Десятое Правило Волшебника

Терри Гудкайнд

  Десятое Правило Волшебника  Терри Гудкайнд  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест.   Век Дракона.   Страшно спать, когда знаешь, что территория сна - вечное поле битвы с жестоким, коварным врагом... И однажды страшное действительно случилось. Кэлен Амнелл, супруга легендарного Ричарда Сайфера, лорда Рала, Искателя Истины, очнулись ото сна, не помня ничего, кроме своего имени. Отныне она - опаснейшая из всех людей, та, от кого зависит - быть или не быть этому миру. И чтобы спасти ее и не допустить грядущего хаоса, мрака и безумия, Ричарду предстоит среди бесчисленных опасностей познать самые темные тайны Десятого Правила Волшебника...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест. Век Дракона. Страшно спать, когда знаешь, что территория сна - вечное поле битвы с жестоким, коварным врагом... И однажды страшное действительно случилось. Кэлен Амнелл, супруга легендарного Ричарда Сайфера, лорда Рала, Искателя Истины, очнулись ото сна, не помня ничего, кроме своего имени. Отныне она - опаснейшая из всех людей, та, от кого зависит - быть или не быть этому миру. И чтобы спасти ее и не допустить грядущего хаоса, мрака и безумия, Ричарду предстоит среди бесчисленных опасностей познать самые темные тайны Десятого Правила Волшебника......

Charisma and Compassion: Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement

C. Julia Huang

  Charisma and Compassion: Cheng Yen and the Buddhist Tzu Chi Movement  C. Julia Huang  The Venerable Cheng-yen is an unassuming Taiwanese Buddhist nun who leads a worldwide social welfare movement with five million devotees in over thirty countriesa??with its largest branch in the United States. Tzu-Chi (Compassion Relief) began as a tiny, grassroots women's charitable group; today in Taiwan it runs three state-of-the-art hospitals, a television channel, and a university. Cheng-yen, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is a leader in Buddhist peace activism and has garnered recognition by Business Week as an entrepreneurial star. Based on extensive fieldwork in Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and the United States, this book explores the transformation of Tzu-Chi. C. Julia Huang offers a vivid ethnography that examines the movement’s organization, its relationship with NGOs and humanitarian organizations, and the nature of its Buddhist transnationalism, which is global in scope and local in practice. Tzu-Chi's identity is intimately tied to its leader, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Venerable Cheng-yen is an unassuming Taiwanese Buddhist nun who leads a worldwide social welfare movement with five million devotees in over thirty countriesa??with its largest branch in the United States. Tzu-Chi (Compassion Relief) began as a tiny, grassroots women's charitable group; today in Taiwan it runs three state-of-the-art hospitals, a television channel, and a university. Cheng-yen, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is a leader in Buddhist peace activism and has garnered recognition by Business Week as an entrepreneurial star. Based on extensive fieldwork in Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and the United States, this book explores the transformation of Tzu-Chi. C. Julia Huang offers a vivid ethnography that examines the movement’s organization, its relationship with NGOs and humanitarian organizations, and the nature of its Buddhist transnationalism, which is global in scope and local in practice. Tzu-Chi's identity is intimately tied to its leader, and......

The Love Response: Your Prescription to Turn Off Fear, Anger, and Anxiety to Achieve Vibrant Health and Transform Your Life

Eva M. Md Selhub, Divina Infusino

  The Love Response: Your Prescription to Turn Off Fear, Anger, and Anxiety to Achieve Vibrant Health and Transform Your Life  Eva M. Md Selhub, Divina Infusino  Fear, anger, and anxiety–the side effects of life’s everyday stresses–are natural and sometimes helpful, but left unchecked they can lead to a host of debilitating ailments that are now so common we assume they are unavoidable: heart disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, depression, and more. There is good news, though: The key to a healthy life free of these conditions is to activate what Harvard Medical School instructor Dr. Eva Selhub calls the love response: a series of biochemical reactions that lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and adrenaline levels, stimulating physical healing and reinstating balance and well-being.A practical life-healing program, the first of its kind, The Love Response is the result of Dr. Selhub’s years of research–and clinical practice–on how to reverse the destructive physical effects of fear and stress, and banish emotional wounds from the past. Through a simple-to-use plan of awareness, breathing, visualization, and verbal command...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fear, anger, and anxiety–the side effects of life’s everyday stresses–are natural and sometimes helpful, but left unchecked they can lead to a host of debilitating ailments that are now so common we assume they are unavoidable: heart disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, depression, and more. There is good news, though: The key to a healthy life free of these conditions is to activate what Harvard Medical School instructor Dr. Eva Selhub calls the love response: a series of biochemical reactions that lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and adrenaline levels, stimulating physical healing and reinstating balance and well-being.A practical life-healing program, the first of its kind, The Love Response is the result of Dr. Selhub’s years of research–and clinical practice–on how to reverse the destructive physical effects of fear and stress, and banish emotional wounds from the past. Through a simple-to-use plan of awareness, breathing, visualization, and verbal command......

