TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series)

M. Tim Jones

  TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series)  M. Tim Jones  Charles River Media.   Communication is fast becoming a general requirement for embedded systems in our increasingly connected world. In fact, it's difficult to find embedded systems that include no form of external communication. Embedded systems are now transmitting electric meter readings over low-bandwidth wireless links to alleviate the need to read them visually. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and wireless links with embedded systems are also used to pinpoint the exact location, speed, oil pressure, and other parameters of fleets of trucks anywhere in the country. Creation of these and other networked applications are the focus of this book. Using practical tutorials on TCP/IP application layer protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, POP3, SNMP, and SLP, developers learn how to develop and deploy these protocols in their embedded systems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Charles River Media. Communication is fast becoming a general requirement for embedded systems in our increasingly connected world. In fact, it's difficult to find embedded systems that include no form of external communication. Embedded systems are now transmitting electric meter readings over low-bandwidth wireless links to alleviate the need to read them visually. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and wireless links with embedded systems are also used to pinpoint the exact location, speed, oil pressure, and other parameters of fleets of trucks anywhere in the country. Creation of these and other networked applications are the focus of this book. Using practical tutorials on TCP/IP application layer protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, POP3, SNMP, and SLP, developers learn how to develop and deploy these protocols in their embedded systems....

An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

James Andrew Storer

  An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms  James Andrew Storer  Data structures and algorithms are presented at the college level in a highly accessible format that presents material with one-page displays in a way that will appeal to both teachers and students. The thirteen chapters cover: Models of Computation, Lists, Induction and Recursion, Trees, Algorithm Design, Hashing, Heaps, Balanced Trees, Sets Over a Small Universe, Graphs, Strings, Discrete Fourier Transform Parallel Computation. Key features: Complicated concepts are expressed clearly in a single page with minimal notation and without the Data structures and algorithms are presented at the college level in a highly accessible format that presents material with one-page displays in a way that will appeal to both teachers and students. The thirteen chapters cover: Models of Computation, Lists, Induction and Recursion, Trees, Algorithm Design, Hashing, Heaps, Balanced Trees, Sets Over a Small Universe, Graphs, Strings, Discrete Fourier Transform Parallel Computation. Key features: Complicated concepts are expressed clearly in a single page with minimal notation and without the "clutter" of the syntax of a particular programming language; algorithms are presented with self-explanatory "pseudo-code." Chapters 1-4 focus on elementary concepts, the exposition unfolding at a slower pace. Sample exercises with solutions are provided. Sections that may be skipped for an introductory course are starred. Requires only some basic mathematics background and some computer programming experience. Chapters 5-13 progress......

Human Factors for Informatics Usability

B. Shackel, S. J. Richardson

  Human Factors for Informatics Usability  B. Shackel, S. J. Richardson  Human factors are a critical issue in informatics or information technology systems as the computer industry realizes the need to change from technology-dominated goals to the needs of computer users. The study of human factors can help to improve the usability of information systems and to help reduce the huge costs of human-computer interactions. However, information technology equipment is not easy to use. Even specialists in computing and information technology have difficulty with equipment produced by other experts. This book shows how knowledge and methods from the field of ergonomics can be used to help make information technology equipment easier to use. The principal audience is the many designers, software and hardware engineers, system design managers, management service managers, and user managers who are now becoming aware of the importance of usability. This book provides not only an introduction and overview but guidance on what they can do and how they can...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Human factors are a critical issue in informatics or information technology systems as the computer industry realizes the need to change from technology-dominated goals to the needs of computer users. The study of human factors can help to improve the usability of information systems and to help reduce the huge costs of human-computer interactions. However, information technology equipment is not easy to use. Even specialists in computing and information technology have difficulty with equipment produced by other experts. This book shows how knowledge and methods from the field of ergonomics can be used to help make information technology equipment easier to use. The principal audience is the many designers, software and hardware engineers, system design managers, management service managers, and user managers who are now becoming aware of the importance of usability. This book provides not only an introduction and overview but guidance on what they can do and how they can......

An Introduction to AI Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)

Robin R. Murphy

  An Introduction to AI Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)  Robin R. Murphy  This text covers all the material needed to understand the principles behind the AI approach to robotics and to program an artificially intelligent robot for applications involving sensing, navigation, planning, and uncertainty. Robin Murphy is extremelyeffective at combining theoretical and practical rigor with a light narrative touch. In the overview, for example, she touches upon anthropomorphic robots from classic films and science fiction stories before delving into the nuts and bolts of organizingintelligence in robots. Following the overview, Murphy contrasts AI and engineering approaches and discusses what she calls the three paradigms of AI robotics: hierarchical, reactive, and hybrid deliberative/reactive. Later chapters explore multiagent scenarios, navigation and path-planning for mobile robots, and the basics of computer vision and range sensing. Each chapter includes objectives, review questions, and exercises. Many chapters contain one or more case studies...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text covers all the material needed to understand the principles behind the AI approach to robotics and to program an artificially intelligent robot for applications involving sensing, navigation, planning, and uncertainty. Robin Murphy is extremelyeffective at combining theoretical and practical rigor with a light narrative touch. In the overview, for example, she touches upon anthropomorphic robots from classic films and science fiction stories before delving into the nuts and bolts of organizingintelligence in robots. Following the overview, Murphy contrasts AI and engineering approaches and discusses what she calls the three paradigms of AI robotics: hierarchical, reactive, and hybrid deliberative/reactive. Later chapters explore multiagent scenarios, navigation and path-planning for mobile robots, and the basics of computer vision and range sensing. Each chapter includes objectives, review questions, and exercises. Many chapters contain one or more case studies......

Выбор любви

Шарон Хит

  Выбор любви  Шарон Хит  Центрполиграф.   Цветы любви.   Лесли Мейсон и не подозревала, чем обернется для нее случайное дорожное знакомство с двумя совершенно разными мужчинами. Красавец Дейв Рамсден - веселый и добродушный, а рядом с язвительным и ироничным Марком Дюраном так надежно и спокойно. Кого же выберет неискушенное сердце юной красавицы?..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Центрполиграф. Цветы любви. Лесли Мейсон и не подозревала, чем обернется для нее случайное дорожное знакомство с двумя совершенно разными мужчинами. Красавец Дейв Рамсден - веселый и добродушный, а рядом с язвительным и ироничным Марком Дюраном так надежно и спокойно. Кого же выберет неискушенное сердце юной красавицы?.....

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TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems (With CD-ROM) (Networking Series). M. Tim Jones . Книги.

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