A Life Worth Living: A Doctor's Reflections on Illness in a High-Tech Era

Robert Martensen

  A Life Worth Living: A Doctor's Reflections on Illness in a High-Tech Era  Robert Martensen  Critical illness is a fact of life. Even those of us who enjoy decades of good health are touched by it eventually, either in our own lives or in those of our loved ones. And when this happens, we grapple with serious and often confusing choices about howbest to live with our afflictions. A Life Worth Living is a book for people facing these difficult decisions. Robert Martensen, a physician, historian, and ethicist, draws on decades of experience with patients and friends to explore the life cycle of seious illness, from diagnosis to end of life. He connects personal stories with reflections upon mortality, human agency, and the value of “cutting-edge” technology in caring for the critically ill. Timely questions emerge: To what extent should efforts toextend human life be made? What is the value of nontraditional medical treatment? How has the American health-care system affected treatment of the critically ill? And finally, what are our doctors’ responsibilities to us as patients,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Critical illness is a fact of life. Even those of us who enjoy decades of good health are touched by it eventually, either in our own lives or in those of our loved ones. And when this happens, we grapple with serious and often confusing choices about howbest to live with our afflictions. A Life Worth Living is a book for people facing these difficult decisions. Robert Martensen, a physician, historian, and ethicist, draws on decades of experience with patients and friends to explore the life cycle of seious illness, from diagnosis to end of life. He connects personal stories with reflections upon mortality, human agency, and the value of “cutting-edge” technology in caring for the critically ill. Timely questions emerge: To what extent should efforts toextend human life be made? What is the value of nontraditional medical treatment? How has the American health-care system affected treatment of the critically ill? And finally, what are our doctors’ responsibilities to us as patients,......

Struck Down: The Collision of Stroke and World History

Michael De Georgia

  Struck Down: The Collision of Stroke and World History  Michael De Georgia  Neurologist and history buff Dr. Michael De Georgia shows how strokes suffered by political leaders--sometimes fatal, sometimes not--have changed the world in an instant. He also dispels misconceptions about strokes.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Neurologist and history buff Dr. Michael De Georgia shows how strokes suffered by political leaders--sometimes fatal, sometimes not--have changed the world in an instant. He also dispels misconceptions about strokes....

Азбука богатства. От "А" до "Я"

Наталия Правдина

  Азбука богатства. От Издательский дом Наталии Правдиной. Наталия Правдина, автор уникальной системы позитивной трансформации сознания, самый известный в России специалист древнекитайского учения фэншуй, автор бестселлеров, вышедших миллионными тиражами, представляет сборник аффирмаций, позитивных мыслей, под названием "Азбука богатства: от "А" до "Я". Секрет успеха очень прост - книги Наталии изменяют жизнь каждого, решившего присоединится к армии многочисленных последователей ее замечательной системы позитивной трансформации сознания, помогают обрести уверенность в собственных силах, указывают верный путь к благополучию, успеху и счастью. Поверьте в себя, начните жить здесь и сейчас, и к вам непременно придет упоительное ощущение радости и счастья, уверенность в том, что все ваши желания исполняются, все мечты осуществляются, а потребности удовлетворяются!...

Редьярд Киплинг. Сказки

Редьярд Киплинг

  Редьярд Киплинг. Сказки  Редьярд Киплинг  Росмэн-Пресс.   Кошка, гулявшая сама по себе, Рикки-Тикки-Тави, Откуда у Кита такая глотка, Отчего у Верблюда горб, Откуда у Носорога шкура, Слоненок, Откуда взялись Броненосцы, Как было написано первое письмо.   В этой книге собраны почти все знаменитые сказки Киплинга, которые сам автор назвал Росмэн-Пресс. Кошка, гулявшая сама по себе, Рикки-Тикки-Тави, Откуда у Кита такая глотка, Отчего у Верблюда горб, Откуда у Носорога шкура, Слоненок, Откуда взялись Броненосцы, Как было написано первое письмо. В этой книге собраны почти все знаменитые сказки Киплинга, которые сам автор назвал "Сказки просто так" и которыми уже почти сто лет зачитываются дети разных стран. Это сказки-шутки о том, как животные стали такими, какими мы их знаем. Но шутки, которые предлагают задуматься, откуда что взялось?...

A Guide to Asian High Yield Bonds: Financing Growth Enterprises (Wiley Finance)

Florian H. A. Schmidt, Adam T. W. Harper

  A Guide to Asian High Yield Bonds: Financing Growth Enterprises (Wiley Finance)  Florian H. A. Schmidt, Adam T. W. Harper  A book on high yield, written by bond market professionals, is exactly what issuers have been waiting for. The elaborations on structures and covenant packages are crystal clear and help to navigate through the intricacies of the product. Arsjad Rasjid President Director Indika Inti Energi This book provides a valuable overview of the market. In particular, it offers in-depth analysis of the buy-side for Asian high yield and a detailed guide to structuring and executing transactions. We recommend it to any potential issuer. Charles Chu CFO Agile Property Holdings Ltd. This guide to the market provides a clear overview of high yield as a non-dilutive form of long term capital and serves as a useful reference material to all Asian growth enterprises. It is an easy to read and comprehensive reference work that will be of practical benefit to market users. Roland To Director - Strategic Planning Galaxy Entertainment Group We...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A book on high yield, written by bond market professionals, is exactly what issuers have been waiting for. The elaborations on structures and covenant packages are crystal clear and help to navigate through the intricacies of the product. Arsjad Rasjid President Director Indika Inti Energi This book provides a valuable overview of the market. In particular, it offers in-depth analysis of the buy-side for Asian high yield and a detailed guide to structuring and executing transactions. We recommend it to any potential issuer. Charles Chu CFO Agile Property Holdings Ltd. This guide to the market provides a clear overview of high yield as a non-dilutive form of long term capital and serves as a useful reference material to all Asian growth enterprises. It is an easy to read and comprehensive reference work that will be of practical benefit to market users. Roland To Director - Strategic Planning Galaxy Entertainment Group We......

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A Life Worth Living: A Doctor's Reflections on Illness in a High-Tech Era. Robert Martensen . Книги.

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