The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Part 2. Charlie Chan Carries On (аудиокнига MP3)

Эрл Д. Биггерс

  The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Part 2. Charlie Chan Carries On (аудиокнига MP3)  Эрл Д. Биггерс  1С-Паблишинг.   Charlie Chan is a fictional Chinese-American detective created by Earl Derr Biggers, who acknowledged that he was inspired by the career of a real Honolulu policeman. Chan is the hero of a number of books and dozens of movies. The image of wise Charlie Chan became part of the American popular culture. Charlie Chan Carries On. An American tourist is murdered in his room at Broome's Hotel in London during the night. Chief Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard investigates the crime. Duff learns that the victim was a member of the Lofton Round The World Tour; the first but not the la victim in this case. It soon becomes clear that there's a most dangerous and resourceful killer in Lofton's group. Who can it be? Eventually, after more murders, Charlie Chan finds the answer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 1С-Паблишинг. Charlie Chan is a fictional Chinese-American detective created by Earl Derr Biggers, who acknowledged that he was inspired by the career of a real Honolulu policeman. Chan is the hero of a number of books and dozens of movies. The image of wise Charlie Chan became part of the American popular culture. Charlie Chan Carries On. An American tourist is murdered in his room at Broome's Hotel in London during the night. Chief Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard investigates the crime. Duff learns that the victim was a member of the Lofton Round The World Tour; the first but not the la victim in this case. It soon becomes clear that there's a most dangerous and resourceful killer in Lofton's group. Who can it be? Eventually, after more murders, Charlie Chan finds the answer....

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The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Part 2. Charlie Chan Carries On (аудиокнига MP3). Эрл Д. Биггерс . Книги.

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