Garden & Outdoor Design


  Garden & Outdoor Design  teNeues  Gardening is one of life's most civilized pleasures. Whether novice or expert, there's alays something new to know and discover. Recent years have seen an array of innovation and new products in the gardening world. Gardening is a somewhat unpredictable hobby with the vagaries of weather, soil and just plain luck playing a large part. Design is the framework that gives shape to Mother Nature. This useful and motivating guide shows how seating, paths, lighting terraces, walls, decoration and water all play a part. Learn how your outdoor space can be a place to treasure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gardening is one of life's most civilized pleasures. Whether novice or expert, there's alays something new to know and discover. Recent years have seen an array of innovation and new products in the gardening world. Gardening is a somewhat unpredictable hobby with the vagaries of weather, soil and just plain luck playing a large part. Design is the framework that gives shape to Mother Nature. This useful and motivating guide shows how seating, paths, lighting terraces, walls, decoration and water all play a part. Learn how your outdoor space can be a place to treasure....

Hindu Kingship, Ethnic Revival, and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal (Collected Essays)

Marie Lecomte-Tilouine

  Hindu Kingship, Ethnic Revival, and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal (Collected Essays)  Marie Lecomte-Tilouine  This volume discusses issues of tribal identity and the Maoist rebellion in the face of Hindu kingship and caste organization. The 1990s witnessed the rise of two successive but interrelated movements that transformed society-ethnic revivalism and the Maoist rebellion. The author, who lived for some months in central Nepal before the emergence of these movements, studied a multi-caste and a multi-ethnic village community. The site of the author's fieldwork is a place where Hindus have been in very close touch with the tribal population. As far back as the fifteenth century, Hindu rulers had forged ties with the tribal chiefs. Of the indigenous people-who form a third of the country's population-the Magars are the largest group and developed the closest relationship with Hindu rulers. The essays explore the strategies of the Magars in building relations with high-caste Hindus and how these strategies were determined unilaterally by the Hindu rulers. Over a period of time, this created...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume discusses issues of tribal identity and the Maoist rebellion in the face of Hindu kingship and caste organization. The 1990s witnessed the rise of two successive but interrelated movements that transformed society-ethnic revivalism and the Maoist rebellion. The author, who lived for some months in central Nepal before the emergence of these movements, studied a multi-caste and a multi-ethnic village community. The site of the author's fieldwork is a place where Hindus have been in very close touch with the tribal population. As far back as the fifteenth century, Hindu rulers had forged ties with the tribal chiefs. Of the indigenous people-who form a third of the country's population-the Magars are the largest group and developed the closest relationship with Hindu rulers. The essays explore the strategies of the Magars in building relations with high-caste Hindus and how these strategies were determined unilaterally by the Hindu rulers. Over a period of time, this created......

Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers (A Hodder Arnold Publication)

Lakshman Karalliedde, Simon F. J. Clark, Ursula Collignon, Janaka Karalliedde

  Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers (A Hodder Arnold Publication)  Lakshman Karalliedde, Simon F. J. Clark, Ursula Collignon, Janaka Karalliedde  The prescription of two or more drugs for simultaneous use by a patients always raises the possibility that one of those drugs will affect the intensity and duration of effect of the other(s), and can introduce the possibility of serious side effects occurring. This book provides a convenient, user-friendly approach to this problem, providing information on potential adverse affects by drug class. By establishing a system of grading throughout the book and appropriate coding through the use of special icons, the authors highlight immediately to the reader those interactions that are likely to give rise to life-threatening reactions and must therefore be completely avoided in addition to other, less threatening but nonetheless important interactions to be aware of. Presented in tabular form for ease of reference, the book also provides a brief summary of the mechanism underlying a particular interaction, alternative drugs lacking the same reactions that may be considered and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The prescription of two or more drugs for simultaneous use by a patients always raises the possibility that one of those drugs will affect the intensity and duration of effect of the other(s), and can introduce the possibility of serious side effects occurring. This book provides a convenient, user-friendly approach to this problem, providing information on potential adverse affects by drug class. By establishing a system of grading throughout the book and appropriate coding through the use of special icons, the authors highlight immediately to the reader those interactions that are likely to give rise to life-threatening reactions and must therefore be completely avoided in addition to other, less threatening but nonetheless important interactions to be aware of. Presented in tabular form for ease of reference, the book also provides a brief summary of the mechanism underlying a particular interaction, alternative drugs lacking the same reactions that may be considered and......

Einfach Grammatik: Ubungsgrammatik Deutsch A1 bis B1

Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz

  Einfach Grammatik: Ubungsgrammatik Deutsch A1 bis B1  Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz  Langenscheidt.   Eine Ubungsgrammatik zum selbststandigen Wiederholen oder als Erganzung im Unterricht. Passt zu jedem Lehrwerk und enthalt alles an Grammatik, was fur Prufungen auf den Niveaus Al, A2 und Bl wichtig ist. Darstellung der Grammatik mit leicht verstandlichen Texten. Einfache Aufgaben zur Einfuhrung in die Grammatikthemen. Regeln schrittweise erarbeiten und verstehen. Abwechslungsreiche Ubungen mit den entsprechenden Niveauangaben Al, A2 oder Bl. Mit Losungsschlussel. Формат: 19,5 см x 26,6 cм.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Langenscheidt. Eine Ubungsgrammatik zum selbststandigen Wiederholen oder als Erganzung im Unterricht. Passt zu jedem Lehrwerk und enthalt alles an Grammatik, was fur Prufungen auf den Niveaus Al, A2 und Bl wichtig ist. Darstellung der Grammatik mit leicht verstandlichen Texten. Einfache Aufgaben zur Einfuhrung in die Grammatikthemen. Regeln schrittweise erarbeiten und verstehen. Abwechslungsreiche Ubungen mit den entsprechenden Niveauangaben Al, A2 oder Bl. Mit Losungsschlussel. Формат: 19,5 см x 26,6 cм....

Fachworterbuch Technik und angewandte Wissenschaften: Russisch-Deutsch / Словарь по технике и прикладным наукам. Русско-немецкий

Horst Gorner

  Fachworterbuch Technik und angewandte Wissenschaften: Russisch-Deutsch / Словарь по технике и прикладным наукам. Русско-немецкий  Horst Gorner  Langenscheidt.   Rund 140 000 Fachbegriffe und 200000 Ubersetzungen auf 1188 Seiten. Aktuelle Terminologie aus mehr als 80 naturwissenschaflichen und technischen Fachgebieten. Erarbeitet von mehr als 40 Fachleuten verschiedener Disziplinen unter Anleitung erfahrener Lexikographen. Vollstandig uberpruft und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Mit zahlreichen Fachgebietsangaben und Kurzdefinitionen. Формат: 15 см x 21 cм.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Langenscheidt. Rund 140 000 Fachbegriffe und 200000 Ubersetzungen auf 1188 Seiten. Aktuelle Terminologie aus mehr als 80 naturwissenschaflichen und technischen Fachgebieten. Erarbeitet von mehr als 40 Fachleuten verschiedener Disziplinen unter Anleitung erfahrener Lexikographen. Vollstandig uberpruft und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Mit zahlreichen Fachgebietsangaben und Kurzdefinitionen. Формат: 15 см x 21 cм....

<<<  Пастухи на костылях. Вадим Еловенко             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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Garden & Outdoor Design. teNeues . Книги.

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