptionThis book provides philosophical grounds for an emerging area of scholarship: the study of religion and dance. In the first part, LaMothe investigates why scholars in religious studies have tended to overlook dance, or rhythmic bodily movement, in favor of textual expressions of religious life. In close readings of Descartes, Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, and Kierkegaard, LaMothe traces this attitude to formative moments of the field in which philosophers relied upon the practice of writing to mediate between the study of "religion," on the one hand, and "theology," on the other. In the second part, LaMothe revives the work of theologian, phenomenologist, and historian of religion Gerardus van der Leeuw for help in interpretinghow dancing can serve as a medium of religious experience and expression. In so doing, LaMothe opens new perspectives on the role of bodily being in religious life, and on the place of theology in the study of religion....

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Тайны создания игр в Macromedia Flash MX 2004+CD. Джоуб Макар, Бен Виниарчик . Книги.

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