Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends (Finance and Capital Markets Series)

Martin Gorrod

  Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends (Finance and Capital Markets Series)  Martin Gorrod  Gorrod examines the many challenges for the next generation risk management system. Dramatic changes in market conditions, budgetary constraints, the evolving nature of risk within the financial organization, as well as the requirements of increasing regulation in the global market place have resulted in a totally different environment for risk systems. These applications must be functionally richer, have greater performance, provide seamless and improved integration, as well as being quick to deploy andcheaper to deliver and support. Recent advances in technology have provided a number of tools to help the risk technologist. This book summarizes these new trends and also arms the reader with the knowledge, tools and approaches required to survive in this new environment. Covering the requirements of the trader and risk manager, to how to decide whether and how to out-source or develop in-house, this book acts as the handbook for risk technologists to survive these challenges.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gorrod examines the many challenges for the next generation risk management system. Dramatic changes in market conditions, budgetary constraints, the evolving nature of risk within the financial organization, as well as the requirements of increasing regulation in the global market place have resulted in a totally different environment for risk systems. These applications must be functionally richer, have greater performance, provide seamless and improved integration, as well as being quick to deploy andcheaper to deliver and support. Recent advances in technology have provided a number of tools to help the risk technologist. This book summarizes these new trends and also arms the reader with the knowledge, tools and approaches required to survive in this new environment. Covering the requirements of the trader and risk manager, to how to decide whether and how to out-source or develop in-house, this book acts as the handbook for risk technologists to survive these challenges....

The Other Side of the Coin

Barbra Alexander

  The Other Side of the Coin  Barbra Alexander  *A humorous look at our economic, financial and social environment. *Your survival guide to harmoniously co-exist with your socio-economic partners and not feel isolated or stranded. The purpose of the book is to remind you that you are not a pawn in someone else's economic chess game or a financial island to be conquered by global enterprises you don't understand, to inform you that each choice you make, whether you choose coffee, tea or orange juice in the morning, has a direct personal economic impact on someone, somewhere.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин *A humorous look at our economic, financial and social environment. *Your survival guide to harmoniously co-exist with your socio-economic partners and not feel isolated or stranded. The purpose of the book is to remind you that you are not a pawn in someone else's economic chess game or a financial island to be conquered by global enterprises you don't understand, to inform you that each choice you make, whether you choose coffee, tea or orange juice in the morning, has a direct personal economic impact on someone, somewhere....

Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce: Time for Best Practice (Law and Electronic Commerce, 17)

Ronald De Bruin, Ronald De Bruin

  Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce: Time for Best Practice (Law and Electronic Commerce, 17)  Ronald De Bruin, Ronald De Bruin  This multi-disciplinary book provides insight in how to establish consumer trust in electronic commerce. It first goes into detail on a broad variety of consumer trust criteria with regard to the security and reliability of electronic consumer transactions, what information must be provided to consumers, how to create a legally binding contract online, confidence in electronic payments, the resolution of disputes, what law applies to the electronic consumer contract, which body is entitled to settle the dispute and personal data protection. By means of these criteria it is assessed into what extent consumer trust is ensured by the application of a public-key infrastructure, which supports cryptographic services such as electronic signatures and encryption. An assessment is also made on the European Union cryptography policy and the European Union policy on consumer protection in electronic commerce. In addition, a wide range of co-regulation and self-regulation initiatives within the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This multi-disciplinary book provides insight in how to establish consumer trust in electronic commerce. It first goes into detail on a broad variety of consumer trust criteria with regard to the security and reliability of electronic consumer transactions, what information must be provided to consumers, how to create a legally binding contract online, confidence in electronic payments, the resolution of disputes, what law applies to the electronic consumer contract, which body is entitled to settle the dispute and personal data protection. By means of these criteria it is assessed into what extent consumer trust is ensured by the application of a public-key infrastructure, which supports cryptographic services such as electronic signatures and encryption. An assessment is also made on the European Union cryptography policy and the European Union policy on consumer protection in electronic commerce. In addition, a wide range of co-regulation and self-regulation initiatives within the......

Shopping Center Development Handbook

Michael D. Beyard, W. Paul O'Mara

  Shopping Center Development Handbook  Michael D. Beyard, W. Paul O'Mara  Urban Land Institute.   Updated throughout, the new edition of this classic covers the latest trends in retailing and best practices in shopping center development. Illustrated in full color, 15 case studies describe the development process for a mix of town centers, urban entertainment centers, power centers, street front retail centers, and enclosed malls. Small strip centers to super regional facilities are covered as well as urban and suburban locations. Practical, how-to information on financing, planning and design, leasing, marketing and management, renovation, expansion, and repositioning cover the basics of development for all types of shopping centers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Urban Land Institute. Updated throughout, the new edition of this classic covers the latest trends in retailing and best practices in shopping center development. Illustrated in full color, 15 case studies describe the development process for a mix of town centers, urban entertainment centers, power centers, street front retail centers, and enclosed malls. Small strip centers to super regional facilities are covered as well as urban and suburban locations. Practical, how-to information on financing, planning and design, leasing, marketing and management, renovation, expansion, and repositioning cover the basics of development for all types of shopping centers....

Great Restaurant Concepts: An In-Depth Analysis of Five Noteworthy European Success Stories

Ronald Huiskamp, Jan Bartelsman

  Great Restaurant Concepts: An In-Depth Analysis of Five Noteworthy European Success Stories  Ronald Huiskamp, Jan Bartelsman  This book is about the creation of good restaurant concepts. In particular it is about recognising the importance of the conceptual phase as the starting point of the entire restaurant development process. 'Great Restaurant Concepts does not base itself on theory or on what perhaps could be done, but on what actually has been done by some of the most highly successful restaurants in Europe. Each of the restaurants represented shares its concept of food, beverage and service, staffing levels, menus and wine list strategy, operating equipment and interior design. In addition to the conceptual aspects, we also cover some other important topics such as location, marketing approach, layout plans and financial results.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is about the creation of good restaurant concepts. In particular it is about recognising the importance of the conceptual phase as the starting point of the entire restaurant development process. 'Great Restaurant Concepts does not base itself on theory or on what perhaps could be done, but on what actually has been done by some of the most highly successful restaurants in Europe. Each of the restaurants represented shares its concept of food, beverage and service, staffing levels, menus and wine list strategy, operating equipment and interior design. In addition to the conceptual aspects, we also cover some other important topics such as location, marketing approach, layout plans and financial results....

<<<  The Geography of the World Economy (Arnold Publication). Paul ...             Курс финансового менеджмента. В. В. Ковалев >>>

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Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends (Finance and Capital Markets Series). Martin Gorrod . Книги.

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