Король Беотии. Небесад, или Золотые часы

Макс Жакоб

  Король Беотии. Небесад, или Золотые часы  Макс Жакоб  Издательство Ивана Лимбаха.   Предисловие, Король Беотии, В перевернутый лорнет, Мемуары папаши Вобуа, Пианино-призрак, Пианино, Золотой крестик, Богема в годы войны 1914 года, Кризис дендизма, исследованный на примере некоего подростка, Удивленный и очарованный, Погребок Вольтера, Заметки о жизни Розали Фромаже, в замужестве Гаэтан, Угощение, Кузен Жозеф, Шантаж, Завещание, Благие намерения, Погребок Вольтера. Оптом и в розницу. Все виды товаров, Больничные ночи и рассвет, Клинические размышления, Другая ночь - Издательство Ивана Лимбаха. Предисловие, Король Беотии, В перевернутый лорнет, Мемуары папаши Вобуа, Пианино-призрак, Пианино, Золотой крестик, Богема в годы войны 1914 года, Кризис дендизма, исследованный на примере некоего подростка, Удивленный и очарованный, Погребок Вольтера, Заметки о жизни Розали Фромаже, в замужестве Гаэтан, Угощение, Кузен Жозеф, Шантаж, Завещание, Благие намерения, Погребок Вольтера. Оптом и в розницу. Все виды товаров, Больничные ночи и рассвет, Клинические размышления, Другая ночь - "разум с закрытыми глазами", День. История прекрасного араба, Еще одна ночь, Великая ночь (Медицинско-Вальпургиева), Рассвет, Приступ гостеприимства, или Ночи без луны, Петушиная песнь, Еще не рассвело, Корона Вулкана, История короля Кабула I и поваренка Говэна, Небесад, или Золотые часы. Издание объединяет две книги прозы французского поэта Макса Жакоба (1876-1944). Друг Пикассо, Аполлинера, Пуленка, Модильяни, он был свидетелем и участником важнейших литературных процессов Belle epoque ("Прекрасной эпохи"). Впервые публикуемые на русском языке произведения дают наиболее полное представление о Жакобе-прозаике. Сборник "Король Беотии" - серия новелл, представляющих своего рода антропологический микрокосм. Фарсовый, доходящий до гротеска характер повествования заметно расширяет границы "романа нравов", лежащего в основе прозы Жакоба. История часов ("Небесад, или Золотые часы"), переходящих из рук в руки, позволяет автору создать галерею ярких характеров, действующих в причудливых обстоятельствах....

Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard

Tamim Bayoumi, Barry Eichengreen, Mark P. Taylor

  Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard  Tamim Bayoumi, Barry Eichengreen, Mark P. Taylor  Exchange rate instability and crises are a fact of economic life in today's world of open international capital markets. Yet this was not always the case: for more than a third of a century prior to 1914, the gold standard reconciled open financial markets with stable exchange rates among the currencies of the major industrial countries. This book explores how that system worked. The result is an overview of the classical gold standard, a survey of the relevant applied research in international macroeconomics, and a demonstration of how the past can help to inform the present.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Exchange rate instability and crises are a fact of economic life in today's world of open international capital markets. Yet this was not always the case: for more than a third of a century prior to 1914, the gold standard reconciled open financial markets with stable exchange rates among the currencies of the major industrial countries. This book explores how that system worked. The result is an overview of the classical gold standard, a survey of the relevant applied research in international macroeconomics, and a demonstration of how the past can help to inform the present....

Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity

Stacey Hall, Jan Brogniez

  Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity  Stacey Hall, Jan Brogniez  Most businesses spend far too much of their time and energy struggling to get new customers or hang on to existing ones?even customers who are ultimately more trouble than they?re worth. Attracting Perfect Customers invites readers to move beyond the notions that Most businesses spend far too much of their time and energy struggling to get new customers or hang on to existing ones?even customers who are ultimately more trouble than they?re worth. Attracting Perfect Customers invites readers to move beyond the notions that "business is war" and winning market share means "beating" the other guy. The authors outline a simple strategic process for making businesses so highly attractive that perfect customers and clients are naturally drawn right to them. Sound too good to be true? Hall and Brogniez have successfully shown clients how to do it for years, and now they share their secrets. They prove that it is no longer productive or profitable to conduct business using the war-like marketing techniques of targeting customers and outmaneuvering the competition. In fact, these techniques seem antiquated and labor-intensive when compared to the Strategic Attraction Planning process, which requires just five minutes each day and enables any......

Transatlantic Governance in the Global Economy

Mark A. Pollack, Gregory C. Shaffer

  Transatlantic Governance in the Global Economy  Mark A. Pollack, Gregory C. Shaffer  Transatlantic trade and direct investment now surpass two trillion dollars. U.S. and EU officials increasingly contact each other to coordinate common actions and respond to conflicts over their respective domestic regulatory policies. This important book examines the record of transatlantic economic relations in the 1990s, and in particular the efforts by the United States and the European Union, through the New Transatlantic Agenda, to establish new forms of governance to cope with increasing economic interdependence. The authors explain the development of transatlantic cooperation, culminating in the multi-leveled governance mechanisms of the NTA. They assess, as well, central questions about the nature of transatlantic governance, as reflected in competing international relations theories of intergovernmental, transgovernmental (technocratic), and transnational (civil society) relations. Bringing together leading scholars from political science and law, the book provides a rich...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Transatlantic trade and direct investment now surpass two trillion dollars. U.S. and EU officials increasingly contact each other to coordinate common actions and respond to conflicts over their respective domestic regulatory policies. This important book examines the record of transatlantic economic relations in the 1990s, and in particular the efforts by the United States and the European Union, through the New Transatlantic Agenda, to establish new forms of governance to cope with increasing economic interdependence. The authors explain the development of transatlantic cooperation, culminating in the multi-leveled governance mechanisms of the NTA. They assess, as well, central questions about the nature of transatlantic governance, as reflected in competing international relations theories of intergovernmental, transgovernmental (technocratic), and transnational (civil society) relations. Bringing together leading scholars from political science and law, the book provides a rich......

Banking Reforms in South-East Europe (New Horizons in Money and Finance)

Zeljko Sevic, Zelijko Sevic

  Banking Reforms in South-East Europe (New Horizons in Money and Finance)  Zeljko Sevic, Zelijko Sevic  Banking Reforms in South-East Europe gives a critical and detailed overview of banking system restructuring in the transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Yugoslavia - and offers suggestions for future reforms. The book opens with a comparison of the experiences of Central European advanced transitional economies with those of the Balkan countries. Proposals are put forward for ways in which positive aspects of the Central European experience can be applied to banking reform in the Balkans. The authors examine the importance of regional collaboration for the overall economic and social transition in the region, and consider whether it can facilitate the next stage of banking reform. They also analyze the results of currency board arrangements as a possible alternative to classical central banking, using the experiences of Bulgaria, Bosnia and the Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro. The book concludes...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Banking Reforms in South-East Europe gives a critical and detailed overview of banking system restructuring in the transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Yugoslavia - and offers suggestions for future reforms. The book opens with a comparison of the experiences of Central European advanced transitional economies with those of the Balkan countries. Proposals are put forward for ways in which positive aspects of the Central European experience can be applied to banking reform in the Balkans. The authors examine the importance of regional collaboration for the overall economic and social transition in the region, and consider whether it can facilitate the next stage of banking reform. They also analyze the results of currency board arrangements as a possible alternative to classical central banking, using the experiences of Bulgaria, Bosnia and the Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro. The book concludes......

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Король Беотии. Небесад, или Золотые часы. Макс Жакоб . Книги.

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