Job Sharing: Two Heads Are Better than One (Making It Happen series)

Angela Morella, Mary O'Hanlon

  Job Sharing: Two Heads Are Better than One (Making It Happen series)  Angela Morella, Mary O'Hanlon  This guide to overcoming the obstacles and issues of job sharing covers everything from personal and professional benefits to the economic benefits of such an arrangement for the employer. Included are anecdotal stories about how to successfully allot time and responsibilities while sharing a job, how to find a compatible job-sharing partner, and how to cope with the day-to-day challenges of distributing tasks. Tips for creating proposals designed to introduce coworkers to the advantages of job-sharing are also provided.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This guide to overcoming the obstacles and issues of job sharing covers everything from personal and professional benefits to the economic benefits of such an arrangement for the employer. Included are anecdotal stories about how to successfully allot time and responsibilities while sharing a job, how to find a compatible job-sharing partner, and how to cope with the day-to-day challenges of distributing tasks. Tips for creating proposals designed to introduce coworkers to the advantages of job-sharing are also provided....

Cayman Islands a Spy Guide


  Cayman Islands a Spy Guide  Ibp USA  Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

The Global Advantage: How World Class Organizations Improve Performance Through Globalization

  The Global Advantage: How World Class Organizations Improve Performance Through Globalization  In an economy where companies must globalize or perish, only a few have successfully taken their business to the world level. 'The Global Advantage' zeros in on 40 preeminent global companies, located across six continents. A key feature of this book is the author's 'GlobalSuccess' model, based on the research and work he has done with hundreds of global executives around the world. 'The Global Advantage' reveals his discoveries and evaluates how these leaders are bringing their corporations intothe global stratosphere. The 'GlobalSuccess' model, build upon the authors experiences and ideas, shows you how to globalize your: * corporate culture * human resources * strategies * operations * structure * learning You will find specific strategies and principles for globalizing your organization's six dimensions, as defined by the 'GlobalSuccess' model, as well as what steps your company should take to move toward global status. In addition, the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In an economy where companies must globalize or perish, only a few have successfully taken their business to the world level. 'The Global Advantage' zeros in on 40 preeminent global companies, located across six continents. A key feature of this book is the author's 'GlobalSuccess' model, based on the research and work he has done with hundreds of global executives around the world. 'The Global Advantage' reveals his discoveries and evaluates how these leaders are bringing their corporations intothe global stratosphere. The 'GlobalSuccess' model, build upon the authors experiences and ideas, shows you how to globalize your: * corporate culture * human resources * strategies * operations * structure * learning You will find specific strategies and principles for globalizing your organization's six dimensions, as defined by the 'GlobalSuccess' model, as well as what steps your company should take to move toward global status. In addition, the......

Shake, Rattle and Roll! Using the Ordinary to Make Your Training Extraordinary

Sharon Bowman

  Shake, Rattle and Roll! Using the Ordinary to Make Your Training Extraordinary  Sharon Bowman  Toys, gadgets and gizmos, movement and metaphor. From simple, ordinary things, you can create extraordinary learning experiences for your students, audiences, and training participants. with Shake, Rattle and Roll, you'll discover over one hundred ways to make your training come alive with energy, excitement, meaning and memory.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Toys, gadgets and gizmos, movement and metaphor. From simple, ordinary things, you can create extraordinary learning experiences for your students, audiences, and training participants. with Shake, Rattle and Roll, you'll discover over one hundred ways to make your training come alive with energy, excitement, meaning and memory....

Blueprint for Marketing: Comprehensive Marketing Guide for Design Professionals

Susan E. Frost, Angela Lawrence, Miriam Selby, Bruce Bollard

  Blueprint for Marketing: Comprehensive Marketing Guide for Design Professionals  Susan E. Frost, Angela Lawrence, Miriam Selby, Bruce Bollard  Descriptive guidelines and worksheets to prepare a marketing plan, public relations plan, corporate brochure and Web site. Written for the architecture, engineering and contracting firm but the guidelines and marketing principles apply to any business.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Descriptive guidelines and worksheets to prepare a marketing plan, public relations plan, corporate brochure and Web site. Written for the architecture, engineering and contracting firm but the guidelines and marketing principles apply to any business....

<<<  The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto. W. W. Rostow, W.W. ...             Learning Library.  >>>

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Job Sharing: Two Heads Are Better than One (Making It Happen series). Angela Morella, Mary O'Hanlon . Книги.

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