Arthropod Vectors and Human Disease: An Epidemiological Approach

  Arthropod Vectors and Human Disease: An Epidemiological Approach  Andrew Spielman, Sam Telford, Rich Pollack  Andrew Spielman, Sam Telford, Rich Pollack  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Andrew Spielman, Sam Telford, Rich Pollack...

Pharmacology for the Prehospital Professional

Jeffrey S. Guy

  Pharmacology for the Prehospital Professional  Jeffrey S. Guy  Gain a complete, practical understanding of pharmacology with this unique resource. Realistic, problem-based clinical scenarios present pharmacology in the most effective context for learning. This textbook includes detailed drug profiles that present essential drug information in a logical context specific to each condition.Problem-based clinical scenarios illustrate the practical relevance of prehospital pharmacology.Detailed drug profiles of 95 commonly used drugs present comprehensive data in a consistent, easy-to-reference format.Full-color drug images familiarize you with medications for quick identification.Medical Math chapter strengthens your dosage calculation skills.Learning Pearl boxes highlight useful, field-tested tips and strategies.Legal Aspects and Risk Management chapter helps you avoid common mistakes made in prehospital care.Study questions reinforce important chapter concepts and test your understanding.Information about commonly prescribed over-the-counter...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gain a complete, practical understanding of pharmacology with this unique resource. Realistic, problem-based clinical scenarios present pharmacology in the most effective context for learning. This textbook includes detailed drug profiles that present essential drug information in a logical context specific to each condition.Problem-based clinical scenarios illustrate the practical relevance of prehospital pharmacology.Detailed drug profiles of 95 commonly used drugs present comprehensive data in a consistent, easy-to-reference format.Full-color drug images familiarize you with medications for quick identification.Medical Math chapter strengthens your dosage calculation skills.Learning Pearl boxes highlight useful, field-tested tips and strategies.Legal Aspects and Risk Management chapter helps you avoid common mistakes made in prehospital care.Study questions reinforce important chapter concepts and test your understanding.Information about commonly prescribed over-the-counter......

Volume 4 - Plant Structure and Function (Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life)

Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart

  Volume 4 - Plant Structure and Function (Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life)  Cecie Starr, Ralph Taggart  This brief and specialized book was designed for a general study of biology, and includes a brief history of vascular plant tissues, growth patterns, plant nutrition and transport, plant hormones, reproduction, and development. Excerpted from the authors' best-selling and respected book, BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, Ninth Edition, covers Unit V, PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, it also contains a customized table of contents and the back matter (the glossary, the index, etc.) from the larger book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This brief and specialized book was designed for a general study of biology, and includes a brief history of vascular plant tissues, growth patterns, plant nutrition and transport, plant hormones, reproduction, and development. Excerpted from the authors' best-selling and respected book, BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, Ninth Edition, covers Unit V, PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, it also contains a customized table of contents and the back matter (the glossary, the index, etc.) from the larger book....

Немузыкальные россыпи, или Вихревая спираль времени

Евгений Дога

  Немузыкальные россыпи, или Вихревая спираль времени  Евгений Дога  Любимая Россия.   Евгений Дога известен, прежде всего, как композитор, автор музыки к множеству кинофильмов, ставших сегодня классикой российского и мирового кино, среди которых Любимая Россия. Евгений Дога известен, прежде всего, как композитор, автор музыки к множеству кинофильмов, ставших сегодня классикой российского и мирового кино, среди которых "Мой ласковый и нежный зверь", "Табор уходит в небо", "Мария, Мирабелла". В настоящей книге собраны автобиографические заметы Е.Д.Доги, его эссе, интервью, переписка с поклонниками, друзьями, близкими и родными, которые раскрывают композитора как замечательного наблюдателя, подлинного художника, внимательного и отзывчивого собеседника, а фотографии и рисунки из личного архива представляют собой летопись его жизни и многолетнего творчества. Для широкого круга читателей, всех поклонников таланта Евгения Доги....

Rwanda Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)

Ibp Usa

  Rwanda Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)  Ibp Usa  Rwanda Country Study Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Rwanda Country Study Guide...

<<<  Серьезный разговор: Наркотики. Дженни Брайен             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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Arthropod Vectors and Human Disease: An Epidemiological Approach. Andrew Spielman, Sam Telford, Rich Pollack . Книги.

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