Do It Right the Second Time: Benchmarking Best Practices in the Quality Change Process

Peter Merrill

  Do It Right the Second Time: Benchmarking Best Practices in the Quality Change Process  Peter Merrill  Is your organization looking back on its quality process and saying Is your organization looking back on its quality process and saying "it failed"? Are you concerned that TQM is just another fad, only to be replaced by the next improvement movement? Don't jump ship just yet. Everyone experiences failures in their quality improvement process. Successful organizations are different because they learn from their failure: They do it right the second time. In this plain-speaking, easy-to-read book, Peter Merrill helps companies take what they learned from their firstattempts at implementing a quality program, rethink the plan, and move forward. He takes you sequentially through the activities required to lead a lasting change from vision to final realization. Each brief chapter covers a specific topic in a framework which leads you directly to the issues that concern your organization....

Texas Real Estate Law (Texas Real Estate Law)

Charles J. Jacobus

  Texas Real Estate Law (Texas Real Estate Law)  Charles J. Jacobus  Texas Real Estate Law presents complete, well-organized coverage of Texas real estate law, with its many special features and complexities. Jacobus discusses what the law has been in the past, before moving to what it is at the present--all with a perfect balance of principles and practice. The Ninth Edition reflects many major changes and additions to the law in the past three years.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Texas Real Estate Law presents complete, well-organized coverage of Texas real estate law, with its many special features and complexities. Jacobus discusses what the law has been in the past, before moving to what it is at the present--all with a perfect balance of principles and practice. The Ninth Edition reflects many major changes and additions to the law in the past three years....

Understanding 99% of Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction & Tricks

Marcelo Bosque

  Understanding 99% of Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction & Tricks  Marcelo Bosque  There is a deep desire in men, in order to reproduce intelligence and place it in a machine. Neural Networks are an attempt to reproduce the synaptic connections of our brain in a computer. Duplicating the way we use our neurons to think in a machine, itis expected to have a device that could be able to do A?A°intelligentA?A± tasks, the ones reserved just to humans some time ago. Neural Network is a reality now, not a fantasy, and they have been made in order to recognize patterns (a face, a photograph or a song, are patterns) and forecast trends. I have seen many books about this subject in my life. All of them are hard to read, and tedious to learn, so I decided to make my own one. For beginner readers, Ihave tried to use a simple language, in order to be understood by anyone who wants to know about nets. An easy to read, practical and concise work. If you are interested in the brain functions and how can we simulate it in a computer,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There is a deep desire in men, in order to reproduce intelligence and place it in a machine. Neural Networks are an attempt to reproduce the synaptic connections of our brain in a computer. Duplicating the way we use our neurons to think in a machine, itis expected to have a device that could be able to do A?A°intelligentA?A± tasks, the ones reserved just to humans some time ago. Neural Network is a reality now, not a fantasy, and they have been made in order to recognize patterns (a face, a photograph or a song, are patterns) and forecast trends. I have seen many books about this subject in my life. All of them are hard to read, and tedious to learn, so I decided to make my own one. For beginner readers, Ihave tried to use a simple language, in order to be understood by anyone who wants to know about nets. An easy to read, practical and concise work. If you are interested in the brain functions and how can we simulate it in a computer,......

Computer Systems Architecture (With CD-ROM)

Rob Williams

  Computer Systems Architecture (With CD-ROM)  Rob Williams  This book presents an incremental look at networked computer systems starting with digital logic and hardware, moving through the layers of software, and leading to an introduction to networking and operating systems. Its practical, modern approach draws upon areas of reader interest and experience (the Internet, Pentium processors, GUIs, mobile communications) to stimulate enthusiasm. This book uses Microsoft's Visual Developer Studio debugger (included on CD-ROM) to provide a brief experience with assembly language programming. This book features an introduction to networking since most computer systems today work in a networked environment. It takes a traditional bottom-up approach using applied technology and ideas, and treats digital logic in sufficient detail to remove the mystery of how computers work. Throughout, the author emphasizes how software performance can be dependent upon hardware features, while practical exercises demonstrate this aspect of hardware/software...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents an incremental look at networked computer systems starting with digital logic and hardware, moving through the layers of software, and leading to an introduction to networking and operating systems. Its practical, modern approach draws upon areas of reader interest and experience (the Internet, Pentium processors, GUIs, mobile communications) to stimulate enthusiasm. This book uses Microsoft's Visual Developer Studio debugger (included on CD-ROM) to provide a brief experience with assembly language programming. This book features an introduction to networking since most computer systems today work in a networked environment. It takes a traditional bottom-up approach using applied technology and ideas, and treats digital logic in sufficient detail to remove the mystery of how computers work. Throughout, the author emphasizes how software performance can be dependent upon hardware features, while practical exercises demonstrate this aspect of hardware/software......

Your Lifestyle Guide to Digital Photos (Survive & Thrive Series)

Jamison Grall

  Your Lifestyle Guide to Digital Photos (Survive & Thrive Series)  Jamison Grall  This guide to acquiring, organizing, and enjoying digital photography with a PC is appropriate for all levels of photographers. Information is included on choosing the best shots, making custom prints, and e-mailing pictures to family and friends. Users learn how to effectively scan, edit, and manipulate images with the latest and most popular software. Also addressed are the most cost-efficient and simple ways to use online tools for building a web site and sharing images via the Internet. Recommendations on the hottest new imaging devices, including digital cameras, sneak peaks into what is coming in the future, useful overviews of software concepts, and tips for taking great photos are included.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This guide to acquiring, organizing, and enjoying digital photography with a PC is appropriate for all levels of photographers. Information is included on choosing the best shots, making custom prints, and e-mailing pictures to family and friends. Users learn how to effectively scan, edit, and manipulate images with the latest and most popular software. Also addressed are the most cost-efficient and simple ways to use online tools for building a web site and sharing images via the Internet. Recommendations on the hottest new imaging devices, including digital cameras, sneak peaks into what is coming in the future, useful overviews of software concepts, and tips for taking great photos are included....

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Do It Right the Second Time: Benchmarking Best Practices in the Quality Change Process. Peter Merrill . Книги.

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