Creating Internet Intelligence: Wild Computing, Distributed Digital Consciousness, and the Emerging Global Brain (Ifsr International Series on Systems Science and Engineering)

Ben Goertzel

  Creating Internet Intelligence: Wild Computing, Distributed Digital Consciousness, and the Emerging Global Brain (Ifsr International Series on Systems Science and Engineering)  Ben Goertzel  Creating Internet Intelligence is an interdisciplinary treatise exploring the hypothesis that global computer and communication networks will one day evolve into an autonomous intelligent system, and making specific recommendations as to what engineers and scientists can do today to encourage and shape this evolution. A general theory of intelligent systems is described, based on the author's previous work; and in this context, the specific notion of Internet intelligence is fleshed out, in its commercial, social, psychological, computer-science, philosophical, and theological aspects. Software engineering work carried out by the author and his team over the last few years, aimed at seeding the emergence of Internet intelligence, is reviewed in some detail, including the Webmind AI Engine, a uniquely powerful Internet-based digital intelligence, and the Webworld platform for peer-to-peer distributed cognition and artificial life. The book should be of interest to computer scientists,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Creating Internet Intelligence is an interdisciplinary treatise exploring the hypothesis that global computer and communication networks will one day evolve into an autonomous intelligent system, and making specific recommendations as to what engineers and scientists can do today to encourage and shape this evolution. A general theory of intelligent systems is described, based on the author's previous work; and in this context, the specific notion of Internet intelligence is fleshed out, in its commercial, social, psychological, computer-science, philosophical, and theological aspects. Software engineering work carried out by the author and his team over the last few years, aimed at seeding the emergence of Internet intelligence, is reviewed in some detail, including the Webmind AI Engine, a uniquely powerful Internet-based digital intelligence, and the Webworld platform for peer-to-peer distributed cognition and artificial life. The book should be of interest to computer scientists,......

Designing Computer Programs

Jim Haigh

  Designing Computer Programs  Jim Haigh  This is a book for students at every level who are learning to program for the first time - and for the considerable number who learned how to program but were never taught to structure their programs. The author presents a simple set of guidelines that show the programmer how to design in a manageable structure from the outset. The method is suitable for most languages, and is based on the widely used 'JSP' method, to which the student may easily progress if it is needed at a later stage. Most language specific texts contain very little if any information on design, whilst books on design approach the topic at too high a level for someone learning their first language. This inexpensive introduction to design can be used alongside whatever programming book suits the student's particular needs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a book for students at every level who are learning to program for the first time - and for the considerable number who learned how to program but were never taught to structure their programs. The author presents a simple set of guidelines that show the programmer how to design in a manageable structure from the outset. The method is suitable for most languages, and is based on the widely used 'JSP' method, to which the student may easily progress if it is needed at a later stage. Most language specific texts contain very little if any information on design, whilst books on design approach the topic at too high a level for someone learning their first language. This inexpensive introduction to design can be used alongside whatever programming book suits the student's particular needs....

Constraints and Databases

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Peter Stuckey

  Constraints and Databases  Raghu Ramakrishnan, Peter Stuckey  Constraints and Databases contains seven contributions on the rapidly evolving research area of constraints and databases. This collection of original research articles has been compiled as a tribute to Paris C. Kanellakis, one of the pioneers in the field. Constraints have long been used for maintaining the integrity of databases. More recently, constraint databases have emerged where databases store and manipulate data in the form of constraints. The generality of constraint databases makes them highly attractive for many applications. Constraints provide a uniform mechanism for describing heterogenous data, and advanced constraint solving methods can be used for efficient manipulation of constraint data. The articles included in this book cover the range of topics involving constraints and databases; join algorithms, evaluation methods, applications (e.g. data mining) and implementations of constraint databases, as well as more traditional topics such as integrity constraint...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Constraints and Databases contains seven contributions on the rapidly evolving research area of constraints and databases. This collection of original research articles has been compiled as a tribute to Paris C. Kanellakis, one of the pioneers in the field. Constraints have long been used for maintaining the integrity of databases. More recently, constraint databases have emerged where databases store and manipulate data in the form of constraints. The generality of constraint databases makes them highly attractive for many applications. Constraints provide a uniform mechanism for describing heterogenous data, and advanced constraint solving methods can be used for efficient manipulation of constraint data. The articles included in this book cover the range of topics involving constraints and databases; join algorithms, evaluation methods, applications (e.g. data mining) and implementations of constraint databases, as well as more traditional topics such as integrity constraint......

История одной политической кампании XVII века. Законодательные акты второй половины 1620-х годов о запрете свободного распространения "литовских" печатных и рукописных книг в России

А. А. Булычев

  История одной политической кампании XVII века. Законодательные акты второй половины 1620-х годов о запрете свободного распространения Языки славянской культуры. Studia historica. Series minor. Книга посвящена изучению кампании по законодательному запрещению свободного распространения "литовских" изданий и рукописей в России во второй половине 20-х - начале 30-х гг. XVII в. В результате исследования указов царя Михаила Федоровича и патриарха Филарета, санкционировавших сначала запрет на ввоз и торговлю украинскими и белорусскими книгами на территории Московии, а затем и их тотальную конфискацию в приграничных с Речью Посполитой уездах, можно говорить о политических, а отнюдь не о вероохранительных целях этой тщательно спланированной акции. Жесткие и весьма оперативные меры российского правительства хронологически совпали с наиболее серьезной попыткой учреждения автономного униатско-православного патриархата в Литве в 1620-х гг. Негативная реакция царя и патриарха на угрозу основания в Речи Посполитой церковного престола, по своему статусу равного московскому, была предопределена не только ожиданиями радикального изменения геополитической ситуации в регионе, но и заочным......

Гадкий утенок. Книжка-панорамка

  Гадкий утенок. Книжка-панорамка  Олма Медиа Групп.   Такие книжки бывают только в детстве! Малыш открывает страницу, и как по мановению волшебной палочки перед ним встают панорамные иллюстрации. Ребенок попадает в мир сказки! Учеными доказано, что чтение сказок необходимо для развития мышления ребенка. Сказка учит ребенка: думать; оценивать поступки и действия героев; постигать мир человеческих взаимоотношений. Прослушивание сказки развивает: память; слуховое внимание; речь. Откройте вашему малышу волшебный сказочный мир! Для чтения взрослыми детям.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Олма Медиа Групп. Такие книжки бывают только в детстве! Малыш открывает страницу, и как по мановению волшебной палочки перед ним встают панорамные иллюстрации. Ребенок попадает в мир сказки! Учеными доказано, что чтение сказок необходимо для развития мышления ребенка. Сказка учит ребенка: думать; оценивать поступки и действия героев; постигать мир человеческих взаимоотношений. Прослушивание сказки развивает: память; слуховое внимание; речь. Откройте вашему малышу волшебный сказочный мир! Для чтения взрослыми детям....

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Creating Internet Intelligence: Wild Computing, Distributed Digital Consciousness, and the Emerging Global Brain (Ifsr International Series on Systems Science and Engineering). Ben Goertzel . Книги.

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