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Global Executive Leadership Inventory : Facilitators Guide Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
Book Description Global Executive Leadership Inventory (GELI) is your in-depth development tool that offers guidance for understanding your leadership abilities and shows you how to take steps to improvement. The Inventory consists of 100 action- and behavior-based questions that are designed to measure your competency within twelve areas: Visioning, Empowering, Energizing, Designing and Aligning, Rewarding and Feedback, Team Building, Outside Orientation, Global Mindset, Tenacity, EmotionalIntelligence, Life Balance, and Resilience to Stress. The Inventory includes an effective self-assessment tool as well as a 360-degree component that allows you to obtain feedback from subordinates, colleagues, and superiors. Once the assessment is completed and scored, the Participant Workbook guides you through the feedback and helps to create a development plan. As a result of the GELI process, when you complete this Workbook you will be able to ......
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From Monet to Cezanne: Late 19Th-Century French Artists (Grove)
Book DescriptionThe late 19th century in France represents an extraordinary period of artistic achievement in the history of Western art. The successive artistic revolutions of Realism, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism are here charted through more than 300 biographies of the most important painters, sculptors, and graphic artists of the time. Extensive surveys examine the life, training, work, personality, and influence of the renowned leaders of each movement, from Millet and Courbet to Monet, Manet, Renoir, and Degas, and Cezanne and Gauguin. With further in-depth articles on the lesser-known artists, this dictionary is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to one of the most popular periods of art. The Grove Art series, focusing on the most important periods and areas of art history, is derived from the critically acclaimed and award-winning The Grove Dictionary of Art. First published in 1996 in 34 volumes, The Dictionary has quickly established itself as the......
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Call It Sleep : A Novel Henry Roth
Book Description When Henry Roth published his debut novel Call It Sleep in 1934, it was greeted with considerable critical acclaim though, in those troubled times, lackluster sales. Only with its paperback publication thirty years later did this novel receive the recognition it deserves—--and still enjoys. Having sold-to-date millions of copies worldwide, Call It Sleep is the magnificent story of David Schearl, the “dangerously imaginative” child coming of age in the slumsof New York....
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Jazz : A Regional Exploration (Greenwood Guides to American Roots Music) Scott Yanow
Book DescriptionMany describe jazz asa the one true form of American music. Arising out of the syncopated rhythms of African music, Cajun songs, and Ragtime, jazz evolved in many 'scenes' throughout the country. The "Young Lions" jazz movement in New Orleans spread up the Mississippi in the northern Migration. Communities such as St. Louis and Sedalia became jazz centers, while Count Bassie led a revolution in Kansas City. Chicago became a center of freewheeling jazz in the 1920s with the efforts of Jelly Roll Morton, King Oliver, and Louis Armstrong, while classic jazz and swing took root in New York City in the 30s and 40s behind Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, and Benny Goodman. And while 'boogie woogie' and 'hot jazz' grew out of the Big Apple, a generation of experimental musicians such as Chet Baker and Stan Kenton stood at the forefront of West Coast jazz. Yankow carefully traces the evolution of jazz from regional manifestations to an increasingly national language at the turn......
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Mandarin: Lonely Planet Phrasebook Anthony Garnaut
Lonely Planet Publications. There's no need to lose face, forgo the Peking duck or miss the slow boat down the Yangtze. This phrasebook will prove more valuable on the road than a bicycle in Beijing....
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Global Executive Leadership Inventory : Facilitators Guide. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries . Книги.
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