The Wedding Dress: Meditations on Work and Life

Fanny Howe

  The Wedding Dress: Meditations on Work and Life  Fanny Howe  Book DescriptionIn times of great uncertainty, the urgency of the artist's task is only surpassed by its difficulty. Ours is such a time, and rising to the challenge, novelist and poet Fanny Howe suggests new and fruitful ways of thinking about both the artist's role and the condition of doubt. In these original meditations on bewilderment, motherhood, imagination, and art-making, Howe takes on conventional systems of belief and argues for another, brave way of proceeding. In the essays Book DescriptionIn times of great uncertainty, the urgency of the artist's task is only surpassed by its difficulty. Ours is such a time, and rising to the challenge, novelist and poet Fanny Howe suggests new and fruitful ways of thinking about both the artist's role and the condition of doubt. In these original meditations on bewilderment, motherhood, imagination, and art-making, Howe takes on conventional systems of belief and argues for another, brave way of proceeding. In the essays "Immanence" and "Work and Love" and those on writers such as Carmelite nun Edith Stein, French mystic Simone Weil, Thomas Hardy, and Ilona Karmel--who were particularly affected by political, philosophical, and existential events in the twentieth century--she directly engages questions of race, gender, religion, faith, language, and political thought and, in doing so, expands the field of the literary essay. A richly evocative memoir, "Seeing Is Believing," situates Howe's own domestic and political......

A Brief History of the Flood (Vintage Contemporaries)

Jean Harfenist

  A Brief History of the Flood (Vintage Contemporaries)  Jean Harfenist  Book DescriptionLillian Anderson is a strong-minded, backwoods-Minnesota girl, well-versed in the basics of survival. She can find air to breathe under a capsized boat, drive in a blizzard, or capture a wild duck. As part of a large struggling family, she tiptoes around her explosive father whose best days always come right after he’s poached something and her neurotically optimistic mother whose bursts of vigor bring added chaos. Lillian barrels through adolescence with no illusions about her future, honing her clerical skills while working the nightshift as a salad girl in the airport kitchen. Just as she’s on her feet and moving out, their house is literally sinking into the marsh. Stunningly honest, this story explores the fierce love that binds family together.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLillian Anderson is a strong-minded, backwoods-Minnesota girl, well-versed in the basics of survival. She can find air to breathe under a capsized boat, drive in a blizzard, or capture a wild duck. As part of a large struggling family, she tiptoes around her explosive father whose best days always come right after he’s poached something and her neurotically optimistic mother whose bursts of vigor bring added chaos. Lillian barrels through adolescence with no illusions about her future, honing her clerical skills while working the nightshift as a salad girl in the airport kitchen. Just as she’s on her feet and moving out, their house is literally sinking into the marsh. Stunningly honest, this story explores the fierce love that binds family together....

First Hand

Linda Bierds

  First Hand  Linda Bierds  Book DescriptionMacArthur fellow Linda Bierds probes the borders of science and faith in a volume that takes this prizewinning poet to a new level of achievement. The ghost of the good monk Gregor Mendel haunts these poems as they trundle through the centuries, swaying from wonder to foreboding and resting most often on the fault line of science, where human achievement brings both praise and disquietude. These thirty linked poems display Linda Bierds at her best: strong, visceral, playful, infused with wonder and color, they both amaze and delight. Bierds's imagery has always been powerful, but here, the subtlety of its permutations throughout the volume is nothing short of breathtaking. Her treatment of substance and insubstantiality, of the material world and Book DescriptionMacArthur fellow Linda Bierds probes the borders of science and faith in a volume that takes this prizewinning poet to a new level of achievement. The ghost of the good monk Gregor Mendel haunts these poems as they trundle through the centuries, swaying from wonder to foreboding and resting most often on the fault line of science, where human achievement brings both praise and disquietude. These thirty linked poems display Linda Bierds at her best: strong, visceral, playful, infused with wonder and color, they both amaze and delight. Bierds's imagery has always been powerful, but here, the subtlety of its permutations throughout the volume is nothing short of breathtaking. Her treatment of substance and insubstantiality, of the material world and "the hummocks of naught"-the gaps filled perhaps by faith, perhaps by scientific progress-adds depth of meaning to the text, and her rich language sounds in the mind's ear to startling effect. ......

Mission Made Impossible: The Second French Embassy to Siam, 1687 (Treasures from the Past)

Michael Smithies

  Mission Made Impossible: The Second French Embassy to Siam, 1687 (Treasures from the Past)  Michael Smithies  Silkworm Books.   Two years after the 1685 French embassy to Siam led by Chaumont and Choisy, King Louis XIV sent a second embassy to Phra Narai led by the two envoys La Loubere and Ceberet, and a third unofficial emissary, Father Tachard, who was working behind the scenes and often against his colleagues. Accompanying them were expeditionary troops to be installed in Bangkok and Mergui once a Franco-Siamese treaty could be negotiated. This volume conveniently presents, in English translation, three important accounts of that second French embassy to Siam in 1687: Tachard?s Second Voyage, published in 1689; Ceberet?s Journal du voyage de Siam, published in 1992; and Tachard?s Silkworm Books. Two years after the 1685 French embassy to Siam led by Chaumont and Choisy, King Louis XIV sent a second embassy to Phra Narai led by the two envoys La Loubere and Ceberet, and a third unofficial emissary, Father Tachard, who was working behind the scenes and often against his colleagues. Accompanying them were expeditionary troops to be installed in Bangkok and Mergui once a Franco-Siamese treaty could be negotiated. This volume conveniently presents, in English translation, three important accounts of that second French embassy to Siam in 1687: Tachard?s Second Voyage, published in 1689; Ceberet?s Journal du voyage de Siam, published in 1992; and Tachard?s "Relation," an unpublished account of the tempestuous journey back to France. Beginning with a listing of the dramatis personae and a general introduction to set the stage, Michael Smithies introduces each of the three accounts in turn, providing background information about the authors and......

Pony in a Package - Animal Ark #27 (Animal Ark Hauntings) (Animal Ark Hauntings)

Ben M. Baglio

  Pony in a Package - Animal Ark #27 (Animal Ark Hauntings) (Animal Ark Hauntings)  Ben M. Baglio  Hannacroix Creek Books.   Book Description One busy Saturday morning, the delivery man brings a big surprise to Animal Ark: the tiniest horse that Mandy has ever seen! The miniature horse was actually meant for Tania Benster, a newcomer to Welford. But Tania's parents have just divorced and she's too upset to care about her gift.Can Mandy show Tania how much this little horse has to offer?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hannacroix Creek Books. Book Description One busy Saturday morning, the delivery man brings a big surprise to Animal Ark: the tiniest horse that Mandy has ever seen! The miniature horse was actually meant for Tania Benster, a newcomer to Welford. But Tania's parents have just divorced and she's too upset to care about her gift.Can Mandy show Tania how much this little horse has to offer?...

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The Wedding Dress: Meditations on Work and Life. Fanny Howe . Книги.

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