The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Non-Fiction (4th Edition)

Robert L. Root, Michael J. Steinberg

  The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Non-Fiction (4th Edition)  Robert L. Root, Michael J. Steinberg  Helps in writing creative nonfiction. This best-selling anthology is a comprehensive and indispensable introduction to the way creative nonfiction is written today. General Interest; Writing Nonfiction  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Helps in writing creative nonfiction. This best-selling anthology is a comprehensive and indispensable introduction to the way creative nonfiction is written today. General Interest; Writing Nonfiction...

Claire and the Unicorn Happy Ever After

B. G. Hennessy

  Claire and the Unicorn Happy Ever After  B. G. Hennessy  Once Upon A Time, a little girl called Claire and her stuffed unicorn, Capricorn, were very fond of fairy tales. Every night Claire's father read them stories of frog princes and fairy princesses, and every night every character lived happily eer after. Then one evening, just as a story came to its close, Claire suddenly wondered: What, exactly, makes someone happy forever? It was a question to answer as she slept. So Claire hugged Capricorn, and together they drifted into a dreamland adenture....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Once Upon A Time, a little girl called Claire and her stuffed unicorn, Capricorn, were very fond of fairy tales. Every night Claire's father read them stories of frog princes and fairy princesses, and every night every character lived happily eer after. Then one evening, just as a story came to its close, Claire suddenly wondered: What, exactly, makes someone happy forever? It was a question to answer as she slept. So Claire hugged Capricorn, and together they drifted into a dreamland adenture.......

Foundations of Nursing

Lois White

  Foundations of Nursing  Lois White  The fully updated second edition of Foundations of Nursing gives you all the information you need to successfully complete your nursing curriculum. This single volume includes comprehensive, fundamental content in basic nursing, adult health nursing, and maternal and pediatric nursing. Introductory content covers such topics as the health care system, communication, nursing processes, and client teaching. Current topics such as HIPAA, West Nile Virus, SARS, and bioterrorism are also discussed. The adult health nursing section is written following the Nursing Process format. The clinical chapters have been revised to include Nursing Management sections for each disorder, emphasizing the nurse?s role in providing competent client care. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) have been identified in each Nursing Care Plan. A Case Study included in each chapter uses critical thinking questions to assist the user through the nursing process...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The fully updated second edition of Foundations of Nursing gives you all the information you need to successfully complete your nursing curriculum. This single volume includes comprehensive, fundamental content in basic nursing, adult health nursing, and maternal and pediatric nursing. Introductory content covers such topics as the health care system, communication, nursing processes, and client teaching. Current topics such as HIPAA, West Nile Virus, SARS, and bioterrorism are also discussed. The adult health nursing section is written following the Nursing Process format. The clinical chapters have been revised to include Nursing Management sections for each disorder, emphasizing the nurse?s role in providing competent client care. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) have been identified in each Nursing Care Plan. A Case Study included in each chapter uses critical thinking questions to assist the user through the nursing process......

Straight to the Bottom Line: An Executive's Roadmap to World Class Supply Management

  Straight to the Bottom Line: An Executive's Roadmap to World Class Supply Management  Robert A. Rudzki, Douglas A. Smock, Michael Katzorke, Shelley Stewart Jr.  Robert A. Rudzki, Douglas A. Smock, Michael Katzorke, Shelley Stewart Jr.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert A. Rudzki, Douglas A. Smock, Michael Katzorke, Shelley Stewart Jr....

Law and Special Education, The (2nd Edition)

Mitchell L. Yell

  Law and Special Education, The (2nd Edition)  Mitchell L. Yell  This book presents the necessary information for educators to understand the history and development of special education laws and the requirements of these laws. This book provides the reader with the necessary skills to locate pertinent information in law libraries, on the Internet, and other sources to keep abreast of the constant changes and developments in the Special Education field. Appropriate for people interested in Special Education and the Law.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents the necessary information for educators to understand the history and development of special education laws and the requirements of these laws. This book provides the reader with the necessary skills to locate pertinent information in law libraries, on the Internet, and other sources to keep abreast of the constant changes and developments in the Special Education field. Appropriate for people interested in Special Education and the Law....

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The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Non-Fiction (4th Edition). Robert L. Root, Michael J. Steinberg . Книги.

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