The School of Essential Ingredients

Erica Bauermeister

  The School of Essential Ingredients  Erica Bauermeister  Reminiscent of Chocolat and Like Water for Chocolate, a gorgeously written novel about life, love, and the magic of food.The School of Essential Ingredients follows the lives of eight students who gather in Lillian?s Restaurant every Monday night for cooking class. It soon becomes clear, however, that each one seeks a recipe for something beyond the kitchen. Students include Claire, a young mother struggling with the demands of her family; Antonia, an Italian kitchen designer learning to adapt to life in America; and Tom, a widower mourning the loss of his wife to breast cancer. Chef Lillian, a woman whose connection with food is both soulful and exacting, helps them to create dishes whose flavor and techniques expand beyond the restaurant and into the secret corners of her students? lives. One by one the students are transformed by the aromas, flavors, and textures of Lillian?s food, including a white-on-white cake that prompts wistful reflections on the sweet fragility of love and a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Reminiscent of Chocolat and Like Water for Chocolate, a gorgeously written novel about life, love, and the magic of food.The School of Essential Ingredients follows the lives of eight students who gather in Lillian?s Restaurant every Monday night for cooking class. It soon becomes clear, however, that each one seeks a recipe for something beyond the kitchen. Students include Claire, a young mother struggling with the demands of her family; Antonia, an Italian kitchen designer learning to adapt to life in America; and Tom, a widower mourning the loss of his wife to breast cancer. Chef Lillian, a woman whose connection with food is both soulful and exacting, helps them to create dishes whose flavor and techniques expand beyond the restaurant and into the secret corners of her students? lives. One by one the students are transformed by the aromas, flavors, and textures of Lillian?s food, including a white-on-white cake that prompts wistful reflections on the sweet fragility of love and a......

Snappy Interviews: 100 Questions to Ask Oracle DBAs

Christopher Lawson

  Snappy Interviews: 100 Questions to Ask Oracle DBAs  Christopher Lawson  CreateSpace.   The questions in this guide have been selected using this framework: (1) Questions should reflect understanding of concepts (2) Questions should reflect actual hands-on experience (3) Questions should not be based on memorization of arcane names or syntax (4) Questions should reflect issues seen by the majority of DBAs of that skill level. The intent of the questions is that most DBAs, for a given skill level, can successfully answer most of the interview questions. Naturally, no one person could be expected to flawlessly answer all of the senior-level questions. Even the most adept DBAs have some areas of weakness. In order to test the fairness of the questions, I asked numerous DBAs, from different backgrounds and companies, to review the questions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин CreateSpace. The questions in this guide have been selected using this framework: (1) Questions should reflect understanding of concepts (2) Questions should reflect actual hands-on experience (3) Questions should not be based on memorization of arcane names or syntax (4) Questions should reflect issues seen by the majority of DBAs of that skill level. The intent of the questions is that most DBAs, for a given skill level, can successfully answer most of the interview questions. Naturally, no one person could be expected to flawlessly answer all of the senior-level questions. Even the most adept DBAs have some areas of weakness. In order to test the fairness of the questions, I asked numerous DBAs, from different backgrounds and companies, to review the questions....

<<<  Полное очищение. Исцеление тела, души, жизни. Анастасия Семенова             Зеленое небо, бело-голубое крыло. Олег Винокуров >>>

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Десятое Правило Волшебника. Терри Гудкайнд . Книги.

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