Rotten School #12: Battle of the Dum Diddys (Rotten School)

R.l. Stine

  Rotten School #12: Battle of the Dum Diddys (Rotten School)  R.l. Stine  Hey! Where Is Everyone? That's what Bernie Bridges wants to know when he can't find any of his friends. Everyone has disappeared! And when he finally does find them, they're acting really weird. For instance, his shy friend Chipmunk thinks he is a fearless warrior, and football star Jennifer Ecch thinks she is a princess. What is going on? Soon Bernie realizes that everyone at Rotten School is acting! They are all playing parts in a big battle. A battle between the Dum Diddys and the Knighty Knight Knights. But it's not a real fight. It's a video game called Wungo Warriors—and everyone has to pay that spoiled rich kid Sherman Oaks to play. Bernie can't let Sherman get away with this. He has a plan to outsmart Sherman—by bringing the Wungo Warriors to life! What Bernie doesn't know, though, is that a real-life battle between the Dum Diddys and the Knighty Knight Knights could shut down Rotten School forever.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hey! Where Is Everyone? That's what Bernie Bridges wants to know when he can't find any of his friends. Everyone has disappeared! And when he finally does find them, they're acting really weird. For instance, his shy friend Chipmunk thinks he is a fearless warrior, and football star Jennifer Ecch thinks she is a princess. What is going on? Soon Bernie realizes that everyone at Rotten School is acting! They are all playing parts in a big battle. A battle between the Dum Diddys and the Knighty Knight Knights. But it's not a real fight. It's a video game called Wungo Warriors—and everyone has to pay that spoiled rich kid Sherman Oaks to play. Bernie can't let Sherman get away with this. He has a plan to outsmart Sherman—by bringing the Wungo Warriors to life! What Bernie doesn't know, though, is that a real-life battle between the Dum Diddys and the Knighty Knight Knights could shut down Rotten School forever....

365 Days / 365 Plays

Suzan-Lori Parks

  365 Days / 365 Plays  Suzan-Lori Parks  "Suzan-Lori Parks is one of the most important dramatists America has produced."-Tony Kushner "The plan was that no matter what I did, how busy I was, what other commitments I had, I would write a play a day, every single day for a year. It would be about being present and being committed to the artistic process every single day, regardless of the 'weather.' It became a daily meditation, a daily prayer celebrating the rich and strange process of a writing life."-Suzan-Lori Parks On November 13, 2002, the incomparable Suzan-Lori Parks got an idea to write a play every day for a year. She began that very day, finishing one year later. The result is an extraordinary testament to artistic commitment. This collection of 365 impeccably crafted pieces, each with its own distinctive characters and dramatic power, is a complete work by an artist responding to her world, each and every day. Parks is one of the American theater's most wily and innovative writers, and her......

Penis Pokey

Christopher Behrens

  Penis Pokey  Christopher Behrens  This book contains no nudity. No profanity. No sexual material of any kind. And yet it just might be the most obscene thing we've ever published! Penis Pokey is an illustrated board book with a large die-cut hole in its center. Every spread features a dazzling full-color illustration with one thing missing a banana, perhaps, or a fire hose, or a sea serpent. Male readers can complete the illustrations using the talents God has given them. Are we serious? Yes! Is this funny? Absolutely! Will this be a terrific hit with college students, bachelorette parties, and exhibitionists of all ages? Of course! Penis Pokey is far and away the strangest and funniest novelty book we've seen in a long, long time.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book contains no nudity. No profanity. No sexual material of any kind. And yet it just might be the most obscene thing we've ever published! Penis Pokey is an illustrated board book with a large die-cut hole in its center. Every spread features a dazzling full-color illustration with one thing missing a banana, perhaps, or a fire hose, or a sea serpent. Male readers can complete the illustrations using the talents God has given them. Are we serious? Yes! Is this funny? Absolutely! Will this be a terrific hit with college students, bachelorette parties, and exhibitionists of all ages? Of course! Penis Pokey is far and away the strangest and funniest novelty book we've seen in a long, long time....

The Total Money Makeover Workbook

Dave Ramsey

  The Total Money Makeover Workbook  Dave Ramsey  In this fresh, interactive guide, respected financial expert Dave Ramsey offers a proven, comprehensive plan for getting in shape financially.A The Total Money Makeover Workbook takes you one step closer to getting out of debt and achieving financial health. Against a playful backdrop of fitness terminology, Dave gives solid, hard-hitting advice and the In this fresh, interactive guide, respected financial expert Dave Ramsey offers a proven, comprehensive plan for getting in shape financially.A The Total Money Makeover Workbook takes you one step closer to getting out of debt and achieving financial health. Against a playful backdrop of fitness terminology, Dave gives solid, hard-hitting advice and the "hope" and the "how-to" needed to turn goals into reality. The Total Money Makeover Workbook includes: Useful worksheets and forms Readable and informative charts and graphs The four factors that keep people from getting in shape financially The Total Money Makeover Workbook is an essential resource for anyone desiring total financial fitness. Dave's no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach translates into results for those who diligently follow this complete action plan. Tens of thousands of people have already transformed their financial situation with......

The Handbook of Logistics Contracts: A Practical Guide to a Growing Field

Juan Jane Marcet, Alfonso de Ochoa Martinez

  The Handbook of Logistics Contracts: A Practical Guide to a Growing Field  Juan Jane Marcet, Alfonso de Ochoa Martinez  The third-party logistics industry is a growing field. Relationships between third-party logistics providers and customer firms demand the creation of logistics contract where the necessary business and legal agreements are stipulated. Until now, the creation and negotiation of these agreements have been based on custom. This is the first practical handbook to support managers in the creation and negotiation of logistics contracts from the legal and economic perspective. The book provides the general framework and an extensive analysis of the content, structure and best practices of logistics contracts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The third-party logistics industry is a growing field. Relationships between third-party logistics providers and customer firms demand the creation of logistics contract where the necessary business and legal agreements are stipulated. Until now, the creation and negotiation of these agreements have been based on custom. This is the first practical handbook to support managers in the creation and negotiation of logistics contracts from the legal and economic perspective. The book provides the general framework and an extensive analysis of the content, structure and best practices of logistics contracts....

<<<  Коммерческая деятельность. Е. Н. Егорова, Е. Ю. Логинова             Контрольно-аналитическая деятельность руководителя дошкольного образовательного ... >>>

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Rotten School #12: Battle of the Dum Diddys (Rotten School). R.l. Stine . Книги.

Северск, Элиста, Серпухов, Ростов-на-Дону, Ногинск, Щёлково, Махачкала, Таганрог, Липецк, Березники, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Смоленск, Пенза, Тверь, Мытищи, Электросталь, Елец, Самара, Улан-Удэ, Рыбинск, Рыбинск, Химки, Абакан, Саранск,
Начальная школа| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Фантастические комедии| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Управленческие решения| Налогообложение| Биографические фильмы| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Военные комедии| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Экономика| Современные войны| Индийские приключения| Военные и армейские боевики| Биология| Словари и разговорники| Русский язык| Нормативно-производственные документы и разъяснения к ним| Познавательная литература| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Музыкальные программы| Химия| Все сказки мира| Современные войны| Биология| Теория киноискусства, премии, фильмы| Христианство| Миронов Андрей Александрович| Немецкий| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Цирк. Цирковое искусство| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Наука. Техника| Торговля.Продажи| Христианство| Фантастика. Фэнтези. Ужасы| Мелодрамы|
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