Visual Approaches to Teaching Writing: Multimodal Literacy 5 - 11

  Visual Approaches to Teaching Writing: Multimodal Literacy 5 - 11  Eve Bearne, Helen Wolstencroft  Eve Bearne, Helen Wolstencroft  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Eve Bearne, Helen Wolstencroft...

International Entrepreneurship: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Analysis

  International Entrepreneurship: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Analysis  Antonella Zucchella, Paolo Scabini  Antonella Zucchella, Paolo Scabini  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Antonella Zucchella, Paolo Scabini...

Kerala Cooking: A Distinctive Cuisine from India's Spice Coast

Anoo Verghis

  Kerala Cooking: A Distinctive Cuisine from India's Spice Coast  Anoo Verghis  Silicon Press.   Kerala, in southwest India, has been a major spice junction for hundreds of years, and is particularly famous for its pepper and cardamom. The essence of Kerala cooking is in the successful blend of aromatic spices with fresh, tropical fruits and vegetables found in this lush, monsoon-swept region. Cardamom, cinnamon, peppercorns, ginger, and turmeric perfume and add subtle layers to easy-to-prepare rice, fish, meat, and lentil dishes. Kerala Cooking presents an elegantly simple cuisine in contemporary combinations with its delicious repertoire of vegetable and lentil dishes, boldly spiced meat and poultry, fish and shellfish curries with coconut sauces, and fragrant rice dishes. Separate sections on rice, vegetables, fish, meat, lentils, snacks, and desserts present familiar ingredients used in new ways, with dishes like Stir-fried Spinach, Fried Okra, Rice with Vegetables, Chicken Curry, Mussels in Spicy Sauce, and Pigeon Peas with Tomatoes. Kerala Cooking also introduces...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Silicon Press. Kerala, in southwest India, has been a major spice junction for hundreds of years, and is particularly famous for its pepper and cardamom. The essence of Kerala cooking is in the successful blend of aromatic spices with fresh, tropical fruits and vegetables found in this lush, monsoon-swept region. Cardamom, cinnamon, peppercorns, ginger, and turmeric perfume and add subtle layers to easy-to-prepare rice, fish, meat, and lentil dishes. Kerala Cooking presents an elegantly simple cuisine in contemporary combinations with its delicious repertoire of vegetable and lentil dishes, boldly spiced meat and poultry, fish and shellfish curries with coconut sauces, and fragrant rice dishes. Separate sections on rice, vegetables, fish, meat, lentils, snacks, and desserts present familiar ingredients used in new ways, with dishes like Stir-fried Spinach, Fried Okra, Rice with Vegetables, Chicken Curry, Mussels in Spicy Sauce, and Pigeon Peas with Tomatoes. Kerala Cooking also introduces......

Tomatoes-160 Fabulous Recipes: The Definitive Cook's Guide To Selecting, Using, Preparing Tomatoes And Creating Delectable Dishes With Them, Including ... And Even Grow Them

Christine France

  Tomatoes-160 Fabulous Recipes: The Definitive Cook's Guide To Selecting, Using, Preparing Tomatoes And Creating Delectable Dishes With Them, Including ... And Even Grow Them  Christine France  Lorenz Books.   The ultimate guide to cooking, using and growing tomatoes - one of the world's most popular ingredients.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lorenz Books. The ultimate guide to cooking, using and growing tomatoes - one of the world's most popular ingredients....

A Leaky Tent Is a Piece of Paradise: 20 Young Writers on Finding a Place in the Natural World

  A Leaky Tent Is a Piece of Paradise: 20 Young Writers on Finding a Place in the Natural World  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

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Visual Approaches to Teaching Writing: Multimodal Literacy 5 - 11. Eve Bearne, Helen Wolstencroft . Книги.

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