Mona Lisa Awakening


  Mona Lisa Awakening  Sunny  A smoldering debut novel exploring the passion, hunger, and danger that can break loose in the moonlight. From the time she was a child, Mona Lisa knew she was different-but she never knew how different until a man of otherworldly beauty appeared during her night shift in the ER. Gryphon is hurting and hunted and he attracts her as no man ever has before. He is a MonA?re, one of the children of the moon-and what's more, so is she. Long exiled from the moon, the men of the MonA?re serve-and mate with-imperious Queens who can channel the rays of their far-off homeland. Gryphon believes that Mona Lisa is a Queen- perhaps the first of Mixed Blood ever known. But her introduction to the nighttime court of the MonA?re, simmering with intrigue, casual lust, and calculated cruelty, is far from smooth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A smoldering debut novel exploring the passion, hunger, and danger that can break loose in the moonlight. From the time she was a child, Mona Lisa knew she was different-but she never knew how different until a man of otherworldly beauty appeared during her night shift in the ER. Gryphon is hurting and hunted and he attracts her as no man ever has before. He is a MonA?re, one of the children of the moon-and what's more, so is she. Long exiled from the moon, the men of the MonA?re serve-and mate with-imperious Queens who can channel the rays of their far-off homeland. Gryphon believes that Mona Lisa is a Queen- perhaps the first of Mixed Blood ever known. But her introduction to the nighttime court of the MonA?re, simmering with intrigue, casual lust, and calculated cruelty, is far from smooth....

Found (Firstborn (Paperback))

Karen Kingsbury

  Found (Firstborn (Paperback))  Karen Kingsbury  John Baxter hires a private invstigator to fulfill his wife's dying wish--that they find their firstborn son and make him part of the Baxter family. Meanwhile top Hollywood actor Dayne Matthews undergoes a personal search for truth despite great loss, and Christian Kids Theater director Katy Hart makes a decision that could take her from the simple life she has grown to love.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин John Baxter hires a private invstigator to fulfill his wife's dying wish--that they find their firstborn son and make him part of the Baxter family. Meanwhile top Hollywood actor Dayne Matthews undergoes a personal search for truth despite great loss, and Christian Kids Theater director Katy Hart makes a decision that could take her from the simple life she has grown to love....

Complete Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

Louise Labe

  Complete Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)  Louise Labe  Thanks to her acclaimed volume of poetry and prose published in France in 1555, Louise LabA© (1522-66) remains one of the most important and influential women writers of the Continental Renaissance. Best known for her exquisite collection of love sonnets, LabA© played off the Petrarchan male tradition with wit and irony, and her elegies respond with lyric skill to predecessors such as Sappho and Ovid. The first complete bilingual edition of this singular and broad-ranging female author, Complete Poetry and Prose also features the only translations of LabA©'s sonnets to follow the exacting rhyme patterns of the originals and the first rhymed translation of LabA©'s elegies in their entirety.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thanks to her acclaimed volume of poetry and prose published in France in 1555, Louise LabA© (1522-66) remains one of the most important and influential women writers of the Continental Renaissance. Best known for her exquisite collection of love sonnets, LabA© played off the Petrarchan male tradition with wit and irony, and her elegies respond with lyric skill to predecessors such as Sappho and Ovid. The first complete bilingual edition of this singular and broad-ranging female author, Complete Poetry and Prose also features the only translations of LabA©'s sonnets to follow the exacting rhyme patterns of the originals and the first rhymed translation of LabA©'s elegies in their entirety....

Sleep, Pale Sister (P.S.)

Joanne Harris

  Sleep, Pale Sister (P.S.)  Joanne Harris  Before the sweet delight of Chocolat , before the heady concoction that is Blackberry Wine , and before the tart pleasures of Five Quarters of the Orange , bestselling author Joanne Harris wrote Sleep, Pale Sister -- a gothic tourde-force that recalls the powerfully dark sensibility of her novel Holy Fools. Originally published in 1994 -- and never before available in the United States -- Sleep, Pale Sister is a hypnotically atmospheric story set in nineteenth century London. When puritanical artist Henry Chester sees delicate child beauty Effie, he makes her his favorite model and, before long, his bride. But Henry, volatile and repressed, is in love with an ideal. Passive, docile, and asexual, the woman he projects onto Effie is far from the woman she really is. And when Effie begins to discover the murderous depths of Henry's hypocrisy, her latent passion will rise to the surface. Sleep, Pale Sister combines the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Before the sweet delight of Chocolat , before the heady concoction that is Blackberry Wine , and before the tart pleasures of Five Quarters of the Orange , bestselling author Joanne Harris wrote Sleep, Pale Sister -- a gothic tourde-force that recalls the powerfully dark sensibility of her novel Holy Fools. Originally published in 1994 -- and never before available in the United States -- Sleep, Pale Sister is a hypnotically atmospheric story set in nineteenth century London. When puritanical artist Henry Chester sees delicate child beauty Effie, he makes her his favorite model and, before long, his bride. But Henry, volatile and repressed, is in love with an ideal. Passive, docile, and asexual, the woman he projects onto Effie is far from the woman she really is. And when Effie begins to discover the murderous depths of Henry's hypocrisy, her latent passion will rise to the surface. Sleep, Pale Sister combines the......

Thorndike Distribution - Large Print - Blink: Thin Slicing, Snap Judgements, and the Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Thorndike Distribution - Large Print)

Malcolm Gladwell

  Thorndike Distribution - Large Print - Blink: Thin Slicing, Snap Judgements, and the Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Thorndike Distribution - Large Print)  Malcolm Gladwell  A New York Times Bestselling Author Utilizing diverse case studies, Gladwell reveals that what we think of as decisions made in the blink of an eye are much more complicated than assumed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A New York Times Bestselling Author Utilizing diverse case studies, Gladwell reveals that what we think of as decisions made in the blink of an eye are much more complicated than assumed....

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