Photography and Science (Reaktion Books - Exposures)

Kelley Wilder

  Photography and Science (Reaktion Books - Exposures)  Kelley Wilder  How do we know what an amoeba looks like? How can doctors see the details of our skeletons and internal organs? What enables us to see an exploding star in another galaxy? All of these things are made possible through the innovations of photography. Kelley Wilder now provides a primer on the remarkably fruitful applications of photography to science, as she explores the multiple facets of this complex relationship.Kelley Wilder draws upon her extensive background in alternative process photography, museum practice, art history, and history of science to produce a wide-ranging and illuminating investigation into the intersection of photography and science. Photography and Science describes how photography first established its legitimacy through its close association with key scientific ideas and practices, such as objectivity, observation, archiving, and experimentation. Wilder then charts how photography returned the favor by serving as a powerful influence in various scientific...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How do we know what an amoeba looks like? How can doctors see the details of our skeletons and internal organs? What enables us to see an exploding star in another galaxy? All of these things are made possible through the innovations of photography. Kelley Wilder now provides a primer on the remarkably fruitful applications of photography to science, as she explores the multiple facets of this complex relationship.Kelley Wilder draws upon her extensive background in alternative process photography, museum practice, art history, and history of science to produce a wide-ranging and illuminating investigation into the intersection of photography and science. Photography and Science describes how photography first established its legitimacy through its close association with key scientific ideas and practices, such as objectivity, observation, archiving, and experimentation. Wilder then charts how photography returned the favor by serving as a powerful influence in various scientific......

The Langford

Michael Coen

  The Langford  Michael Coen  After high school Michael Coen left home for the city to attend college. He resided in a residence club which turned out to be more of an adventure in reckless sex, drugs, alcohol, and adultery all set in an atmosphere with unpredictable situations. Living among desperate individuals, mental illness, and violence Michael learned to survive using his instincts, sense of humor, and the ability to negotiate while maturity was shoveled down his throat at a rapid pace. This is a humorous insight of a young man's brief history, living in an old dilapidated residence club in San Francisco. While compensating for a hearing loss his spirit is engaging and will inspire you. He is enlightened in the ways of human nature.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин After high school Michael Coen left home for the city to attend college. He resided in a residence club which turned out to be more of an adventure in reckless sex, drugs, alcohol, and adultery all set in an atmosphere with unpredictable situations. Living among desperate individuals, mental illness, and violence Michael learned to survive using his instincts, sense of humor, and the ability to negotiate while maturity was shoveled down his throat at a rapid pace. This is a humorous insight of a young man's brief history, living in an old dilapidated residence club in San Francisco. While compensating for a hearing loss his spirit is engaging and will inspire you. He is enlightened in the ways of human nature....

Memoirs Of The Extraordinary Military Career Of John Shipp - A Lieutenant In His Majesty's 87th Regiment

John Shipp

  Memoirs Of The Extraordinary Military Career Of John Shipp - A Lieutenant In His Majesty's 87th Regiment  John Shipp  Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork....

Этическая мысль. Выпуск 8

  Этическая мысль. Выпуск 8  Институт философии РАН.   В восьмом выпуске Институт философии РАН. В восьмом выпуске "Этической мысли" представлены результаты исследований по теоретическим, нормативным, историко-философским и прикладным проблемам этики. Среди них - анализ возможностей и пределов применения эпистемологического инструментария в этике; попытка реконструкции логики становления и развития морали; исследование процесса появления понятия "золотое правило"; обсуждение современной дискуссии о месте и роли понятия дара в моральном сознании; анализ утилитаристской, договорной и интуитивистской стратегий обоснования обязанностей перед будущими поколениями и др. В издание также включены тексты, раскрывающие понимание блага и зла в исламской традиции и философии, с предваряющей эти тексты статьей и примечаниям к ним. Историко-этический раздел включает, в частности, анализ различных аспектов этических концепций Р.Прайса, Н.Л.Бердяева и Л.Н.Толстого....


Ханна Уилсон

  Рептилии  Ханна Уилсон  Ниола-Пресс.   В натуральную величину.   На страницах этой книги вы познакомитесь с самыми большими и свирепыми из рептилий! Вы узнаете, каково это - оказаться нос к носу с гигантским питоном. Посмотрите, как хамелеон добывает пищу, геккон гуляет по стенам и потолку, американская маленькая ящерица бегает по воде.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ниола-Пресс. В натуральную величину. На страницах этой книги вы познакомитесь с самыми большими и свирепыми из рептилий! Вы узнаете, каково это - оказаться нос к носу с гигантским питоном. Посмотрите, как хамелеон добывает пищу, геккон гуляет по стенам и потолку, американская маленькая ящерица бегает по воде....

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Photography and Science (Reaktion Books - Exposures). Kelley Wilder . Книги.

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