Designer Showcase: Interior Design at Its Best

Melissa Cardona, Nathaniel Wolfgang-Price

  Designer Showcase: Interior Design at Its Best  Melissa Cardona, Nathaniel Wolfgang-Price  Schiffer Publishing.   Each year, interior designers descend upon show houses to display their best work. Given free reign over the concepts, the color palettes, and all the details, designers go all-out to create some of world's most striking and trend-setting interiors. This book takes you on an exceptional tour of over 150 show house rooms, from the Pasadena, California to Kips Bay, New York that present a fascinating array of design styles gorgeously illustrated in over 400 stunning photographs. Readers will marvel at this extraordinary collection, featuring rooms draped in luxurious textiles, furnished in custom designed masterpieces, and accented with original works of art. This book itself is a showcase, sure to be treasured by design aficionados, professionals, and homeowners alike. Foyers, kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, baths, living rooms, outdoor areas, kid spaces, wine cellars, media rooms, and studies are all included. Resource guides provide information about each show house and designer...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Schiffer Publishing. Each year, interior designers descend upon show houses to display their best work. Given free reign over the concepts, the color palettes, and all the details, designers go all-out to create some of world's most striking and trend-setting interiors. This book takes you on an exceptional tour of over 150 show house rooms, from the Pasadena, California to Kips Bay, New York that present a fascinating array of design styles gorgeously illustrated in over 400 stunning photographs. Readers will marvel at this extraordinary collection, featuring rooms draped in luxurious textiles, furnished in custom designed masterpieces, and accented with original works of art. This book itself is a showcase, sure to be treasured by design aficionados, professionals, and homeowners alike. Foyers, kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, baths, living rooms, outdoor areas, kid spaces, wine cellars, media rooms, and studies are all included. Resource guides provide information about each show house and designer......

С вами, русичи!

Ким Васин

  С вами, русичи!  Ким Васин  Советская Россия.   Главное место в творчестве К.Васина, известного марийского писателя, автора многих повестей и рассказов, исторических и литературоведческих исследований, занимает историческая и историко-революционная тематика. В центре настоящего сборника повесть Советская Россия. Главное место в творчестве К.Васина, известного марийского писателя, автора многих повестей и рассказов, исторических и литературоведческих исследований, занимает историческая и историко-революционная тематика. В центре настоящего сборника повесть "С вами, русичи!", воскрешающая героическую страницу истории марийского народа - борьбу с ордами татарских завоевателей и добровольное вхождение марийцев в состав Российского государства....

Anti-Christian Discourse and Statist Ideology in Japan 1600-1900. (Routledge/Leiden Series in Modern East Asian History and Politics)

Kiri Paramore

  Anti-Christian Discourse and Statist Ideology in Japan 1600-1900. (Routledge/Leiden Series in Modern East Asian History and Politics)  Kiri Paramore  "Ideology and Christianity in Japan" shows the major role played by Christian-related discourse in the formation of early-modern and modern Japanese political ideology. The book traces a history development of anti-Christian ideas in Japan from the banning of Christianity by the Tokugawa shogunate in the early 1600s, to the use of Christian and anti-Christian ideology in the construction of modern Japanese state institutions at the end of the 1800s. Kiri Paramore recasts the history of Christian-related discourse in Japan in a new paradigm showing its influence on modern thought and politics and demonstrates the direct links between the development of ideology in the modern Japanese state, and the construction of political thought in the early Tokugawa shogunate. Demonstrating hitherto ignored links in Japanese history between modern and early-modern, and between religious and political elements this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese history, religion and politics....

Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance and Business Strategies for the Serious Entrepreneur

Steven Rogers

  Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance and Business Strategies for the Serious Entrepreneur  Steven Rogers  From the author selected by Ernst And Young as ?Entrepreneur. of the Year?. Written by one of the country?s leading professors of entrepreneurship,. Entrepreneurial is the definitive guide to setting. up and managing the financial aspects of a business. Steven. Rogers covers all the major topics?from writing a growth. business plan and compiling and understanding financial statements. to making a company profitable, valuing a company, and. raising additional venture capital.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the author selected by Ernst And Young as ?Entrepreneur. of the Year?. Written by one of the country?s leading professors of entrepreneurship,. Entrepreneurial is the definitive guide to setting. up and managing the financial aspects of a business. Steven. Rogers covers all the major topics?from writing a growth. business plan and compiling and understanding financial statements. to making a company profitable, valuing a company, and. raising additional venture capital....

Забытый сон

Чингиз Абдуллаев

  Забытый сон  Чингиз Абдуллаев  Эксмо.   Современный русский шпионский роман.   Тщательно подготовленное преступление расследовать очень трудно. А если оно произошло одиннадцать лет назад, то разоблачить преступника почти невозможно. Арманд Краулинь покончил с собой - такова официальная версия. Но его жена не сомневается - его убили. Она обращается к эксперту-аналитику Дронго. Никаких улик, свидетельствующих о хладнокровии и расчетливом убийстве, нет. Кроме, пожалуй, одной маленькой вещицы, которую она отдает Дронго.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Современный русский шпионский роман. Тщательно подготовленное преступление расследовать очень трудно. А если оно произошло одиннадцать лет назад, то разоблачить преступника почти невозможно. Арманд Краулинь покончил с собой - такова официальная версия. Но его жена не сомневается - его убили. Она обращается к эксперту-аналитику Дронго. Никаких улик, свидетельствующих о хладнокровии и расчетливом убийстве, нет. Кроме, пожалуй, одной маленькой вещицы, которую она отдает Дронго....

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Designer Showcase: Interior Design at Its Best. Melissa Cardona, Nathaniel Wolfgang-Price . Книги.

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