The Correspondence Of John Wallis: (1660 - September 1668)

  The Correspondence Of John Wallis: (1660 - September 1668)  Book DescriptionThis is the second volume of a six volume compendium on the correspondences of John Wallis (1616-1703). Wallis was Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford from 1649 until his death, and was a founding member of the Royal Society and a central figure in the scientific and intellectual history of England. Along with his role as decipherer on the Parlimentary side during the Civil War, he prepared the ground for the discovery of infinitesimal calculus by Newton and Leibniz and played a decisive role in modernization of English mathematics. This volume provides fascinating insight into the life of Wallis through his correspondences with intellectual and political figures of the latter part of the 17th century.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis is the second volume of a six volume compendium on the correspondences of John Wallis (1616-1703). Wallis was Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford from 1649 until his death, and was a founding member of the Royal Society and a central figure in the scientific and intellectual history of England. Along with his role as decipherer on the Parlimentary side during the Civil War, he prepared the ground for the discovery of infinitesimal calculus by Newton and Leibniz and played a decisive role in modernization of English mathematics. This volume provides fascinating insight into the life of Wallis through his correspondences with intellectual and political figures of the latter part of the 17th century....

My Soul Got Bent

Hans Peterson

  My Soul Got Bent  Hans Peterson  Book DescriptionWhen you hear people say Book DescriptionWhen you hear people say "God Spoke to Me"?Do you wonder what they meant by that? In this book you will read the sincere story of a humble man and how he listened and learned as God spoke to him. You will discover seventeen lessons that every one should learn in their lifetime. You will witness a snapshot of 45 years of Veterinary medicine, highlighted by these ?Life Lessons? which molded the authors life. The author shares his life in hopes of inspiring others to move into a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ....

In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity)

Stephen Cosgrove

  In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity)  Stephen Cosgrove  Book DescriptionThe nervous Hordasaurus worries about the other creatures stealing his treasures, until he meets the Saveopotomas and learns that it is better to share with his friends and keep only what he needs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe nervous Hordasaurus worries about the other creatures stealing his treasures, until he meets the Saveopotomas and learns that it is better to share with his friends and keep only what he needs....

Potter Springs

Britta Coleman

  Potter Springs  Britta Coleman  Book DescriptionA poignantly rendered debut novel that follows the Texas-sized loves and losses of star-crossed newlyweds, forced by the consequences of their passion to leave upscale Houston for a small town in the panhandle. Young minister Mark Reynolds has every reason to be optimistic: he'll likely be promoted to senior minister at the largest Baptist church in Houston, and he's deeply in love with his fiancee-the lovely, independant Amanda. But his dreams and reputation are shattered when he learns that Amanda is pregnant-and things become infinitely worse when he loses his job and she loses their baby. The young couple migrates toa small town in hopes of starting anew, but the shadow of their lost child settles in Amanda's soul, and she grows reclusive towards the husband she still loves. Though determined to return home after an extended family visit, a wrong turn into Mexico leaves Amanda uncertain of her next move. A desperate search and an unlikely reunion finds the couple...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA poignantly rendered debut novel that follows the Texas-sized loves and losses of star-crossed newlyweds, forced by the consequences of their passion to leave upscale Houston for a small town in the panhandle. Young minister Mark Reynolds has every reason to be optimistic: he'll likely be promoted to senior minister at the largest Baptist church in Houston, and he's deeply in love with his fiancee-the lovely, independant Amanda. But his dreams and reputation are shattered when he learns that Amanda is pregnant-and things become infinitely worse when he loses his job and she loses their baby. The young couple migrates toa small town in hopes of starting anew, but the shadow of their lost child settles in Amanda's soul, and she grows reclusive towards the husband she still loves. Though determined to return home after an extended family visit, a wrong turn into Mexico leaves Amanda uncertain of her next move. A desperate search and an unlikely reunion finds the couple......

Энергия российского Экоса. Часть 1. Энергия и энергетика

Бушуев В.

  Энергия российского Экоса. Часть 1. Энергия и энергетика  Бушуев В.  Авторский анализ ожиданий и возможностей развития энергетики как общей системы жизнедеятельности в пространстве российского Экоса (от греч. oikos - дом, жилище, местопребывание), включающего человека и вею среду его обитания: природу, социум и ноосферу.Впервые дается комплексный анализ взаимосвязи энергетики с экономикой как системой хозяйствования и экологией как системой гармонизации отношений Человека и Среды... Мировоззренческие аспекты развития российскою Экоса как триады «энергетика - экономика - экология» еще не были изложены ни в отечественной, ни в мировой литературе с такой научно-философской полнотой и доступностью для массового восприятия...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Авторский анализ ожиданий и возможностей развития энергетики как общей системы жизнедеятельности в пространстве российского Экоса (от греч. oikos - дом, жилище, местопребывание), включающего человека и вею среду его обитания: природу, социум и ноосферу.Впервые дается комплексный анализ взаимосвязи энергетики с экономикой как системой хозяйствования и экологией как системой гармонизации отношений Человека и Среды... Мировоззренческие аспекты развития российскою Экоса как триады «энергетика - экономика - экология» еще не были изложены ни в отечественной, ни в мировой литературе с такой научно-философской полнотой и доступностью для массового восприятия......

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The Correspondence Of John Wallis: (1660 - September 1668). . Книги.

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