Climate Change Politics in Europe: Germany and the International Relations of the Environment (Library of International Relations)

  Climate Change Politics in Europe: Germany and the International Relations of the Environment (Library of International Relations)  Lyn Jaggard  Lyn Jaggard  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lyn Jaggard...

Feeling Pain and Being in Pain

Nikola Grahek

  Feeling Pain and Being in Pain  Nikola Grahek  The MIT Press.   In The MIT Press. In "Feeling Pain and Being in Pain", Nikola Grahek examines two of the most radical dissociation syndromes to be found in human pain experience: pain without painfulness and painfulness without pain. Grahek shows that these two syndromes-the complete dissociation of the sensory dimension of pain from its affective, cognitive, and behavioral components, and its opposite, the dissociation of pain's affective components from its sensory-discriminative components (inconceivable to most of us but documented by ample clinical evidence)-have much to teach us about the true nature and structure of human pain experience. Grahek explains the crucial distinction between feeling pain and being in pain, defending it on both conceptual and empirical grounds. He argues that the two dissociative syndromes reveal the complexity of the human pain experience: its major components, the role they play in overall pain experience, the way they work together, and the basic neural structures and......

Why We Teach: Learning, Laughter, Love, and the Power to Transform Lives

Linda Alston

  Why We Teach: Learning, Laughter, Love, and the Power to Transform Lives  Linda Alston  Scholastic Teaching Resources.   Award-winning teacher Linda Alston strives to help educators generate their own joy, passion, creativity, and love of their profession. The readers will find peace and inspiration as Alston helps them realize what a difference their teaching makes for children and their families. Each chapter includes a remarkable story from the author's classroom, a brief reflection on its significance, and an affirmation that others can use to transform their own teaching and the lives of their student. For use with Grades K–12.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Scholastic Teaching Resources. Award-winning teacher Linda Alston strives to help educators generate their own joy, passion, creativity, and love of their profession. The readers will find peace and inspiration as Alston helps them realize what a difference their teaching makes for children and their families. Each chapter includes a remarkable story from the author's classroom, a brief reflection on its significance, and an affirmation that others can use to transform their own teaching and the lives of their student. For use with Grades K–12....

Ocean Oracle: What Seashells Reveal About Our True Nature

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<<<  Competency-based Performance Reviews: How to Perform Employee Evaluations ...             Курс финансового менеджмента. В. В. Ковалев >>>

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Climate Change Politics in Europe: Germany and the International Relations of the Environment (Library of International Relations). Lyn Jaggard . Книги.

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