Cameroon Industrial and Business Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Cameroon Industrial and Business Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Cameroon Industrial and Business Directory  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cameroon Industrial and Business Directory...

Business Knowledge for IT in Prime Brokerage

Essvale Corporation Limited

  Business Knowledge for IT in Prime Brokerage  Essvale Corporation Limited  Prime brokerage is booming .As their hedge fund clients cast their net over a wider geographical area in search of superior returns by opening offices in new territories , prime brokers are forced to broaden their service offerings. At the same time, the battle for talent is intensifying among the top firms. Prime brokerage is booming .As their hedge fund clients cast their net over a wider geographical area in search of superior returns by opening offices in new territories , prime brokers are forced to broaden their service offerings. At the same time, the battle for talent is intensifying among the top firms. "Business Knowledge for IT in Prime Brokerage" provides the platform for IT professionals to grasp the concepts of prime brokerage from both a business and an IT perspective and to snap up some of plum roles in the prime brokerage arena. The chapters in this book cover the following topics: overview of the Private Brokerage business; the relationship between Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers; core service offerings of Prime Brokerage; fee structures in Prime Brokerage; technology used in Prime Brokerage; and, the future of Prime Brokerage, and much more.Contributors to this book include Ann Logue (author of "Hedge Fund for Dummies"), Paladyne Systems, Sungard and more....

Sustainable Tourism (WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment) (Wit Transactions on Ecology and the Environment)

  Sustainable Tourism (WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment) (Wit Transactions on Ecology and the Environment)  This book contains papers presented at the Third International Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Malta. The Meeting focused on empirical work and case studies from around the world, and the book offers new insight and best practice guidance for supporting sustainable tourism. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, this book examines the practice of sustainable tourism from global travel trends through to destination and site management. Of interest to scientists, practitioners and policy makers, the topics covered in this volume include: Art, culture and nature; Climate change and tourism; Coastal issues; Community Involvement; Ecological issues; IT andtourism; Modelling and estimates; Risk and safety; Rural tourism; Tourismand protected areas; Tourism as a factor of development; Tourism as a tool of urban development; Tourism impact; Tourism strategies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book contains papers presented at the Third International Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Malta. The Meeting focused on empirical work and case studies from around the world, and the book offers new insight and best practice guidance for supporting sustainable tourism. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, this book examines the practice of sustainable tourism from global travel trends through to destination and site management. Of interest to scientists, practitioners and policy makers, the topics covered in this volume include: Art, culture and nature; Climate change and tourism; Coastal issues; Community Involvement; Ecological issues; IT andtourism; Modelling and estimates; Risk and safety; Rural tourism; Tourismand protected areas; Tourism as a factor of development; Tourism as a tool of urban development; Tourism impact; Tourism strategies....

Dare to Be Different

  Dare to Be Different  Alessandro Forte  Alessandro Forte  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alessandro Forte...

Порядок подачи заявлений в суды общей юрисдикции

Л. В. Щеглова

  Порядок подачи заявлений в суды общей юрисдикции  Л. В. Щеглова  Омега-Л.   Споры в судах общей юрисдикции.   Предлагаемая книга рассматривает действия ответчика до рассмотрения искового заявления в суде, содержит образцы документов, подаваемых при обращении в суд общей юрисдикции по гражданским делам, а также комментарии к данным формам документов и порядку рассмотрения некоторых категорий дел в судах. Издание предназначено для самого широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами судебной защиты прав и законных интересов граждан.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Омега-Л. Споры в судах общей юрисдикции. Предлагаемая книга рассматривает действия ответчика до рассмотрения искового заявления в суде, содержит образцы документов, подаваемых при обращении в суд общей юрисдикции по гражданским делам, а также комментарии к данным формам документов и порядку рассмотрения некоторых категорий дел в судах. Издание предназначено для самого широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами судебной защиты прав и законных интересов граждан....

<<<  Bahamas, Turks and Caicos (Lonely Planet Country Guide). ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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Cameroon Industrial and Business Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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