Четверо друзей Белки, не считая собаки

Алина Николевская

  Четверо друзей Белки, не считая собаки  Алина Николевская  Центрполиграф.   Женский гламурный детектив.   Три трупа, груда алмазов и невинно брошенный в тюрьму человек! Белла Анатольевна, Белка, как называют ее друзья, понимает, что в расследовании этого преступления ей нужна мощная поддержка. Тогда она собирает своих друзей - настоящих мужчин. Вместе они разрабатывают остроумный и дерзкий план...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Центрполиграф. Женский гламурный детектив. Три трупа, груда алмазов и невинно брошенный в тюрьму человек! Белла Анатольевна, Белка, как называют ее друзья, понимает, что в расследовании этого преступления ей нужна мощная поддержка. Тогда она собирает своих друзей - настоящих мужчин. Вместе они разрабатывают остроумный и дерзкий план......

Risk Quantification: Management, Diagnosis and Hedging (The Wiley Finance Series)

Laurent Condamin, Jean-Paul Louisot, Patrick NaA?m

  Risk Quantification: Management, Diagnosis and Hedging (The Wiley Finance Series)  Laurent Condamin, Jean-Paul Louisot, Patrick NaA?m  This book offers a practical answer for the non-mathematician to all the questions any businessman always wanted to ask about risk quantification, and never dare to ask . Enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) is a key issue for board of directors worldwide. Its proper implementation ensures transparent governance with all stakeholders’ interests integrated into the strategic equation. Furthermore, Risk quantification is the cornerstone of effective risk management,at the strategic and tactical level, covering finance as well as ethics considerations. Both downside and upside risks (threats & opportunities) must be assessed to select the most efficient risk control measures and to set up efficient risk financing mechanisms. Only thus will an optimum return on capital and a reliable protection against bankruptcy be ensured, i.e. long term sustainable development. Within the ERM framework, each individual operational entity is called upon to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book offers a practical answer for the non-mathematician to all the questions any businessman always wanted to ask about risk quantification, and never dare to ask . Enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) is a key issue for board of directors worldwide. Its proper implementation ensures transparent governance with all stakeholders’ interests integrated into the strategic equation. Furthermore, Risk quantification is the cornerstone of effective risk management,at the strategic and tactical level, covering finance as well as ethics considerations. Both downside and upside risks (threats & opportunities) must be assessed to select the most efficient risk control measures and to set up efficient risk financing mechanisms. Only thus will an optimum return on capital and a reliable protection against bankruptcy be ensured, i.e. long term sustainable development. Within the ERM framework, each individual operational entity is called upon to......

India Macroeconomics Annual 2006

  India Macroeconomics Annual 2006  Sage Pubns Ltd.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sage Pubns Ltd. -...

Heroes Reborn: Avengers TPB

Rob Liefeld, Jim Valentino, Jeph Loeb, Walt Simonson, Chap Yaep, Ian Churchill, Michael Ryan, Anthon

  Heroes Reborn: Avengers TPB  Rob Liefeld, Jim Valentino, Jeph Loeb, Walt Simonson, Chap Yaep, Ian Churchill, Michael Ryan, Anthon  Cap, Thor, the Vision, Hawkeye, Hellcat, Mantis and more: The Avengers lineup is both new AND classic on an Earth that hits them with villains as fast as they can assemble! Revised versions of Ultron, the Radioactive Man, the Grim Reaper and many more prove their mastery of evil against Reborn Earth's mightiest heroes! Plus, the Heroes Reborn Universe only got a piece of the Hulk - but, darn it, it may still be more than it can handle! Guest-starring Nick Fury and the Fantastic Four! Collects Avengers (Vol. 2) #1-12  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cap, Thor, the Vision, Hawkeye, Hellcat, Mantis and more: The Avengers lineup is both new AND classic on an Earth that hits them with villains as fast as they can assemble! Revised versions of Ultron, the Radioactive Man, the Grim Reaper and many more prove their mastery of evil against Reborn Earth's mightiest heroes! Plus, the Heroes Reborn Universe only got a piece of the Hulk - but, darn it, it may still be more than it can handle! Guest-starring Nick Fury and the Fantastic Four! Collects Avengers (Vol. 2) #1-12...

Intelligent Organizations: Powerful Models for Systematic Management

Markus Schwaninger, Schwaninger

  Intelligent Organizations: Powerful Models for Systematic Management  Markus Schwaninger, Schwaninger  This book offers an innovative approach to overcome the crisis of management in the face of complexity. The systems approach to management will help to develop the new kind of intelligent organizations so urgently needed. This approach is a powerful tool, grounded in organizational cybernetics and systems dynamics. The approach will allow managers and advanced students of management cope with organizational complexity in an effective way. The book is a source for improvement of any kind of organizations, private or public, non-profit, large or small. The systems approach, on which this book is grounded, makes this book different from many conventional books on organizations.A  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book offers an innovative approach to overcome the crisis of management in the face of complexity. The systems approach to management will help to develop the new kind of intelligent organizations so urgently needed. This approach is a powerful tool, grounded in organizational cybernetics and systems dynamics. The approach will allow managers and advanced students of management cope with organizational complexity in an effective way. The book is a source for improvement of any kind of organizations, private or public, non-profit, large or small. The systems approach, on which this book is grounded, makes this book different from many conventional books on organizations.A...

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Четверо друзей Белки, не считая собаки. Алина Николевская . Книги.

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