House Beautiful Sensational Storage Solutions (House Beautiful)

Sally Clark

  House Beautiful Sensational Storage Solutions (House Beautiful)  Sally Clark  Book Description “Many of the lavishly illustrated, clearly described and often inventive ideas for storage can be translated into reality for the cost-conscious. Delicious to pour through, this dream decorating book of ideal home spaces offersplenty of valuable style cues.”— Publishers Weekly. “Shows how to pack, squeeze and eke out all of the space possible....loaded with color photos and reads easily.”— Chicago Tribune  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description “Many of the lavishly illustrated, clearly described and often inventive ideas for storage can be translated into reality for the cost-conscious. Delicious to pour through, this dream decorating book of ideal home spaces offersplenty of valuable style cues.”— Publishers Weekly. “Shows how to pack, squeeze and eke out all of the space possible....loaded with color photos and reads easily.”— Chicago Tribune...

The Facts On File Dictionary Of Chemistry (Facts on File Science Library)

  The Facts On File Dictionary Of Chemistry (Facts on File Science Library)  Book DescriptionNewly revised and expanded, The Dictionary of Chemistry is clear, concise, and informative. All the basics of chemistry are here--the elements, groups of compounds, formulas, equations, chemical processes, laboratory techniques, and instruments. It contains more than 2,500 entries and includes modern chemical nomenclature and the most up-to-the-minute information on the properties of elements. Over 250 new entries have been added, including: Buckminsterfullerene Fullerite Nanotubes Quasicrystal Supramolecular chemistry Crown either.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNewly revised and expanded, The Dictionary of Chemistry is clear, concise, and informative. All the basics of chemistry are here--the elements, groups of compounds, formulas, equations, chemical processes, laboratory techniques, and instruments. It contains more than 2,500 entries and includes modern chemical nomenclature and the most up-to-the-minute information on the properties of elements. Over 250 new entries have been added, including: Buckminsterfullerene Fullerite Nanotubes Quasicrystal Supramolecular chemistry Crown either....

Brother Fire : Poems

W.S. Di Piero

  Brother Fire : Poems  W.S. Di Piero  Book DescriptionIn this rich collection, W. S. Di Piero seeks the spirit and substance of illumination in all its forms. He finds meaning, or shows us how we attempt to do so, in the rituals and events that mark our year–the Fourth of July, Halloween, New Year’s Eve–and in the ordinary activities of mowing, dancing, drinking, trying to stay warm. “The Kiss” recounts how, as a young man, the poet was not called to the priesthood; in “Prayer Meeting,” he recalls watching his mother iron, with her “hopeless routine longing,” and declares, “I wanted more than what I prayed for.” For all their simplicity, Di Piero’s direct, often conversational turns of phrase reveal a world aflame with troubles, with love, with surprising lyrical epiphanies. Didn’t You Say Desire Is like the elephant fog shredded north a white sun going down Bessemers fired through clouds horizoned on...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn this rich collection, W. S. Di Piero seeks the spirit and substance of illumination in all its forms. He finds meaning, or shows us how we attempt to do so, in the rituals and events that mark our year–the Fourth of July, Halloween, New Year’s Eve–and in the ordinary activities of mowing, dancing, drinking, trying to stay warm. “The Kiss” recounts how, as a young man, the poet was not called to the priesthood; in “Prayer Meeting,” he recalls watching his mother iron, with her “hopeless routine longing,” and declares, “I wanted more than what I prayed for.” For all their simplicity, Di Piero’s direct, often conversational turns of phrase reveal a world aflame with troubles, with love, with surprising lyrical epiphanies. Didn’t You Say Desire Is like the elephant fog shredded north a white sun going down Bessemers fired through clouds horizoned on......

The Truth of Ecology: Nature, Culture, and Literature in America

Dana Phillips

  The Truth of Ecology: Nature, Culture, and Literature in America  Dana Phillips  Book DescriptionThe Truth of Ecology is a wide-ranging, polemical appraisal of contemporary environmental thought. Focusing on the new field of ecocriticism from a thoroughly interdisciplinary perspective, this book explores topics as diverse as the history of ecology in the United States; the distortions of popular environmental thought; the influence of Critical Theory on radical science studies and radical ecology; the need for greater theoretical sophistication in ecocriticism; the contradictions of contemporary American nature writing; and the possibilities for a less devotional, Book DescriptionThe Truth of Ecology is a wide-ranging, polemical appraisal of contemporary environmental thought. Focusing on the new field of ecocriticism from a thoroughly interdisciplinary perspective, this book explores topics as diverse as the history of ecology in the United States; the distortions of popular environmental thought; the influence of Critical Theory on radical science studies and radical ecology; the need for greater theoretical sophistication in ecocriticism; the contradictions of contemporary American nature writing; and the possibilities for a less devotional, ""wilder"" approach to ecocritical and environmental thinking. Taking his cues from Thoreau, Stevens, and Ammons, from Wittgenstein, Barthes and Eco, from Bruno Latour and Michel Serres, from the philosophers Rorty, Hacking, and Dennett, and from the biologists Ernst Mayr and Stephen Jay Gould, author Dana Phillips emphasizes an eclectic but pragmatic approach to a variety of topics. His subject matter......

Знаменитые авантюристы XVIII века

  Знаменитые авантюристы XVIII века  Свенас.   Книга о похождениях и приключениях знаменитых авантюристов XVIII века - Казановы, графа Калиостро, графа Сен-Жермена, барона Тренка.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Свенас. Книга о похождениях и приключениях знаменитых авантюристов XVIII века - Казановы, графа Калиостро, графа Сен-Жермена, барона Тренка....

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House Beautiful Sensational Storage Solutions (House Beautiful). Sally Clark . Книги.

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