Soothe Your Baby the Natural Way : Bonding Calming Rituals Massage Techniques Natural Remedies

Pamela Rhatigan

  Soothe Your Baby the Natural Way : Bonding Calming Rituals Massage Techniques Natural Remedies  Pamela Rhatigan  Book Description The most upsetting challenge a new parent can face is an infant who won't stop crying. Before panic sets in, Mom and Dad can find a tried-and-tested solution in this commonsensical guide. They'll learn to interpret their baby's criesand body language. They'll learn about bonding, and how parent's moods and behavior affect an infant's. Among the many natural ways to soothe a baby suggested here are massage, homeopathy, and reflexology--as well as music and other calming sounds, a placid bedroom environment, and natural remedies for diaper rash, colic, and teething pain. The reassuring advice covers everything from how to determine a child's personality type to how to hold, handle, bathe, change, and feed an infant.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The most upsetting challenge a new parent can face is an infant who won't stop crying. Before panic sets in, Mom and Dad can find a tried-and-tested solution in this commonsensical guide. They'll learn to interpret their baby's criesand body language. They'll learn about bonding, and how parent's moods and behavior affect an infant's. Among the many natural ways to soothe a baby suggested here are massage, homeopathy, and reflexology--as well as music and other calming sounds, a placid bedroom environment, and natural remedies for diaper rash, colic, and teething pain. The reassuring advice covers everything from how to determine a child's personality type to how to hold, handle, bathe, change, and feed an infant....

Learning GNU Emacs, Third Edition

Debra Cameron

  Learning GNU Emacs, Third Edition  Debra Cameron  Book DescriptionGNU Emacs is the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. It is also the most powerful and flexible. Unlike all other text editors, GNU Emacs is a complete working environment--you can stay within Emacs all day without leaving. Learning GNU Emacs , 3rd Edition tells readers how to get started with the GNU Emacs editor. It is a thorough guide that will also Book DescriptionGNU Emacs is the most popular and widespread of the Emacs family of editors. It is also the most powerful and flexible. Unlike all other text editors, GNU Emacs is a complete working environment--you can stay within Emacs all day without leaving. Learning GNU Emacs , 3rd Edition tells readers how to get started with the GNU Emacs editor. It is a thorough guide that will also "grow" with you: as you become more proficient, this book will help you learn how to use Emacs more effectively. It takes you from basic Emacs usage (simple text editing) to moderately complicated customization and programming. The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user interface features such as an icon-based toolbar and an interactive interface to Emacs customization. A new chapter details how to install and run Emacs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, including tips for using Emacs effectively on those platforms. ......

Writing Catholic Women : Contemporary International Catholic Girlhood Narratives

Jeana DelRosso

  Writing Catholic Women : Contemporary International Catholic Girlhood Narratives  Jeana DelRosso  Book Description This work examines the interplay of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and sexuality through the lens of Catholicism in a wide range of works by women writers, forging interdisciplinary connections among women's studies, religion, and late twentieth-century literature. Discussing a diverse group of authors, Jeana DelRosso posits that the girlhood narratives of such writers constitute highly charged sites of their differing gestures toward Catholicism and argues that an understanding of the ways in which women write about religion from different cultural and racial contexts offers a crucial contribution to current discussions in gender, ethnic, and cultural studies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This work examines the interplay of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and sexuality through the lens of Catholicism in a wide range of works by women writers, forging interdisciplinary connections among women's studies, religion, and late twentieth-century literature. Discussing a diverse group of authors, Jeana DelRosso posits that the girlhood narratives of such writers constitute highly charged sites of their differing gestures toward Catholicism and argues that an understanding of the ways in which women write about religion from different cultural and racial contexts offers a crucial contribution to current discussions in gender, ethnic, and cultural studies....

Hidden Tales from Eastern Europe

Antonia Barber

  Hidden Tales from Eastern Europe  Antonia Barber  Book DescriptionThe walls of Eastern Europe have recently crumbled, revealing a rich variety of peoples and cultures. Hidden Tales from Eastern Europe features seven little-known folk tales with titles such as Book DescriptionThe walls of Eastern Europe have recently crumbled, revealing a rich variety of peoples and cultures. Hidden Tales from Eastern Europe features seven little-known folk tales with titles such as "The Shepherd King" and "The Hundred Children" that reflect this variety in enchanting stories of stout-hearted men, wise women, and dull-witted dragons. These stories are culled from Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, and Russia....

Hemingway And the Mechanism of Fame: Statements, Public Letters, Introductions, Forewords, Prefaces, Blurbs, Reviews, And Endorsements

Linda Lanterman

  Hemingway And the Mechanism of Fame: Statements, Public Letters, Introductions, Forewords, Prefaces, Blurbs, Reviews, And Endorsements  Linda Lanterman  Book DescriptionErnest Hemingway was famous for being famous. He assiduously cultivated different and sometimes divergent personae?sportsman, soldier, aesthetician, patriot, drinker, womanizer, intellectual, anti-intellectual, sage, brawler, world traveler, war correspondent, big-game hunter, and even author?each chosen to foster his place in the American cultural consciousness and support the sales of his books. In every role he projected the insider?s air of authority and expertise that was presumed credible, even when not wholly deserved. His success in these self-legendizing efforts to couple nonliterary celebrity with literary stature is evident in his continued fame among those familiar and unfamiliar with his books. Hemingway and the Mechanism of Fame assembles Hemingway?s public writings about himself, all framed as documents of support for or criticism of other people and other products. Comprising fifty-four public statements and letters;...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionErnest Hemingway was famous for being famous. He assiduously cultivated different and sometimes divergent personae?sportsman, soldier, aesthetician, patriot, drinker, womanizer, intellectual, anti-intellectual, sage, brawler, world traveler, war correspondent, big-game hunter, and even author?each chosen to foster his place in the American cultural consciousness and support the sales of his books. In every role he projected the insider?s air of authority and expertise that was presumed credible, even when not wholly deserved. His success in these self-legendizing efforts to couple nonliterary celebrity with literary stature is evident in his continued fame among those familiar and unfamiliar with his books. Hemingway and the Mechanism of Fame assembles Hemingway?s public writings about himself, all framed as documents of support for or criticism of other people and other products. Comprising fifty-four public statements and letters;......

<<<  И.-В. Гете. Избранное. В двух частях.Часть 2. И.-В. ...             Turkey: A Spy Guide (World Investment and ... >>>

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