Easy Linux Commands: Working Examples of Linux Command Syntax

Jon Emmons, Terry Clark

  Easy Linux Commands: Working Examples of Linux Command Syntax  Jon Emmons, Terry Clark  Rampant Techpress.   Linux newbies as well as experienced system administrators who need a command reference will appreciate this guide to Linux commands. Working examples for maintaining any Linux server are included. Administrator commands, CPU and RAM commands, disk and file system commands, file locations, permission commands, and Linux scripting are covered in detail.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Rampant Techpress. Linux newbies as well as experienced system administrators who need a command reference will appreciate this guide to Linux commands. Working examples for maintaining any Linux server are included. Administrator commands, CPU and RAM commands, disk and file system commands, file locations, permission commands, and Linux scripting are covered in detail....

Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage

Svafa GrA¶nfeldt, Judith B. (Banks) Strother

  Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage  Svafa GrA¶nfeldt, Judith B. (Banks) Strother  The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as practical strategies – not just for survival but for a true search for excellence in the uncertain and ever-changing world of customer service management.A The theoretical framework is based on the notion that customer service contains three key variables: a promise, a process, and people. After going through the step-by-step process of service management, the reader will have the necessary understanding and skill to choose the right strategy for the right circumstances, to design service processes, to identify the means and methods to implement these processes, and to measure the outcome.A A Key Features: Shares insight from CEO’s on how service leaders think, strategize, and apply tools of the trade to achieve their objectivesA Relates chapter content to real world challenges faced by corporations Includes a discussion on...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as practical strategies – not just for survival but for a true search for excellence in the uncertain and ever-changing world of customer service management.A The theoretical framework is based on the notion that customer service contains three key variables: a promise, a process, and people. After going through the step-by-step process of service management, the reader will have the necessary understanding and skill to choose the right strategy for the right circumstances, to design service processes, to identify the means and methods to implement these processes, and to measure the outcome.A A Key Features: Shares insight from CEO’s on how service leaders think, strategize, and apply tools of the trade to achieve their objectivesA Relates chapter content to real world challenges faced by corporations Includes a discussion on......

Free Money for Entrepreneurs: You Won't Get Rich Working for Somebody Else (Free Money Books) (Free Money Books)

  Free Money for Entrepreneurs: You Won't Get Rich Working for Somebody Else (Free Money Books) (Free Money Books)  Matthew Lesko  Matthew Lesko  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Matthew Lesko...

Trust Under Pressure: Empirical Investigations of Trust And Trust Building in Uncertain Circumstances

  Trust Under Pressure: Empirical Investigations of Trust And Trust Building in Uncertain Circumstances  This book challenges the current thinking on trust largely based on studies in stable contexts, by presenting new empirical studies of trust and trust building in a number of less stable, less institutionalized settings. These contexts are gaining in prominence given the globalization and virtualization of organizational relations, development of high velocity markets, and the growing importance of intangible resources.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book challenges the current thinking on trust largely based on studies in stable contexts, by presenting new empirical studies of trust and trust building in a number of less stable, less institutionalized settings. These contexts are gaining in prominence given the globalization and virtualization of organizational relations, development of high velocity markets, and the growing importance of intangible resources....

Balkan Family Structure And the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria (Past Incorporated Ceu Studies in the Humanities)

  Balkan Family Structure And the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria (Past Incorporated Ceu Studies in the Humanities)  Mariia Nikolaeva Todorova  Mariia Nikolaeva Todorova  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mariia Nikolaeva Todorova...

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Easy Linux Commands: Working Examples of Linux Command Syntax. Jon Emmons, Terry Clark . Книги.

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