Шутка мецената (аудиокнига MP3)

Аркадий Аверченко

  Шутка мецената (аудиокнига MP3)  Аркадий Аверченко  1С-Паблишинг.   1С-Паблишинг. "Шутка мецената" - смешная и одновременно грустная история о том, как одна "невинная" шалость, злая шутка полностью изменила жизнь нескольких людей. "- Ну??!! - Этот человек действительно стоит 25 рублей, - тоном специалиста определил Меценат. - Его нужно прикормить здесь. - Хотите, я для смеху напечатаю его стихи в журнале? - предложил Мотылек. - Надо сделать больше, - подхватил Кузя. - Мы должны сделать из него знаменитость. Я завтра дам в свою газету о нем заметку. - Одну? Нужно дать ряд заметок. А потом мы устроим вечер его произведений! Таким образом - однажды в сумерки была организована эта противоестественная издевательская кампания, направленная против святой простоты доверчивого, наивного, глуповатого юноши"......

Sales & Marketing 365: Tip, Tricks, and Tactics for Making More Money All Year Long

James Obermayer

  Sales & Marketing 365: Tip, Tricks, and Tactics for Making More Money All Year Long  James Obermayer  Book DescriptionIn both form and content coverage, this book is the ideal source of tips, training, and motivation for sales and marketing professionals at all organizational levels. It gives the reader 365 tips?one for every day of the year?with a brief explanation that gives context and application possibilities. All basic subject areas are coverage: from Advertising, lead generation and management, leadership, sales and marketing management, personal and professional growth and development, public relations, selling, public speaking, trade show attendance and management, and training. The reader sees the tips a week at a time?7 on each 2-page spread in the book, giving a week?s worth of tips at a glance. In addition, at the back of the book is a a week?s worth of tips as screensavers on CD. Both Windows and Mac formats are available.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn both form and content coverage, this book is the ideal source of tips, training, and motivation for sales and marketing professionals at all organizational levels. It gives the reader 365 tips?one for every day of the year?with a brief explanation that gives context and application possibilities. All basic subject areas are coverage: from Advertising, lead generation and management, leadership, sales and marketing management, personal and professional growth and development, public relations, selling, public speaking, trade show attendance and management, and training. The reader sees the tips a week at a time?7 on each 2-page spread in the book, giving a week?s worth of tips at a glance. In addition, at the back of the book is a a week?s worth of tips as screensavers on CD. Both Windows and Mac formats are available....

IT Certification Success Exam Cram 2

Ed Tittel

  IT Certification Success Exam Cram 2  Ed Tittel  Book Description IT Certification Success Exam Cram 2 provides you with a detailed explanation of the certification arena from Ed Tittel, one of the most respected figures in the industry. The book explains the various certification programs, their prerequisites, what can be done with them, and where you might want to go next. Readers preparing for a certification exam find the best-selling Exam Cram 2 series to be the smartest, most efficient way to become certified. This book focuses exactly on what you need to know to get certified now! Download DescriptionIT Certification Success Exam Cram 2 provides you with a detailed explanation of the certification arena from Ed Tittel, one of the most respected figures in the industry. The book explains the various certification programs, their prerequisites, what can be done with them, and where you might want to go next. Readers preparing for a certification exam find the best-selling Exam Cram 2 series to be the smartest, most...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description IT Certification Success Exam Cram 2 provides you with a detailed explanation of the certification arena from Ed Tittel, one of the most respected figures in the industry. The book explains the various certification programs, their prerequisites, what can be done with them, and where you might want to go next. Readers preparing for a certification exam find the best-selling Exam Cram 2 series to be the smartest, most efficient way to become certified. This book focuses exactly on what you need to know to get certified now! Download DescriptionIT Certification Success Exam Cram 2 provides you with a detailed explanation of the certification arena from Ed Tittel, one of the most respected figures in the industry. The book explains the various certification programs, their prerequisites, what can be done with them, and where you might want to go next. Readers preparing for a certification exam find the best-selling Exam Cram 2 series to be the smartest, most......

Красная звезда, желтая звезда

Мирон Черненко

  Красная звезда, желтая звезда  Мирон Черненко  Текст.   Еврейская книга.   Еврейский характер, еврейская судьба на экране российского, советского и снова российского кино. Вот о чем книга Мирона Черненко (1931-2004), первое и единственное до сего дня основательное исследование этой темы в отечественном кинематографе. Автор, один из самых авторитетных российских киноведов, привлек огромный фактический материал - более пятисот игровых и документальных фильмов, снятых за восемьдесят лет, с 1919 по 1999 год.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Текст. Еврейская книга. Еврейский характер, еврейская судьба на экране российского, советского и снова российского кино. Вот о чем книга Мирона Черненко (1931-2004), первое и единственное до сего дня основательное исследование этой темы в отечественном кинематографе. Автор, один из самых авторитетных российских киноведов, привлек огромный фактический материал - более пятисот игровых и документальных фильмов, снятых за восемьдесят лет, с 1919 по 1999 год....

Porches (American Beauties)

Wynn Wheldon

  Porches (American Beauties)  Wynn Wheldon  Book Description This lovely book combines beautifully artistic color photographs with brief excerpts from the pens of famous American writers. A stately veranda of a Southern country home is captioned with a description of Deep South gentility from a William Faulkner novel. A rural New England porch showing a tricycle and baby carriage comes with an excerpt from Bret Harte’s A Newport Romance . These are just two of the many typically American scenes that grace this beautiful book. The more than 50 atmospheric photos are serene yet powerful statements of Americana, beautifully complemented with the poetic quotations that serve as their captions. This is a wonderful little volume for gift-giving, or for treasuring in one’s personal library.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This lovely book combines beautifully artistic color photographs with brief excerpts from the pens of famous American writers. A stately veranda of a Southern country home is captioned with a description of Deep South gentility from a William Faulkner novel. A rural New England porch showing a tricycle and baby carriage comes with an excerpt from Bret Harte’s A Newport Romance . These are just two of the many typically American scenes that grace this beautiful book. The more than 50 atmospheric photos are serene yet powerful statements of Americana, beautifully complemented with the poetic quotations that serve as their captions. This is a wonderful little volume for gift-giving, or for treasuring in one’s personal library....

<<<  Символика музыки И. С. Баха. В. Б. Носина             Before the Frost: A Linda Wallander Mystery. Henning Mankell, ... >>>

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Шутка мецената (аудиокнига MP3). Аркадий Аверченко . Книги.

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