Feliciana Meets D'Loup Garou: A Cajun Tall Tale

Tynia Thomassie

  Feliciana Meets D'Loup Garou: A Cajun Tall Tale  Tynia Thomassie  Book DescriptionAccording to legend, d?Loup Garou (pronounced loo-guh-ROO) is a Cajun werewolf that dwells in the Louisiana swamps and howls at the full moon. His favorite meal is a badly behaved child--and Feliciana?s been in a snit all day. When she cuts off her pigtail, that?s the last straw. She?s banned from attending the fais do-do with her family that evening, and left at home with her brother Ti-Jacques. After dark, she thinks she hears the legendary swamp monster d?Loup Garou . . . or is her brother playing tricks on her? Feliciana?s sassiness and self-confidence make her an appealing heroine in this cautionary tall tale. Its use of authentic Cajun dialect inspires a hilariously fun read-aloud experience.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAccording to legend, d?Loup Garou (pronounced loo-guh-ROO) is a Cajun werewolf that dwells in the Louisiana swamps and howls at the full moon. His favorite meal is a badly behaved child--and Feliciana?s been in a snit all day. When she cuts off her pigtail, that?s the last straw. She?s banned from attending the fais do-do with her family that evening, and left at home with her brother Ti-Jacques. After dark, she thinks she hears the legendary swamp monster d?Loup Garou . . . or is her brother playing tricks on her? Feliciana?s sassiness and self-confidence make her an appealing heroine in this cautionary tall tale. Its use of authentic Cajun dialect inspires a hilariously fun read-aloud experience....

Ruan Ling-Yu: The goddess of Shanghai

  Ruan Ling-Yu: The goddess of Shanghai  Book DescriptionRuan Ling-yu: The Goddess of Shanghai tells the story of one of the greatest Chinese movie stars of the silent era, from her humble origins to her tragic death at the height of her career. Included with the book is a DVD of her most famous film Book DescriptionRuan Ling-yu: The Goddess of Shanghai tells the story of one of the greatest Chinese movie stars of the silent era, from her humble origins to her tragic death at the height of her career. Included with the book is a DVD of her most famous film "The Goddess." Shanghai between the two world wars was a city of intrigue, political change, corruption, vice, social disparities, and creativity. It was here that Chinese movie-making reached its peak. Feeding off the decay of an ancient civilization, and inspired by the frenzy to build a new one, the Shanghai filmmakers captured a crucial transition in Chinese history, and established the basic tones, themes, and techniques of the Chinese film industry. The individual whose films best reflected the turbulent times of the period was Ruan Ling-yu. Her life and work symbolized the social currents of Shanghai and the tragedy of China during its long downfall. This book provides context by describing the political and......

Embedded Systems Design : The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

  Embedded Systems Design : The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)  Book DescriptionThis extensive and increasing use of embedded systems and their integration in everyday products mark a significant evolution in information science and technology. Nowadays embedded systems design is subject to seamless integration with the physical and electronic environment while meeting requirements like reliability, availability, robustness, power consumption, cost, and deadlines. Thus, embedded systems design raises challenging problems for research, such as security, reliable and mobile services, large-scale heterogeneous distributed systems, adaptation, component-based development, and validation and tool-based certification. This book results from the ARTIST FP5 project funded by the European Commision. By integration 28 leadingEuropean research institutions with many top researchers in the area, this book assesses and strategically advances the state of the art in embedded systems. The coherently written monograph-like book is a valuable source of reference...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis extensive and increasing use of embedded systems and their integration in everyday products mark a significant evolution in information science and technology. Nowadays embedded systems design is subject to seamless integration with the physical and electronic environment while meeting requirements like reliability, availability, robustness, power consumption, cost, and deadlines. Thus, embedded systems design raises challenging problems for research, such as security, reliable and mobile services, large-scale heterogeneous distributed systems, adaptation, component-based development, and validation and tool-based certification. This book results from the ARTIST FP5 project funded by the European Commision. By integration 28 leadingEuropean research institutions with many top researchers in the area, this book assesses and strategically advances the state of the art in embedded systems. The coherently written monograph-like book is a valuable source of reference......

Мифы индейцев Центральной Америки

  Мифы индейцев Центральной Америки  У-Фактория.   Мифологическая библиотека.   У-Фактория. Мифологическая библиотека. "Пополь-Вух" (в переводе "Книга народа") - один из немногих уцелевших после испанского завоевания памятников литературы народов Древней Америки. В нем излагаются мифология и история парода киче, живущего в центральной части современной Гватемалы. Первая половина книги содержит космогонические мифы и сказания о сотворении людей, далее рассказывается о приключениях божественных близнецов Хун-Ахпу и Шбаланке, об их путешествии в преисподнюю - Шибальбу. Во второй половине излагается собственно история народа киче, доведенная до испанского завоевания. "Родословная владык Тотоникапана" - важный исторический документ середины XVI века - также повествует о происхождении и истории киче, дополняя и уточняя содержание эпоса "Пополь-Вух"....


Григорий Ряжский

  Точка  Григорий Ряжский  Олма Медиа Групп.   Русский сериал.   Точка, Четыре Любови, Крюк Петра Иваныча.   Три девушки работают на московской Олма Медиа Групп. Русский сериал. Точка, Четыре Любови, Крюк Петра Иваныча. Три девушки работают на московской "точке". Каждая из них умело "разводит клиента" и одновременно отчаянно цепляется за надежду на "нормальную" жизнь. Используя собственное тело в качестве разменной монеты, они пытаются переиграть судьбу и обменять "договорную честность" на чудо за новым веселым поворотом... Экстремальная и шокирующая повесть известного писателя, сценариста, продюсера Григория Ряжского написана на документальном материале. Очередное издание приурочено к выходу фильма "Точка" на широкий экран. В книгу вошли также повесть "Четыре Любови" и роман в пяти историях "Крюк Петра Иваныча"....

<<<  Коллекционер (аудиокнига MP3). Джон Фаулз             Комета Нострадамуса. Столкновение - август 2004. ... >>>

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Feliciana Meets D'Loup Garou: A Cajun Tall Tale. Tynia Thomassie . Книги.

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