Диалог со временем: Альманах интеллектуальной истории. Вып. 20

Репина Л.П. (под ред.)

  Диалог со временем: Альманах интеллектуальной истории. Вып. 20  Репина Л.П. (под ред.)  Альманах Альманах "Диалог со временем" - научное периодическое издание, специально посвященное проблемам интеллектуальной истории, которая изучает исторические аспекты всех видов творческой деятельности человека, включая ее условия, формы и результаты....

Люблю Ненавижу Люблю

Светлана Борминская

  Люблю Ненавижу Люблю  Светлана Борминская  Эксмо.   Обыкновенное чудо.   Бабушка говорила Сашке: Эксмо. Обыкновенное чудо. Бабушка говорила Сашке: "Счастье - птица перелетная". Вот оно и вспорхнуло в один не очень-то радостный день и улетело, казалось, навсегда. И тогда Сашка Котова стала Сандрин Кац, придумала программу мести и принялась жить наперекор - плану судьбы, советам соседки и здравому смыслу. И что вы думаете? Счастье даже не стало улетать из маленького эстонского городка: развернувшись в воздухе, оно тут же ринулось снова навстречу Сашке - новое, незнакомое, невероятное. Потому она и не заметила, что все вокруг - тоже кувырком и тоже наперекор. А как же иначе? В романах Светланы Борминской без чудес и странностей дело никогда не обходится....

Paradise Lost

John Milton

  Paradise Lost  John Milton  Pearson Education.   Longman Annotated English Poets.   Pearson Education. Longman Annotated English Poets. "Paradise Lost" is the greatest work of one of the most acclaimed poets in English literature. It has had a profound influence on Western culture, and has attracted a vast amount of critical commentary of every sort. First published in 1968, Alastair Fowler's annotated edition of Paradise Lost is acknowledged as the most authoritative guide to this major work, and to the critical analysis that it has prompted. This important new edition maintains the detailed annotation that has for many years provided an interesting and comprehensive explanation to this difficult but compelling poem, making it accessible both to the student and the general reader. It is the only recent edition of Paradise host to be based on the text of the first (1667) edition, now widely accepted to be closer to Milton's intention than that of 1674. The revised introduction describes the poem and its remarkable critical reception, surveying the nine thousand or so critical contributions devoted to it,......

Pensions, Social Security, and the Privatization of Risk (A Columbia / SSRC Book (Privatization of Risk))

  Pensions, Social Security, and the Privatization of Risk (A Columbia / SSRC Book (Privatization of Risk))  Mitchell Orenstein brings together leading economists and policy advisors to discuss the complex and timely issue of retirement and risk. Employers, increasingly called upon by elected officials, have begun to shift from a model of collective risk-sharingtowards a model of individualized investment risk. This represents a marked difference from the notion of an American Mitchell Orenstein brings together leading economists and policy advisors to discuss the complex and timely issue of retirement and risk. Employers, increasingly called upon by elected officials, have begun to shift from a model of collective risk-sharingtowards a model of individualized investment risk. This represents a marked difference from the notion of an American "social safety net," which emerged during the Great Depression. Weighing what is gained and what is lost as new schemas surface, this boo offers readers reasoned analysis of the looming crisis and our collective alternatives both domestically and abroad....

Child and Adolescent Neurology for Psychiatrists

  Child and Adolescent Neurology for Psychiatrists  Major revision of a 1992 text directed to those training in child and adolescent psychiatry (in residency and Fellowship) and those preparing for board examinations in both general and child psychiatry. The two sections will address presentation and management of specific disorders, supported by case studies and images such as MRI, CT and PET scans and EEGs. This book will also appeal to the growing number of child psychiatrists as a concise discussion of the interface between neurology and psychiatry. Kaufman authors a very popular text on adult neurology for psychiatrists--his name alone will help sell this new edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Major revision of a 1992 text directed to those training in child and adolescent psychiatry (in residency and Fellowship) and those preparing for board examinations in both general and child psychiatry. The two sections will address presentation and management of specific disorders, supported by case studies and images such as MRI, CT and PET scans and EEGs. This book will also appeal to the growing number of child psychiatrists as a concise discussion of the interface between neurology and psychiatry. Kaufman authors a very popular text on adult neurology for psychiatrists--his name alone will help sell this new edition....

<<<  Курская область. Атлас автодорог.              Before the Frost: A Linda Wallander Mystery. Henning Mankell, ... >>>

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Диалог со временем: Альманах интеллектуальной истории. Вып. 20. Репина Л.П. (под ред.) . Книги.

Смоленск, Шахты, Ижевск, Артём, Москва, Курган,
Основы предпринимательства| Спортивные программы| Суд. Адвокатура. Правоохранительные органы| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Криминальные боевики| Основы музыки| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Средние века (XV - XVII века)| Бухучет. Общие вопросы| Загадки, кроссворды|
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