Industry Genius

Stephen O. Andersen, Durwood Zaelke

  Industry Genius  Stephen O. Andersen, Durwood Zaelke  This book presents the inventive genius behind technological breakthroughs by ten global companies including Alcoa, DaimlerChrysler, Honda, ST Micro and Visteon. Readers will gain understanding and insight into how cutting-edge technology is helping protect the climate and/or the ozone layer, while contributing to the company?s bottom line. Each chapter chronicles the challenge and triumph of invention, introduces the engineers and executives who overcome conventional wisdom, and demonstrates the contribution these companies are making to environmental protection. In full colour and crammed with graphics to illustrate the creative process of technological breakthroughs, the book is accessible and informative. The genius of these ten companies will inspire the engineer, the policy-maker, the student, the environmentalist, the CEO and the investor alike.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents the inventive genius behind technological breakthroughs by ten global companies including Alcoa, DaimlerChrysler, Honda, ST Micro and Visteon. Readers will gain understanding and insight into how cutting-edge technology is helping protect the climate and/or the ozone layer, while contributing to the company?s bottom line. Each chapter chronicles the challenge and triumph of invention, introduces the engineers and executives who overcome conventional wisdom, and demonstrates the contribution these companies are making to environmental protection. In full colour and crammed with graphics to illustrate the creative process of technological breakthroughs, the book is accessible and informative. The genius of these ten companies will inspire the engineer, the policy-maker, the student, the environmentalist, the CEO and the investor alike....

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition

Robert D. Edwards, John Magee, W. H. C. Bassetti

  Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition  Robert D. Edwards, John Magee, W. H. C. Bassetti  Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition, is a critical reference for investors--especially in today's tumultuous markets. This seminal book--the first to produce a methodology for interpreting and profiting from the predictable behaviorof investors and markets--revolutionized technical investment approaches and continues to show traders and investors how to make money regardless of what the market is doing. Now, with the addition of noted technical analysis authority W. H. Charles Bassetti (editor)--as well as charts and graphs that pertain to today's market environment and major stocks--this completely updated and revised edition confirms the wisdom of the original work for today's markets. Technical traders and chartists will turn to it for: * Information on utilizing electronic markets, the Internet, wireless communications, and new exchanges, plus current ideas on portfolio management and risk management * Chapters on futures and derivatives...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition, is a critical reference for investors--especially in today's tumultuous markets. This seminal book--the first to produce a methodology for interpreting and profiting from the predictable behaviorof investors and markets--revolutionized technical investment approaches and continues to show traders and investors how to make money regardless of what the market is doing. Now, with the addition of noted technical analysis authority W. H. Charles Bassetti (editor)--as well as charts and graphs that pertain to today's market environment and major stocks--this completely updated and revised edition confirms the wisdom of the original work for today's markets. Technical traders and chartists will turn to it for: * Information on utilizing electronic markets, the Internet, wireless communications, and new exchanges, plus current ideas on portfolio management and risk management * Chapters on futures and derivatives......

Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace

Lynn B. Upshaw

  Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace  Lynn B. Upshaw  Building Brand Identity Brand identity is the special blend of positioning and personality that gives a product or service its unique character in the mind of the consumer. It has never been easy to establish and maintain a strong identity, and now, with the fracturing of conventional media, mounting consumer distrust, and an unprecedented proliferation of new brands, it's more difficult than ever. Written by a successful branding and marketing communications expert, Building Brand Identityprovides managers with proven, practical steps for overcoming obstacles and developing a comprehensive strategy for winning the Building Brand Identity Brand identity is the special blend of positioning and personality that gives a product or service its unique character in the mind of the consumer. It has never been easy to establish and maintain a strong identity, and now, with the fracturing of conventional media, mounting consumer distrust, and an unprecedented proliferation of new brands, it's more difficult than ever. Written by a successful branding and marketing communications expert, Building Brand Identityprovides managers with proven, practical steps for overcoming obstacles and developing a comprehensive strategy for winning the "brand wars." Drawing on his work with Bank of America, Hunt-Wesson, DHL Worldwide Express, South-western Bell Yellow Pages, and other high-profile clients, Lynn Upshaw equips you with cutting-edge techniques for building and managing a formidable brand identity in today's cluttered and confusing global marketplace, including how to: Perform......

Rules and Regulators (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies)

Julia Black

  Rules and Regulators (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies)  Julia Black  Julia Black's book is the first authoritative study of rulemaking in one of the most important areas of economic life: financial services. She draws on theoretical and empirical studies in jurisprudence, linguistics, economics, politics, and sociology inorder to understand and evaluate the formation and uses of rules in financial services regulation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Julia Black's book is the first authoritative study of rulemaking in one of the most important areas of economic life: financial services. She draws on theoretical and empirical studies in jurisprudence, linguistics, economics, politics, and sociology inorder to understand and evaluate the formation and uses of rules in financial services regulation....

Agenda Relevance: A Studyn Formal Pragmatics

Don M. Gabbay, John Woods

  Agenda Relevance: A Studyn Formal Pragmatics  Don M. Gabbay, John Woods  Agenda Relevance is the first volume in the authors' omnibus investigation of the logic of practical reasoning, under the collective title, A Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems. In this highly original approach, practical reasoning is identified as reasoning performed with comparatively few cognitive assets, including resources such as information, time and computational capacity. Unlike what is proposed in optimization models of human cognition, a practical reasoner lacks perfect information, boundless time and unconstrained access to computational complexity. The practical reasoner is therefore obliged to be a cognitive economizer and to achieve his cognitive ends with considerable efficiency. Accordingly, the practical reasoner avails himself of various scarce-resource compensation strategies. He also possesses neurocognitive traits that abet him in his reasoning tasks. Prominent among these is the practical agent's striking (though not  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Agenda Relevance is the first volume in the authors' omnibus investigation of the logic of practical reasoning, under the collective title, A Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems. In this highly original approach, practical reasoning is identified as reasoning performed with comparatively few cognitive assets, including resources such as information, time and computational capacity. Unlike what is proposed in optimization models of human cognition, a practical reasoner lacks perfect information, boundless time and unconstrained access to computational complexity. The practical reasoner is therefore obliged to be a cognitive economizer and to achieve his cognitive ends with considerable efficiency. Accordingly, the practical reasoner avails himself of various scarce-resource compensation strategies. He also possesses neurocognitive traits that abet him in his reasoning tasks. Prominent among these is the practical agent's striking (though not...

<<<  The Virtual Office Survival Handbook : What Telecommuters and Entrepreneurs Need ...             Стратегия захвата. Е. Гуляковский >>>

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Industry Genius. Stephen O. Andersen, Durwood Zaelke . Книги.

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