Strategy or Principle? : The Choice Between Regulation and Taxation

Mark Gregory Kelman

  Strategy or Principle? : The Choice Between Regulation and Taxation  Mark Gregory Kelman  Governments may choose to meet perceived social problems either through regulatory mandates or the public provision of a good that is funded by broad-based taxes. Contrary to an emerging conservative consensus in the Governments may choose to meet perceived social problems either through regulatory mandates or the public provision of a good that is funded by broad-based taxes. Contrary to an emerging conservative consensus in the "property rights" movement, Strategy or Principle? argues, first, that the constitution permits broad use of regulations and, second, that the use of regulation may be the better policy choice. Strategy or Principle? addresses a critical issue in law, public administration, and public finance: When is it both prudent and constitutionally permissible to meet social aims by requiring that private parties take certain steps to meet that aim? Alternately, when is it appropriate for the government to use the moneyit raises through general taxation to fund programs that meet these aims? Regulations have been criticized in "property rights" literature on the grounds that it violates the constitution by limiting the ability of......

Municipal Waste Management in Europe - European Policy between Harmonisation and Subsidiarity (ENVIRONMENT & MANAGEMENT Volume 11)

Nicolas Buclet

  Municipal Waste Management in Europe - European Policy between Harmonisation and Subsidiarity (ENVIRONMENT & MANAGEMENT Volume 11)  Nicolas Buclet  Waste management is not only a technical problem, but is also an issue which involves various actors throughout society. In this book, the organisation of waste management is seen in terms of regimes. This should interest people involved in public choices, as well as researchers, mainly economists but also others, dealing with institutional questions. We have insisted on conventional principles. They are the real guides for actors within each national regime. The advantage of working with the concept of conventional principles is the simplicity of this tool when comparing national regimes, bearing in mind that the crucial question of European harmonisation arises. The main aim of the book is to specify the role which should be accorded to harmonisation and subsidiarity within municipal waste management. It analyses the issues which arise in building a European waste management policy, highlighting the several areas of conflict between the actors, be they Member States, companies, or...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Waste management is not only a technical problem, but is also an issue which involves various actors throughout society. In this book, the organisation of waste management is seen in terms of regimes. This should interest people involved in public choices, as well as researchers, mainly economists but also others, dealing with institutional questions. We have insisted on conventional principles. They are the real guides for actors within each national regime. The advantage of working with the concept of conventional principles is the simplicity of this tool when comparing national regimes, bearing in mind that the crucial question of European harmonisation arises. The main aim of the book is to specify the role which should be accorded to harmonisation and subsidiarity within municipal waste management. It analyses the issues which arise in building a European waste management policy, highlighting the several areas of conflict between the actors, be they Member States, companies, or......

On the Search for Well-Being

Henry J. Bruton

  On the Search for Well-Being  Henry J. Bruton  This book takes on one of the great questions of the day: Why are some countries enormously rich and others so heartbreakingly poor? Henry J. Bruton organizes the discussion around three basic ideas. The first is that well-being reflects not only the availability and distribution of goods and services, but also employment, values, institutions, and quality of preferences. The second is that ignorance is ubiquitous; hence growth of well-being depends primarily on commitments to searching and learning. The extent of such commitments is embedded in deep-seated characteristics of the society, its history, and the degree to which it can look ahead. The third is that economic policy-making is largely a matter of muddling through; furthermore, the idea that an economy can be assumed to be in a general equilibrium and can therefore be left to itself must be rejected. The author explores these ideas and their implications for the processes of growth and for policies to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book takes on one of the great questions of the day: Why are some countries enormously rich and others so heartbreakingly poor? Henry J. Bruton organizes the discussion around three basic ideas. The first is that well-being reflects not only the availability and distribution of goods and services, but also employment, values, institutions, and quality of preferences. The second is that ignorance is ubiquitous; hence growth of well-being depends primarily on commitments to searching and learning. The extent of such commitments is embedded in deep-seated characteristics of the society, its history, and the degree to which it can look ahead. The third is that economic policy-making is largely a matter of muddling through; furthermore, the idea that an economy can be assumed to be in a general equilibrium and can therefore be left to itself must be rejected. The author explores these ideas and their implications for the processes of growth and for policies to......

Too Sensational: On the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes (Ohlin Lectures)

W. M. Corden, W. Max Corden

  Too Sensational: On the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes (Ohlin Lectures)  W. M. Corden, W. Max Corden  Most of the literature on exchange rate regimes has focused on the developed countries. Since the recent crises in emerging markets, however, attention has shifted to the choice of exchange rate regimes for developing countries, especially those that aremore integrated into the world capital markets. In Too Sensational , W. Max Corden presents a systematic and accessible overview of the choice of exchange rate regimes. Reviewing many types of regimes, he shows how the choice of an exchange rate regime is related to both fiscal policy and trade policy. Building on the theory of optimum currency areas, Corden develops an analytic framework of three approaches (nominal anchor, real targets, and exchange rate stability) and three polar exchange rate regimes (absolutely fixed, pure floating, and fixed but adjustable). He considers all other regimes to be mixtures of two or three of the polar regimes. Beginning with theory and later turning to case studies of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most of the literature on exchange rate regimes has focused on the developed countries. Since the recent crises in emerging markets, however, attention has shifted to the choice of exchange rate regimes for developing countries, especially those that aremore integrated into the world capital markets. In Too Sensational , W. Max Corden presents a systematic and accessible overview of the choice of exchange rate regimes. Reviewing many types of regimes, he shows how the choice of an exchange rate regime is related to both fiscal policy and trade policy. Building on the theory of optimum currency areas, Corden develops an analytic framework of three approaches (nominal anchor, real targets, and exchange rate stability) and three polar exchange rate regimes (absolutely fixed, pure floating, and fixed but adjustable). He considers all other regimes to be mixtures of two or three of the polar regimes. Beginning with theory and later turning to case studies of......

Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management

Diana Winstanley, Jean Woodall

  Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management  Diana Winstanley, Jean Woodall  Against a backdrop of contextual changes such as the recent government pledges for the UK to sign up to the social chapter, proposed changes to equal opportunity and discrimination legislation, and the push for stakeholder approaches to management, ethics has been pushed to the forefront of the HR arena. Covering the subject of HR in a rigorous and comprehensive way using ethical frameworks, this book looks at areas of ethical concern in current trends and practice, as well as examples and methods for promoting good practice.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Against a backdrop of contextual changes such as the recent government pledges for the UK to sign up to the social chapter, proposed changes to equal opportunity and discrimination legislation, and the push for stakeholder approaches to management, ethics has been pushed to the forefront of the HR arena. Covering the subject of HR in a rigorous and comprehensive way using ethical frameworks, this book looks at areas of ethical concern in current trends and practice, as well as examples and methods for promoting good practice....

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Strategy or Principle? : The Choice Between Regulation and Taxation. Mark Gregory Kelman . Книги.

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