La Farmacia Popular: Desde remedios caseros y medicamentos hasta terapias naturales, todas las mejores opciones para vencer 36 males comunes

Joe Graedon, Teresa Graedon

  La Farmacia Popular: Desde remedios caseros y medicamentos hasta terapias naturales, todas las mejores opciones para vencer 36 males comunes  Joe Graedon, Teresa Graedon  After more than three decades as one of the world’s premier sources for authoritative, trustworthy health information, The People’s Pharmacy delivers its most groundbreaking resource yet, identifying best choice treatments for the medical conditions that mart health-care consumers most want to know about. What makes a treatment a After more than three decades as one of the world’s premier sources for authoritative, trustworthy health information, The People’s Pharmacy delivers its most groundbreaking resource yet, identifying best choice treatments for the medical conditions that mart health-care consumers most want to know about. What makes a treatment a "best choice"? The designation draws on a combination of factors, including effectiveness, safety, and cost. Depending on the condition, the best choices may be home remedies, liestyle strategies, herbal or nutritional supplements, over-the-counter or prescription drugs—or, in many cases, a combination of all of these. Best Choices from The People’s Pharmacy is the first book to present such a wide range of treatment options andevaluate them side by side. Inside you'll find: - Remedies for dozens of health concerns, from acne to weight loss - Thumbnails that offer at-a-glance descriptions of the best choices—complete with vital information on possible side......

Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves

Jean-Pierre Barral, Alain Croibier

  Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves  Jean-Pierre Barral, Alain Croibier  Classically, manipulations of the cranium address the sutures, the membranes and the circulation of cerebral spinal fluid. The proper functioning of these elements requires not only the mechanical harmony of the craniosacral system, but relies also on the exchange of information organized around proprioceptors, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors. These receptors are extremely sensitive. It is the nervous system -cranial nerves and the autonomic nervous system - which transports this intelligence. Neural dysfunctions have, therefore the ability to disturb the fundamental components of the primary respiratory mechanism. Entirely new, original and abundantly illustrated, this book is an essential guide with which to visualize and become familiar with the cranial nerves. It will teach the practitioner manipulations of this delicate neural system as well as new techniques which permit one to have an effect on the most precious part of the cranium: the brain.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Classically, manipulations of the cranium address the sutures, the membranes and the circulation of cerebral spinal fluid. The proper functioning of these elements requires not only the mechanical harmony of the craniosacral system, but relies also on the exchange of information organized around proprioceptors, baroreceptors and chemoreceptors. These receptors are extremely sensitive. It is the nervous system -cranial nerves and the autonomic nervous system - which transports this intelligence. Neural dysfunctions have, therefore the ability to disturb the fundamental components of the primary respiratory mechanism. Entirely new, original and abundantly illustrated, this book is an essential guide with which to visualize and become familiar with the cranial nerves. It will teach the practitioner manipulations of this delicate neural system as well as new techniques which permit one to have an effect on the most precious part of the cranium: the brain....

Guide to Cultivated Plants (Cabi Publishing)

  Guide to Cultivated Plants (Cabi Publishing)  Representing almost 80 years of combined experience Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full color illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Representing almost 80 years of combined experience Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full color illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed....

Анатомия йоги

Павел Белый, Татьяна Белая

  Анатомия йоги  Павел Белый, Татьяна Белая  
.   Феникс-Фитнес.   В этом уникальном, не имеющем аналогов пособии йога рассматривается с точки зрения анатомического строения и функционирования человеческого тела. Здесь вы найдете сведения из области анатомии и физиологии, которые помогут понять и правильно освоить технику выполнения асан хатха-йоги. Особое внимание уделено лечебному действию асан при различных заболеваниях и дисфункциях систем организма. Каждая асана является рецептом против конкретного недомогания, сконцентрированным в виде той или иной позы. Знания, накопленные веками и проверенные опытом миллионов людей, помогут и вам избавиться от многих недугов в любом возрасте. Книгу могут использовать как начинающие в качестве одного из учебных пособий по хатха-йоге, так и опытные мастера йоги - в качестве удобного справочника. Пособие поможет инструкторам, преподающим йогу, специалистам по физической реабилитации и лечебной гимнастике, а также людям, занимающимся самостоятельно и желающим улучшить качество...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Феникс-Фитнес. В этом уникальном, не имеющем аналогов пособии йога рассматривается с точки зрения анатомического строения и функционирования человеческого тела. Здесь вы найдете сведения из области анатомии и физиологии, которые помогут понять и правильно освоить технику выполнения асан хатха-йоги. Особое внимание уделено лечебному действию асан при различных заболеваниях и дисфункциях систем организма. Каждая асана является рецептом против конкретного недомогания, сконцентрированным в виде той или иной позы. Знания, накопленные веками и проверенные опытом миллионов людей, помогут и вам избавиться от многих недугов в любом возрасте. Книгу могут использовать как начинающие в качестве одного из учебных пособий по хатха-йоге, так и опытные мастера йоги - в качестве удобного справочника. Пособие поможет инструкторам, преподающим йогу, специалистам по физической реабилитации и лечебной гимнастике, а также людям, занимающимся самостоятельно и желающим улучшить качество......


G.M. Ford

  Fury  G.M. Ford  The first in an outstanding new crime series featuring investigative journalist Frank Corso; Monday 10:07 AM - Day 1 of 6; Leanne Samples admits that she lied at the trial of Walter Leroy Himes. In 6 days time, he goes to the chair. But no-one will listen. The FBI wants their pound of flesh. Monday 2.16 PM - Day 1 of 6; Natalie van der Hoven, editor of the Seattle Sun, tracks down investigative journalist Frank Corso. He owes her a favour, and now she's calling in her marker. Monday 2.58 PM - Day 1 of 6; Leanne Samples goes into hiding. Frank Corso takes on her case. And if Walter Leroy Himes is innocent, a serial killer is still stalking Seattle...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The first in an outstanding new crime series featuring investigative journalist Frank Corso; Monday 10:07 AM - Day 1 of 6; Leanne Samples admits that she lied at the trial of Walter Leroy Himes. In 6 days time, he goes to the chair. But no-one will listen. The FBI wants their pound of flesh. Monday 2.16 PM - Day 1 of 6; Natalie van der Hoven, editor of the Seattle Sun, tracks down investigative journalist Frank Corso. He owes her a favour, and now she's calling in her marker. Monday 2.58 PM - Day 1 of 6; Leanne Samples goes into hiding. Frank Corso takes on her case. And if Walter Leroy Himes is innocent, a serial killer is still stalking Seattle......

<<<  Журнал "Сознание и физическая реальность." Т. 13. № 4/2008.              Turkey: A Spy Guide (World Investment and ... >>>

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La Farmacia Popular: Desde remedios caseros y medicamentos hasta terapias naturales, todas las mejores opciones para vencer 36 males comunes. Joe Graedon, Teresa Graedon . Книги.

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