Women Musicians in Victorian Fiction, 1860-1900: Representations of Music, Science and Gender in the Leisured Home

Phyllis Weliver

  Women Musicians in Victorian Fiction, 1860-1900: Representations of Music, Science and Gender in the Leisured Home  Phyllis Weliver  Ashgate.   For nineteenth-century society, music was a means by which women could display their gentility, education, their physical grace and express their Ashgate. For nineteenth-century society, music was a means by which women could display their gentility, education, their physical grace and express their "selves". Novelists were quick to employ this recognized way for women to project their personalities, and fictional scenes featuring women musicians served to reinforce or explore and challenge traditional views of the place of both women and music in society. Over the first half of the century, writers like Austen and Bronte confined their critiques to satirical portrayals of women musicians. Later, however, a marked shift occurred with the introduction of musical female characters who were positively to be feared. The stark boundaries between the musical "angel" and the musical "demon" became increasingly blurred, making more complex the fictional depiction of gender identities and sexuality. Phyllis Weliver examines the reasons for this shift in her investigation of representations of female musicians in Victorian fiction......

Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 8

  Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 8  Course Technology PTR.   Digidesign's Official Pro Tools 101 Courseware takes a comprehensive approach to learning the fundamentals of Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, or Pro Tools M-Powered systems. Now updated for Pro Tools 8 software, this new edition from the definitive authority on Pro Tools covers everything you need to know to complete a Pro Tools project. Learn to build sessions that include multitrack recordings of live instruments, MIDI sequences, software synthesizers, and virtual instruments. Through hands-on tutorials, develop essential techniques for recording, editing, and mixing. Developed as the foundation course of the official Digidesign Training and Education program, the guide can be used to learn on your own or to pursue formal Pro Tools certification through a Digidesign-authorized school. Join the ranks of audio professionals around the world as you unleash the creative power of your Pro Tools system.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Course Technology PTR. Digidesign's Official Pro Tools 101 Courseware takes a comprehensive approach to learning the fundamentals of Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, or Pro Tools M-Powered systems. Now updated for Pro Tools 8 software, this new edition from the definitive authority on Pro Tools covers everything you need to know to complete a Pro Tools project. Learn to build sessions that include multitrack recordings of live instruments, MIDI sequences, software synthesizers, and virtual instruments. Through hands-on tutorials, develop essential techniques for recording, editing, and mixing. Developed as the foundation course of the official Digidesign Training and Education program, the guide can be used to learn on your own or to pursue formal Pro Tools certification through a Digidesign-authorized school. Join the ranks of audio professionals around the world as you unleash the creative power of your Pro Tools system....

Мировой кризис

Андрей Мартьянов

  Мировой кризис  Андрей Мартьянов  Ленинградское издательство.   Боевая фантастика.   Европа стоит перед величайшей катастрофой в своей истории - Первой мировой войной. Но кто и почему подталкивает континент и Российскую империю к кровавому столкновению? Силы мистические или злая воля человека? Ленинградское издательство. Боевая фантастика. Европа стоит перед величайшей катастрофой в своей истории - Первой мировой войной. Но кто и почему подталкивает континент и Российскую империю к кровавому столкновению? Силы мистические или злая воля человека? "Мировой кризис" - второй роман Андрея Мартьянова из цикла "След Фафнира" расскажет читателю о дальнейших приключениях компании кладоискателей, оказавшихся в центре настораживающих и опасных событий, спровоцировавших Великую европейскую войну....

Nineteenth-Century Italian Opera from Rossini to Puccini

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John O'Hara

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На главную

Women Musicians in Victorian Fiction, 1860-1900: Representations of Music, Science and Gender in the Leisured Home. Phyllis Weliver . Книги.

Нижний Тагил, Пятигорск, Невинномысск, Грозный, Набережные Челны, Березники, Орёл, Вологда, Димитровград, Ростов-на-Дону, Уссурийск, Копейск, Кемерово, Волжский, Тюмень, Ухта, Альметьевск, Рубцовск, Дербент, Волжский, Екатеринбург, Элиста, Краснодар, Елец, Люберцы, Назрань,
Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Теоретическая физика| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Куклы| История экономики| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Художественная литература| Любовный роман| Военные драмы| Японский, китайский, хинди| Бизнес-книги| Страноведение. США| Детская литература| Буддизм| Японский, китайский, хинди| Первобытное общество. Древний мир. Античность| Экология| Биографии художников| Страшилки и ужастики| Конструкторы мягкие| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Гражданское право| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Музыкальные инструменты| Экзотические приключения| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Беременность. Роды| Приключенческие боевики| Общество, история| Энциклопедии, справочники| Трудовое право| Мистические боевики|
том, детская энциклопедия, методические пособия,


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