Lean Transformation: How to Change Your Business into a Lean Enterprise

Bruce A. Henderson and Jorge L. Larco

  Lean Transformation: How to Change Your Business into a Lean Enterprise  Bruce A. Henderson and Jorge L. Larco  The Oaklea Press.   Known in manufacturing among those striving to maximize productivity and create pull-scheduling of production as The Oaklea Press. Known in manufacturing among those striving to maximize productivity and create pull-scheduling of production as "the yellow book", Lean Transformation: How to Change Your Business into a Lean Enterprise is used across the globe by companies as they switch to lean production and management by empowered teams. Touted by lean production experts everywhere as practical, down-to-earth, and easy to read, it warns of cultural issues that are almost certain to arise, and gives management step by step instructions as it explains clearly in terms anyone can understand such concepts as continuous flow, value stream mapping, kanban, kaizen, six sigma, just-in-time (JIT), techniques for converting to quick set-ups, and other pillars of the Toyota Production System. Indeed, Toyota may have been the first, but Toyota is not the only company that excels at lean manufacturing. Dell Computers provides another model of a successful lean enterprise as do Harley-Davidson and Pella Windows. ......

The Political Economy of the Environment: The Case of Japan

Shigeto Tsuru

  The Political Economy of the Environment: The Case of Japan  Shigeto Tsuru  This authoritative study of Japan?s environmental problems is by the country?s leading environmental economist, Shigeto Tsuru. The author places environmental issues within a socio-economic context. In providing an historical account of environmental disruption in Japan, Professor Tsuru cites a number of key cases of industrial pollution in the pre-war and post-war periods and illustrates the effectiveness of such a strategy not only for Japan but any developed country. Finally, the author proposes a set of countermeasures against environmental problems, applicable to all developed countries today, aimed at achieving a new This authoritative study of Japan?s environmental problems is by the country?s leading environmental economist, Shigeto Tsuru. The author places environmental issues within a socio-economic context. In providing an historical account of environmental disruption in Japan, Professor Tsuru cites a number of key cases of industrial pollution in the pre-war and post-war periods and illustrates the effectiveness of such a strategy not only for Japan but any developed country. Finally, the author proposes a set of countermeasures against environmental problems, applicable to all developed countries today, aimed at achieving a new "quality of life."...

Eating With Conscience: The Bioethics of Food

Michael W. Fox

  Eating With Conscience: The Bioethics of Food  Michael W. Fox  NewSage Press.   From Publishers Weekly There's no question where Fox, a veterinarian and long-time Humane Society official, stands on how food is produced in this country. But can he convince the skeptics? In this persuasive illumination of the inner workings of the national food industry, Fox (The Boundless Circle) relies on numbers, and lots of them, rather than shrill rhetoric. For example, he reports that 7000 calves, 130,000 cattle, 360,000 pigs and 24 million chickens are killed every day (the average American consumes 2400 animals in a lifetime). Fox considers food-borne diseases resulting from virtually uninspected slaughtering conditions NewSage Press. From Publishers Weekly There's no question where Fox, a veterinarian and long-time Humane Society official, stands on how food is produced in this country. But can he convince the skeptics? In this persuasive illumination of the inner workings of the national food industry, Fox (The Boundless Circle) relies on numbers, and lots of them, rather than shrill rhetoric. For example, he reports that 7000 calves, 130,000 cattle, 360,000 pigs and 24 million chickens are killed every day (the average American consumes 2400 animals in a lifetime). Fox considers food-borne diseases resulting from virtually uninspected slaughtering conditions "as the new plagues," like the 1992-1994 "mad cow" disease in Britain. A year later in the U.S., more than 10 million "diseased, dead, dying, and debilitated cattle" and other consumable animals were "rendered" into other products. Corporations have reduced hands-on family farmers to 2% of the population; one-third of the topsoil of cropland has......

The New Global Investors: How Shareowners can Unlock Sustainable Prosperity Worldwide

Robert A. G. Monks, Robert A.G. Monks

  The New Global Investors: How Shareowners can Unlock Sustainable Prosperity Worldwide  Robert A. G. Monks, Robert A.G. Monks  " As in his previous work, Bob Monks? s unique analytical insight and eloquence address the turbulent relationship between corporate ownership and social responsibility. What makes The New Global Investors exceptional is the degree to which Monks? two sides come together: on every page, the sophisticated, detail-minded investor meets the erudite institutional thinker. This book is a must for anyone with an interest in the governance of corporations and its policy impact." Stilpon Nestor, Head of Corporate Affairs Division, OECD " This will become the first business classic of the twenty-first century. It describes a new model of wealth creation in which the successful investor is no longer a rentier but a shrewd judge of and contributor tocorporate and societal value." ED Mayo, Executive Director, New Economics Foundation " Bob Monks'? leadership over the years on issues of corporate governance, and now his challenge to global investors to take responsibility......

How to Become a Successful Trader: The Trading Personality Profile: Your Key to Maximizing Your Profit With Any System

Ned Gandevani

  How to Become a Successful Trader: The Trading Personality Profile: Your Key to Maximizing Your Profit With Any System  Ned Gandevani  How To Become A Successful Trader offers an exciting tool for traders, investors, and hedge fund managers to maximize their trading performance. You gain a deeper understanding about how to enhance the positive forces of your psychology to create a winning career. With the knowledge of your Trading Personality, you are able to customize strategies and decide which method of trading; either Discretionary System, a Mechanical System, or a Hybrid System is best suited to your personality. This book providesa road map and selection criterion for mutual funds, banks, hedge fund mangers and trading firms on how to choose a more effective trader for their firm. Dr. Gandevani's book utilizes a scientific research in dealing with trading psychology. His professional experience in trading and dealing with many traders whom he has trained as well as extensive research on psychology provided the unique and necessary insight for writing this book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How To Become A Successful Trader offers an exciting tool for traders, investors, and hedge fund managers to maximize their trading performance. You gain a deeper understanding about how to enhance the positive forces of your psychology to create a winning career. With the knowledge of your Trading Personality, you are able to customize strategies and decide which method of trading; either Discretionary System, a Mechanical System, or a Hybrid System is best suited to your personality. This book providesa road map and selection criterion for mutual funds, banks, hedge fund mangers and trading firms on how to choose a more effective trader for their firm. Dr. Gandevani's book utilizes a scientific research in dealing with trading psychology. His professional experience in trading and dealing with many traders whom he has trained as well as extensive research on psychology provided the unique and necessary insight for writing this book....

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Lean Transformation: How to Change Your Business into a Lean Enterprise. Bruce A. Henderson and Jorge L. Larco . Книги.

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