Sustaining Reform With a Us-pakistan Free Trade Agreement (Policy Analyses in International Economics) (Policy Analyses in International Economics)

  Sustaining Reform With a Us-pakistan Free Trade Agreement (Policy Analyses in International Economics) (Policy Analyses in International Economics)  Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Shahid Javed Burki  Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Shahid Javed Burki  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Shahid Javed Burki...

Water-Works: The Architecture and Engineering of the New York City Water Supply

  Water-Works: The Architecture and Engineering of the New York City Water Supply  New York's water is legendary for its fresh, clean taste, but its purity has been achieved at a cost, through a massive program of exploration and construction that is still ongoing. The story of that monumental undertaking is told in Water-Works and illustrated with an astonishing archive of drawings and photographs documenting the design and construction of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, and tunnels. This complex system brings millions of gallons of water to the city every day from rivers many hundreds of miles away. Kevin Bone, Gina Pollara, and students from the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at The Cooper Union spent nine years cataloging and preserving this remarkable archive, which is held by the City of New York Department of Environmental Protection. Essays by Bone, former DEP Commissioner Albert F. Appleton, and scholars Peter H. Gleick and Gerard Koeppel trace the history of the system from its beginnings in the mid-1800s to the current construction of Water...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New York's water is legendary for its fresh, clean taste, but its purity has been achieved at a cost, through a massive program of exploration and construction that is still ongoing. The story of that monumental undertaking is told in Water-Works and illustrated with an astonishing archive of drawings and photographs documenting the design and construction of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, and tunnels. This complex system brings millions of gallons of water to the city every day from rivers many hundreds of miles away. Kevin Bone, Gina Pollara, and students from the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at The Cooper Union spent nine years cataloging and preserving this remarkable archive, which is held by the City of New York Department of Environmental Protection. Essays by Bone, former DEP Commissioner Albert F. Appleton, and scholars Peter H. Gleick and Gerard Koeppel trace the history of the system from its beginnings in the mid-1800s to the current construction of Water......

Local Treasures: Geocaching across America (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places)

Margot Anne Kelley

  Local Treasures: Geocaching across America (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places)  Margot Anne Kelley  In the spring of 2000, a man in Oregon hid a box of toys in the woods, posted the geographic coordinates of its location on a Web site, and issued a challenge for others to find it. People used their GPS receivers to find his treasure, and a new game was born. Today over a million people worldwide participate in geocaching, hiding stashes of trinkets in a variety of locations—from a grove of trees to a cliff ledge to the depths of a riverbed—and then inviting others to find them, leave a note, and swap a treasure of their own. In Local Treasures Margot Anne Kelley offers one of the first books on In the spring of 2000, a man in Oregon hid a box of toys in the woods, posted the geographic coordinates of its location on a Web site, and issued a challenge for others to find it. People used their GPS receivers to find his treasure, and a new game was born. Today over a million people worldwide participate in geocaching, hiding stashes of trinkets in a variety of locations—from a grove of trees to a cliff ledge to the depths of a riverbed—and then inviting others to find them, leave a note, and swap a treasure of their own. In Local Treasures Margot Anne Kelley offers one of the first books on "geocaching," exploring what compels ordinary people across the world to take part in these extraordinary treasure hunts. Kelley traveled throughout the U.S. to chronicle the sites and stories of geocaching adventures, from the rocky coasts of Maine to the deserts surrounding Las Vegas to the starting point of the Mason-Dixon Line. Each striking, full-color......

Motion Picture Exhibition in Baltimore: An Illustrated History And Directory of Theatres...

  Motion Picture Exhibition in Baltimore: An Illustrated History And Directory of Theatres...  Robert K. Headley  Robert K. Headley  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert K. Headley...

Английский национальный характер

М. М. Филиппова

  Английский национальный характер  М. М. Филиппова  АСТ, Астрель.   Данное учебное пособие предлагает материалы, раскрывающие особенности национального характера англичан, их жизненный уклад, менталитет, вкусы и привычки. Рассматривается история развития нации, ее культуры, искусства и языка. Пособие рассчитано на филологов, культурологов, этнологов, студентов гуманитарных вузов, а также на всех интересующихся английской культурой.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Данное учебное пособие предлагает материалы, раскрывающие особенности национального характера англичан, их жизненный уклад, менталитет, вкусы и привычки. Рассматривается история развития нации, ее культуры, искусства и языка. Пособие рассчитано на филологов, культурологов, этнологов, студентов гуманитарных вузов, а также на всех интересующихся английской культурой....

<<<  Microsoft Office Word 2007. Просто как дважды два. ...             Before the Frost: A Linda Wallander Mystery. Henning Mankell, ... >>>

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Sustaining Reform With a Us-pakistan Free Trade Agreement (Policy Analyses in International Economics) (Policy Analyses in International Economics). Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Shahid Javed Burki . Книги.

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