VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified: A Conceptual Taxonomy

Liming Xiu

  VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified: A Conceptual Taxonomy  Liming Xiu  Wiley-IEEE Press.   This book was written to arm engineers qualified and knowledgeable in the area of VLSI circuits with the essential knowledge they need to get into this exciting field and to help those already in it achieve a higher level of proficiency. Few people truly understand how a large chip is developed, but an understanding of the whole process is necessary to appreciate the importance of each part of it and to understand the process from concept to silicon. It will teach readers how to become better engineers through a practical approach of diagnosing and attacking real-world problems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley-IEEE Press. This book was written to arm engineers qualified and knowledgeable in the area of VLSI circuits with the essential knowledge they need to get into this exciting field and to help those already in it achieve a higher level of proficiency. Few people truly understand how a large chip is developed, but an understanding of the whole process is necessary to appreciate the importance of each part of it and to understand the process from concept to silicon. It will teach readers how to become better engineers through a practical approach of diagnosing and attacking real-world problems....

Human Communication: The Basic Course

Joseph A. DeVito

  Human Communication: The Basic Course  Joseph A. DeVito  Pearson Education, Inc..   Human Communication: The Basic Course surveys the broad field of human communication, giving attention to theory, research, and skill development. This Eleventh Edition provides an in-depth look at the concepts and principles of human communication, emphasizing public speaking, interpersonal communication, and small group communication. Designed to allow flexibility in teaching approaches, Human Communication: The Basic Course offers instructors a wide range of topics to discuss and apply to real-world experiences. Формат: 21,5 см x 27,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pearson Education, Inc.. Human Communication: The Basic Course surveys the broad field of human communication, giving attention to theory, research, and skill development. This Eleventh Edition provides an in-depth look at the concepts and principles of human communication, emphasizing public speaking, interpersonal communication, and small group communication. Designed to allow flexibility in teaching approaches, Human Communication: The Basic Course offers instructors a wide range of topics to discuss and apply to real-world experiences. Формат: 21,5 см x 27,5 см....

You Know You Love Me

Cecily von Ziegesar

  You Know You Love Me  Cecily von Ziegesar  Little, Brown and Company.   Gossip Girl.   Little, Brown and Company. Gossip Girl. "Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I live, go to school, play, and sleep - sometimes with each other. It's time to fill out our college applications… Not applying to the Ivy Leagues is not an option, and not getting into them would be a total embarrassment.... But I think I know a few girls who aren't going to let the pressure get them down. After all, no one wants to go to college completely innocent..." Издание на английском языке....

Крестный. Шестерка бьет туза

Сергей Зверев

  Крестный. Шестерка бьет туза  Сергей Зверев  Эксмо.   Я - вор в законе.   Наемный убийца Валет работает с гарантией. Он убил главаря дагестанской группировки Рустика, после чего убрал своих подручных. А для полной гарантии подставил под это убийство вора в законе Крестного. Дагестанцы начали на него настоящую охоту. Теперь только успевай уворачиваться от пуль. Но Крестный понял, что за всем этим беспределом стоит олигарх, который хочет его убрать. И тогда он сделал олигарху Эксмо. Я - вор в законе. Наемный убийца Валет работает с гарантией. Он убил главаря дагестанской группировки Рустика, после чего убрал своих подручных. А для полной гарантии подставил под это убийство вора в законе Крестного. Дагестанцы начали на него настоящую охоту. Теперь только успевай уворачиваться от пуль. Но Крестный понял, что за всем этим беспределом стоит олигарх, который хочет его убрать. И тогда он сделал олигарху "выгодное" предложение......

Practical Statistics for Business: An Introduction to Business Statistics

  Practical Statistics for Business: An Introduction to Business Statistics  Ravid Ruth  Ravid Ruth  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ravid Ruth...

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VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified: A Conceptual Taxonomy. Liming Xiu . Книги.

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