Overlooked in America: The Success and Failure of Federal Land Management

Robert Glenn Ketchum, Charles Callison

  Overlooked in America: The Success and Failure of Federal Land Management  Robert Glenn Ketchum, Charles Callison  In dramatic color photographs by renowned environmental photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum and in insightful text by Charles Callison, Overlooked in America warns of the careless devastation of America's federally-held lands. Using the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area as a metaphor for the complicated management problems surrounding federal lands, Ketchum reveals the imperiled beauty of these areas. A full one-third of all U.S. land-- including parks, beaches, forests, off-shore oil-deposits, and mountains-- is owned and managed by the federal government, whose stewardship is intended to renew and maintain this vast national treasure. Due to clashing intra-agency goals and the ever-changing policies of rotating administrations, the federal government has long been negligent in enforcing the mandate of sustainable development of these lands. Caught in the middle of a bureaucratic snarl, our national trust is at risk of substantial environmental deterioration such...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In dramatic color photographs by renowned environmental photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum and in insightful text by Charles Callison, Overlooked in America warns of the careless devastation of America's federally-held lands. Using the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area as a metaphor for the complicated management problems surrounding federal lands, Ketchum reveals the imperiled beauty of these areas. A full one-third of all U.S. land-- including parks, beaches, forests, off-shore oil-deposits, and mountains-- is owned and managed by the federal government, whose stewardship is intended to renew and maintain this vast national treasure. Due to clashing intra-agency goals and the ever-changing policies of rotating administrations, the federal government has long been negligent in enforcing the mandate of sustainable development of these lands. Caught in the middle of a bureaucratic snarl, our national trust is at risk of substantial environmental deterioration such......

The Fledgling Author's Handbook

Michael Reisig

  The Fledgling Author's Handbook  Michael Reisig  An enlightening journey for the new author through the world of writing, publishing, and marketing. From the lecture series, An enlightening journey for the new author through the world of writing, publishing, and marketing. From the lecture series,"The Myths, the Truths, and the Lies about Marketing and Publishing Books" by award-winning columnist and author Michael Reisig, "The Fledgling Author's Handbook" covers, Getting The Attention of Agents and Publishers, The Many Advantages of Self-Publishing, Marketing and Promotion, and provides an excellent Resource section for connections vital to the success of the new author....

Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions

Xiuli Chao, Masakiyo Miyazawa, Michael Pinedo

  Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions  Xiuli Chao, Masakiyo Miyazawa, Michael Pinedo  Wiley-Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization Queueing Networks Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions Xiuli Chao, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Masakiyo Miyazawa, Science University of Tokyo, Japan Michael Pinedo, New York University, USA 'Mathematically beautiful and elegant yet has much practical application' - Professor Richard Weber The first mathematical analysis of a queueing problem concerned the use of early telephone switches. Since then, emerging technologies such as those in telecommunications and the manufacturing industry have prompted considerable interest and activity in the field. Much of the current research has been enabled by recent, rapid advances in computer technology making large scale simulations and complex approximations possible. Today, queueing systems play an integral role in the performance evaluation and optimization of computer, communication. manufacturing and transportation systems. Includes: * Discussion on the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley-Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization Queueing Networks Customers, Signals and Product Form Solutions Xiuli Chao, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Masakiyo Miyazawa, Science University of Tokyo, Japan Michael Pinedo, New York University, USA 'Mathematically beautiful and elegant yet has much practical application' - Professor Richard Weber The first mathematical analysis of a queueing problem concerned the use of early telephone switches. Since then, emerging technologies such as those in telecommunications and the manufacturing industry have prompted considerable interest and activity in the field. Much of the current research has been enabled by recent, rapid advances in computer technology making large scale simulations and complex approximations possible. Today, queueing systems play an integral role in the performance evaluation and optimization of computer, communication. manufacturing and transportation systems. Includes: * Discussion on the......

Sales Management : Concepts and Cases

Douglas J. Dalrymple, William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo

  Sales Management : Concepts and Cases  Douglas J. Dalrymple, William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo  Through seven editions, Sales Management has provided readers with a comprehensive, practical approach to sales management. This book places special emphasis on current issues of managing strategic account relationships, team development, diversity in the work force, sales force automation, and ethical issues.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through seven editions, Sales Management has provided readers with a comprehensive, practical approach to sales management. This book places special emphasis on current issues of managing strategic account relationships, team development, diversity in the work force, sales force automation, and ethical issues....

Двери и окна в современном интерьере. Новые технологии, эксплуатация, дизайн

В. П. Железнев

  Двери и окна в современном интерьере. Новые технологии, эксплуатация, дизайн  В. П. Железнев  Феникс.   Стройвариант.   Функциональное и эстетическое значение дверей и окон в жилых помещениях неоднозначно. Долгое время требования к окнам и дверям диктовались, в первую очередь, практическими соображениями: пропускать необходимое количество света и максимально изолировать помещение от проникновения холода. Сегодня на окна и двери возлагаются еще и эстетические требования. Они обязательно должны быть в гармонии со всем помещением, составлять цветовое и стилевое единство. Новые окна и двери вносят современный комфорт и в старое здание, сохраняя стиль и характер фасада. Приведенные в книге особенности различных конструкций, советы по выбору, установке, эксплуатации и ремонту окон и дверей помогут вам решить Феникс. Стройвариант. Функциональное и эстетическое значение дверей и окон в жилых помещениях неоднозначно. Долгое время требования к окнам и дверям диктовались, в первую очередь, практическими соображениями: пропускать необходимое количество света и максимально изолировать помещение от проникновения холода. Сегодня на окна и двери возлагаются еще и эстетические требования. Они обязательно должны быть в гармонии со всем помещением, составлять цветовое и стилевое единство. Новые окна и двери вносят современный комфорт и в старое здание, сохраняя стиль и характер фасада. Приведенные в книге особенности различных конструкций, советы по выбору, установке, эксплуатации и ремонту окон и дверей помогут вам решить "оконно-дверную" проблему в вашем доме. Книга адресована всем, кто желает создать в своем жилище современный комфорт и уют....

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Overlooked in America: The Success and Failure of Federal Land Management. Robert Glenn Ketchum, Charles Callison . Книги.

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