Hardest Times: The Trauma of Long-Term Unemployment

Thomas J. Cottle

  Hardest Times: The Trauma of Long-Term Unemployment  Thomas J. Cottle  Against the backdrop of a robust economy, hundreds of thousands of people in this country remain out of work for long periods of time, causing economic and psychological hardships for entire families. Hardest Times examines in depth what happens to men, and to their families, when they remain out of work for longer than six months, a period the government designates as long term unemployment. Cottle examines long term unemployment as a traumatic event, which creates in those who experience it conditions resembling symptoms of loss and post-trauma. Through the words of men who have experienced long term unemployment, he demonstrates that work is crucial to the formation of a man's identity, and that without work, many men often find no purpose for living.The in-depth studies that Cottle undertook reveal here why some men abandon their families or, in some instances, are driven to commit murder or suicide in the face of lingering unemployment. These often-heart wrenching stories...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Against the backdrop of a robust economy, hundreds of thousands of people in this country remain out of work for long periods of time, causing economic and psychological hardships for entire families. Hardest Times examines in depth what happens to men, and to their families, when they remain out of work for longer than six months, a period the government designates as long term unemployment. Cottle examines long term unemployment as a traumatic event, which creates in those who experience it conditions resembling symptoms of loss and post-trauma. Through the words of men who have experienced long term unemployment, he demonstrates that work is crucial to the formation of a man's identity, and that without work, many men often find no purpose for living.The in-depth studies that Cottle undertook reveal here why some men abandon their families or, in some instances, are driven to commit murder or suicide in the face of lingering unemployment. These often-heart wrenching stories......

The Unmaking of the American Working Class

Reg Theriault

  The Unmaking of the American Working Class  Reg Theriault  A searingly candid account of work and class in America from the author of How to Tell When You're Tired . Drawing on his experiences as a veteran longshoreman and fruit tramp, Reg Theriault, author of How to Tell When You're Tired , which Robert Heilbroner called A searingly candid account of work and class in America from the author of How to Tell When You're Tired . Drawing on his experiences as a veteran longshoreman and fruit tramp, Reg Theriault, author of How to Tell When You're Tired , which Robert Heilbroner called "extraordinary," describes the blue-collar culture and ethics that have defined America, and explains why they are worth preserving in the face of globalization and downsizing. The Unmaking of the American Working Class tells the story behind the disappearance of blue-collar work in America, giving both a humorous picture of working-class labor and a devastating indictment of the forces that threaten it. Whether Republican or Democratic, every administration since World War II has fostered the destruction of large segments of the blue-collar working class. Theriault maintains that America is the poorer for such action, and argues that our society doesn't need to destroy this vital part of itself.......

The Phoenix Agenda : Power to Transform Your Workplace

John Whiteside

  The Phoenix Agenda : Power to Transform Your Workplace  John Whiteside  An action-oriented, 12-step program designed to enable companies and individuals to produce more effectively within the structure of high-performance work teams and achieve customer-centered results. Describes how to manage in the face of constant uncertainty; coach, mentor, and network throughout the organization to attain goals; dissolve problems; and source and drive action in four innovative ways.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An action-oriented, 12-step program designed to enable companies and individuals to produce more effectively within the structure of high-performance work teams and achieve customer-centered results. Describes how to manage in the face of constant uncertainty; coach, mentor, and network throughout the organization to attain goals; dissolve problems; and source and drive action in four innovative ways....

Evaluation in Organizations: A Systematic Approach to Enhancing Learning, Performance, and Change

Darlene Russ-Eft, Hallie Preskill

  Evaluation in Organizations: A Systematic Approach to Enhancing Learning, Performance, and Change  Darlene Russ-Eft, Hallie Preskill  The definitive resource for anyone developing and launching evaluation programs in organizations. From new product launches to large-scale training initiatives, organizations need the tools to measure the effectiveness of their programs, processes, and systems. In Evaluation in Organizations, Darlene Russ-Eft and Hallie Preskill integrate the most current research with practical application to provide the definitive resource on organizational evaluation for managers, human resource professionals, andstudents and teachers alike. From designing surveys and interviews to analyzing data to communicating results, the authors present a systematic and rigorous approach to conducting evaluations and using them to foster learning and enhance performance at all levels.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The definitive resource for anyone developing and launching evaluation programs in organizations. From new product launches to large-scale training initiatives, organizations need the tools to measure the effectiveness of their programs, processes, and systems. In Evaluation in Organizations, Darlene Russ-Eft and Hallie Preskill integrate the most current research with practical application to provide the definitive resource on organizational evaluation for managers, human resource professionals, andstudents and teachers alike. From designing surveys and interviews to analyzing data to communicating results, the authors present a systematic and rigorous approach to conducting evaluations and using them to foster learning and enhance performance at all levels....

People, the Environment and Responsibility: Case Studies from Rural Pakistan

F. Amalric, T. Banuri, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

  People, the Environment and Responsibility: Case Studies from Rural Pakistan  F. Amalric, T. Banuri, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development  This book documents the findings of a group of case studies on the problems of population growth and environmental degradation in rural areas of Pakistan. Each case study reveals a particular aspect of the general processes at work in different ecological zones: the agricultural lands of the Indus plains, the coastal areas, and the mountainous zone. The studies focused on collective responses to population and environmental problems and on the breakdown of traditional systems of decision making in rural areas. The book introduces the concept of de-responsibilization in contrast to economists' traditional notions of rational behavior. In addition, these case studies illuminate the realities of present-day Pakistan, the state of its population and environment, and its record of development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book documents the findings of a group of case studies on the problems of population growth and environmental degradation in rural areas of Pakistan. Each case study reveals a particular aspect of the general processes at work in different ecological zones: the agricultural lands of the Indus plains, the coastal areas, and the mountainous zone. The studies focused on collective responses to population and environmental problems and on the breakdown of traditional systems of decision making in rural areas. The book introduces the concept of de-responsibilization in contrast to economists' traditional notions of rational behavior. In addition, these case studies illuminate the realities of present-day Pakistan, the state of its population and environment, and its record of development....

<<<  Лесовик. Кингсли Эмис             Комета Нострадамуса. Столкновение - август 2004. ... >>>

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Hardest Times: The Trauma of Long-Term Unemployment. Thomas J. Cottle . Книги.

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