Celebrating Diversity: Working With Groups in the Workplace (Working With Groups in the Workplace)

Cheryl Hetherington

  Celebrating Diversity: Working With Groups in the Workplace (Working With Groups in the Workplace)  Cheryl Hetherington  Teach groups to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences between genders, races, and ethnic groups. Celebrating Diversity can help you put together a workshop that establishes a thoughtful and positive environment for attitude change, learning, and growth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Teach groups to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences between genders, races, and ethnic groups. Celebrating Diversity can help you put together a workshop that establishes a thoughtful and positive environment for attitude change, learning, and growth....

Applied Visual Merchandising (3rd Edition)

Kenneth H. Mills, Judith E. Paul, Kay Moormann

  Applied Visual Merchandising (3rd Edition)  Kenneth H. Mills, Judith E. Paul, Kay Moormann  A one term subject in visual merchandising in departments of marketing or fashion; includes users portfolio problems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A one term subject in visual merchandising in departments of marketing or fashion; includes users portfolio problems....

ICE TO THE ESKIMOES:How to Market a Product Nobody Wants

Jon Spoelstra

  ICE TO THE ESKIMOES:How to Market a Product Nobody Wants  Jon Spoelstra  You. That's Right. YOU. You've got a problem. You've got a product that's not first in its class. It's not even second. You've got to find a way to market that product. What Are You Going To Do? You're going to read this book, that's what. Let's face it. There comes a time in the life of every business when a product or service does not sell up to expectations. Maybe your product is outmoded. Or hasn't beenpositioned correctly. Or is competing in a crowded market. Whatever the reason, Ice to the Eskimos is dedicated to helping you reclaim that lost ground. It's about taking a product or service and turning it into a winner. If you've got a product that is not the best in its field, then you will love Ice to the Eskimos . Take the principles Jon Spoelstra writes about and run hard with them - you'll be amazed by the results. Written by the former...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин You. That's Right. YOU. You've got a problem. You've got a product that's not first in its class. It's not even second. You've got to find a way to market that product. What Are You Going To Do? You're going to read this book, that's what. Let's face it. There comes a time in the life of every business when a product or service does not sell up to expectations. Maybe your product is outmoded. Or hasn't beenpositioned correctly. Or is competing in a crowded market. Whatever the reason, Ice to the Eskimos is dedicated to helping you reclaim that lost ground. It's about taking a product or service and turning it into a winner. If you've got a product that is not the best in its field, then you will love Ice to the Eskimos . Take the principles Jon Spoelstra writes about and run hard with them - you'll be amazed by the results. Written by the former......

Specialty Retailers -- Marketing Triumphs and Blunders

Ronald D. Michman, Edward M. Mazze

  Specialty Retailers -- Marketing Triumphs and Blunders  Ronald D. Michman, Edward M. Mazze  Michman and Mazze present five key variables that retailing executives in nine specialty businesses must understand and work with, to gain and sustain competitive advantage in their hotly competitive environments. Innovation, target market segmentation, image development, physical store decor, and human resource management are identified and examined. Authors argue convincingly from research and practical experience that these fundamental considerations are crucial to achieving competitive dominance. With up-to-date analyses and extensive coverage of e-commerce and internet retailing as well, their book is essential for retailing executives in the nine businesses here, as well as all other businesses. Business school students and teachers with similar interests will also benefit significantly.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Michman and Mazze present five key variables that retailing executives in nine specialty businesses must understand and work with, to gain and sustain competitive advantage in their hotly competitive environments. Innovation, target market segmentation, image development, physical store decor, and human resource management are identified and examined. Authors argue convincingly from research and practical experience that these fundamental considerations are crucial to achieving competitive dominance. With up-to-date analyses and extensive coverage of e-commerce and internet retailing as well, their book is essential for retailing executives in the nine businesses here, as well as all other businesses. Business school students and teachers with similar interests will also benefit significantly....

Apple Pro Training Series: Shake 3

Marco Paolini

  Apple Pro Training Series: Shake 3  Marco Paolini  Peachpit Press.   Talk about making an impact: Apple's Shake compositing and visual effects software has been used in every Academy Award-winning film for visual effects since its debut. It's no wonder then that trained Shake artists are in high demand—and there's nowhere better to begin getting that training than with this comprehensive Apple-approved guide (which includes a free 30-day trial version of the $4,000-plus software). Using step-by-step, hands-on instruction, Hollywood effects wizard Marco Paolini takes you through Shake's interface and features, including its color correction tools, tracking and stabilization capabilities, integrated procedural paint and rotoscoping tools, and more. As with the other titles in the Apple Pro TrainingSeries , each chapter in this Apple-authorized guide represents a complete lesson—with a project to complete, a review section, and bonus exercises to reinforce the lessons. The accompanying DVD includes all of the lesson...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Peachpit Press. Talk about making an impact: Apple's Shake compositing and visual effects software has been used in every Academy Award-winning film for visual effects since its debut. It's no wonder then that trained Shake artists are in high demand—and there's nowhere better to begin getting that training than with this comprehensive Apple-approved guide (which includes a free 30-day trial version of the $4,000-plus software). Using step-by-step, hands-on instruction, Hollywood effects wizard Marco Paolini takes you through Shake's interface and features, including its color correction tools, tracking and stabilization capabilities, integrated procedural paint and rotoscoping tools, and more. As with the other titles in the Apple Pro TrainingSeries , each chapter in this Apple-authorized guide represents a complete lesson—with a project to complete, a review section, and bonus exercises to reinforce the lessons. The accompanying DVD includes all of the lesson......

<<<  Антология мировой фантастики. Том 4. С бластером против всех.              Before the Frost: A Linda Wallander Mystery. Henning Mankell, ... >>>

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Celebrating Diversity: Working With Groups in the Workplace (Working With Groups in the Workplace). Cheryl Hetherington . Книги.

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