Walking for Fitness: The Beginner's Handbook

Marnie Caron

  Walking for Fitness: The Beginner's Handbook  Marnie Caron  Greystone Books.   Walking is the most popular physical activity in North America, and for good reason: it can be done by people of all ages and all levels of physical ability, the risk of injury is low, and it doesn’t require a carload of expensive equipment. Best of all, brisk walking for just 30 minutes four times a week reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and other health problems. This comprehensive guide helps readers make the most of their walking. It offers two step-by-step programs developed by fitness professionals; advice on shoes, clothing, nutrition, and routes; tips on staying motivated and avoiding injury; stories from real-life walkers; and ways to include friends and family. Whether the goal is to return to activity, reduce the risk of illness and injury, or to minimize one’s impact on the environment, this encouraging book helps readers put their best foot forward.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Greystone Books. Walking is the most popular physical activity in North America, and for good reason: it can be done by people of all ages and all levels of physical ability, the risk of injury is low, and it doesn’t require a carload of expensive equipment. Best of all, brisk walking for just 30 minutes four times a week reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and other health problems. This comprehensive guide helps readers make the most of their walking. It offers two step-by-step programs developed by fitness professionals; advice on shoes, clothing, nutrition, and routes; tips on staying motivated and avoiding injury; stories from real-life walkers; and ways to include friends and family. Whether the goal is to return to activity, reduce the risk of illness and injury, or to minimize one’s impact on the environment, this encouraging book helps readers put their best foot forward....

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Walking for Fitness: The Beginner's Handbook. Marnie Caron . Книги.

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