7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II: Beyond the Beginning

David S. Hayden

  7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II: Beyond the Beginning  David S. Hayden  This interesting, easy to read book picks up where 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming . . .A Beginner's Guide leaves off. Fully enhanced with color diagrams, complete index, list of illustrations and so this book covers many topics and frequently asked questions. Some topics copied in book are How to pick a CAM system, NURBS Interpolation, The qualities of a good CNC Operator, the Qualities of a good CNC Programmer, Lathe G&M codes, Machine Accuracy and many, many more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This interesting, easy to read book picks up where 7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming . . .A Beginner's Guide leaves off. Fully enhanced with color diagrams, complete index, list of illustrations and so this book covers many topics and frequently asked questions. Some topics copied in book are How to pick a CAM system, NURBS Interpolation, The qualities of a good CNC Operator, the Qualities of a good CNC Programmer, Lathe G&M codes, Machine Accuracy and many, many more....

Mobile Internet: Enabling Technologies and Services

Apostolis K. Salkintzis

  Mobile Internet: Enabling Technologies and Services  Apostolis K. Salkintzis  Mobile Internet: Advanced Technologies and Services focuses on the migration of the Internet to the wireless world and discusses the relevant technologies and applications. The book discusses the concept of a wireless Internet, its benefits and challenges, and summarizes the relevant enabling technologies. It reviews particular problems which have to be addressed and general issues such as security, authentication, and mobility. The book illustrates the architecture and the key features of a wireless system capable of providing IP multimedia services. Moreover, the book studies the issues related to the TCP performance in wireless environments and demonstrates ways to improve this performance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mobile Internet: Advanced Technologies and Services focuses on the migration of the Internet to the wireless world and discusses the relevant technologies and applications. The book discusses the concept of a wireless Internet, its benefits and challenges, and summarizes the relevant enabling technologies. It reviews particular problems which have to be addressed and general issues such as security, authentication, and mobility. The book illustrates the architecture and the key features of a wireless system capable of providing IP multimedia services. Moreover, the book studies the issues related to the TCP performance in wireless environments and demonstrates ways to improve this performance....

E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches

Claude Ghaoui

  E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches  Claude Ghaoui  E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches enforces the need to take multi-disciplinary and/or inter-disciplinary approaches, when solutions for e-education (or online-, e-learning) are introduced. By focusing on the issues that have impact on the usability of e-learning, the book specifically fills in a gap in this area, which is particularly invaluable to practitioners. The book is aimed at researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government, for an in-depth coverage of a broad range of issues, ideas and practical experiences on this subject. It aims to raise more awareness in this important subject, promote good practice, and share and evaluate experiences (advantages, disadvantages, problems faced and lessonslearned).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches enforces the need to take multi-disciplinary and/or inter-disciplinary approaches, when solutions for e-education (or online-, e-learning) are introduced. By focusing on the issues that have impact on the usability of e-learning, the book specifically fills in a gap in this area, which is particularly invaluable to practitioners. The book is aimed at researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government, for an in-depth coverage of a broad range of issues, ideas and practical experiences on this subject. It aims to raise more awareness in this important subject, promote good practice, and share and evaluate experiences (advantages, disadvantages, problems faced and lessonslearned)....

Word 2000. Информационно-справочная таблица

  Word 2000. Информационно-справочная таблица  АСТ, Астрель.   Краткий справочник по Word 2000: меню, форматирование документа, инструменты, панели инструментов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Краткий справочник по Word 2000: меню, форматирование документа, инструменты, панели инструментов....

Великие святыни ислама

  Великие святыни ислама  АСТ-Пресс.   Величественные купола мечетей, стройные башни минаретов, тонкие как паутина орнаменты, мозаики и арабески, ажурные решетки - всего более двух тысяч уникальных иллюстраций, которые помогут вам совершить незабываемое путешествие по двадцати одной стране: от Марокко до далекой китайской провинции Шаньси. Это не только поражающие красотой и великолепием дворцовые комплексы и усыпальницы, но и древние деревенские мечети, затерянные высоко в горах, с минаретов которых муэдзины, как и встарь, созывают верующих на молитву. И, конечно же, вы увидите главный город ислама - Мекку, куда каждый правоверный мусульманин стремится хотя бы раз в жизни совершить паломничество.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ-Пресс. Величественные купола мечетей, стройные башни минаретов, тонкие как паутина орнаменты, мозаики и арабески, ажурные решетки - всего более двух тысяч уникальных иллюстраций, которые помогут вам совершить незабываемое путешествие по двадцати одной стране: от Марокко до далекой китайской провинции Шаньси. Это не только поражающие красотой и великолепием дворцовые комплексы и усыпальницы, но и древние деревенские мечети, затерянные высоко в горах, с минаретов которых муэдзины, как и встарь, созывают верующих на молитву. И, конечно же, вы увидите главный город ислама - Мекку, куда каждый правоверный мусульманин стремится хотя бы раз в жизни совершить паломничество....

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7 Easy Steps to CNC Programming, Book II: Beyond the Beginning. David S. Hayden . Книги.

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