Фэн - Шуй для скептиков. Реальные решения без суеверий

Картар Даймонд

  Фэн - Шуй для скептиков. Реальные решения без суеверий  Картар Даймонд  Диля.   Хотя фэн-шуй стал модным словом и популярным занятием за последние годы, многие на Западе до сих пор во многом неверно понимают и недооценивают его. Книги на эту тему часто оказываются либо очень неточными и полными магической чепухи, создавая впечатление, что фэн-шуй не что иное, как особое расставление безделушек с приданием им символических значений, - либо информативными, но перегруженными описаниями средств где упор делается на безвестные китайские источники, таинственные термины и расчеты, совершенно непонятные обычному читателю. В этой книге эксперт в области фэн-шуй Картар Даймонд объясняет сложную тему доступными средствами. Описывая фэн-шуй как предсказуемое энергетическое воздействие нашего материального окружения и как науку о том, как это сказывается на нас в таких жизненных сферах, как, например, здоровье, отношения и финансовый потенциал, Даймонд привносит ясность в область знании, которая была замусорена мифами, выдуманными неработающими средствами и...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Диля. Хотя фэн-шуй стал модным словом и популярным занятием за последние годы, многие на Западе до сих пор во многом неверно понимают и недооценивают его. Книги на эту тему часто оказываются либо очень неточными и полными магической чепухи, создавая впечатление, что фэн-шуй не что иное, как особое расставление безделушек с приданием им символических значений, - либо информативными, но перегруженными описаниями средств где упор делается на безвестные китайские источники, таинственные термины и расчеты, совершенно непонятные обычному читателю. В этой книге эксперт в области фэн-шуй Картар Даймонд объясняет сложную тему доступными средствами. Описывая фэн-шуй как предсказуемое энергетическое воздействие нашего материального окружения и как науку о том, как это сказывается на нас в таких жизненных сферах, как, например, здоровье, отношения и финансовый потенциал, Даймонд привносит ясность в область знании, которая была замусорена мифами, выдуманными неработающими средствами и......

A First Course on Parametric Inference

B. K. Kale

  A First Course on Parametric Inference  B. K. Kale  Book DescriptionAfter a brief historical perspective, A First Course on Parametric Inference, discusses the basic concept of sufficient statistic and the classical approach based on minimum variance unbiased estimator. There is a separate chapter on simultaneous estimation of several parameters. Large sample theory of estimation, based on consistent asymptotically normal estimators obtained by method of moments, percentile and the method of maximum likelihood is also introduced. The tests of hypotheses for finite samples with classical Neyman ? Pearson theory is developed pointing out its connection with Bayesian approach. The hypotheses testing and confidence interval techniques are developed leading to likelihood ratio tests, score tests and testsbased on maximum likelihood estimators. New to the Second Edition: · A chapter on Nonparametric Statistical Inference giving tests based on empirical distribution function and some elementary tests based on ranks about the median...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAfter a brief historical perspective, A First Course on Parametric Inference, discusses the basic concept of sufficient statistic and the classical approach based on minimum variance unbiased estimator. There is a separate chapter on simultaneous estimation of several parameters. Large sample theory of estimation, based on consistent asymptotically normal estimators obtained by method of moments, percentile and the method of maximum likelihood is also introduced. The tests of hypotheses for finite samples with classical Neyman ? Pearson theory is developed pointing out its connection with Bayesian approach. The hypotheses testing and confidence interval techniques are developed leading to likelihood ratio tests, score tests and testsbased on maximum likelihood estimators. New to the Second Edition: · A chapter on Nonparametric Statistical Inference giving tests based on empirical distribution function and some elementary tests based on ranks about the median......

Smart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions

Tony Grundy

  Smart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions  Tony Grundy  Book DescriptionSmart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions is a concise, step by step account of how to conduct all the most important phases of M&A: including the strategic analysis, search process, deal-making, due diligence, integration and post-acquisition review. Illustrated with many checklists, practical pointers and real acquisition case mterial, Tony Grundy shows you all the Smart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSmart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions is a concise, step by step account of how to conduct all the most important phases of M&A: including the strategic analysis, search process, deal-making, due diligence, integration and post-acquisition review. Illustrated with many checklists, practical pointers and real acquisition case mterial, Tony Grundy shows you all the Smart Things to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions....

Mini Icons

  Mini Icons  Book DescriptionThis book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions. The mini icons in this book are designed for use on hand-held organizers, such as Palm and other PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants). The restrictions dictated by such devices mean that designers must be extremely inventive to produce recognizable images with a minimum of pixels. The resulting designs are of amazing simplicity...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions. The mini icons in this book are designed for use on hand-held organizers, such as Palm and other PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants). The restrictions dictated by such devices mean that designers must be extremely inventive to produce recognizable images with a minimum of pixels. The resulting designs are of amazing simplicity......

Invention of Hysteria : Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere

Georges Didi-Huberman

  Invention of Hysteria : Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere  Georges Didi-Huberman  Book DescriptionIn this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman shows the crucial role played by photography in the invention of the category of hysteria. Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing skeptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria's specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere . As Didi-Huberman shows, these photographs were far from simply objective documentation. The subjects were required to portray their...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman shows the crucial role played by photography in the invention of the category of hysteria. Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing skeptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria's specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere . As Didi-Huberman shows, these photographs were far from simply objective documentation. The subjects were required to portray their......

<<<  Чкалов. Г. Байдуков             Контрольно-аналитическая деятельность руководителя дошкольного образовательного ... >>>

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Фэн - Шуй для скептиков. Реальные решения без суеверий. Картар Даймонд . Книги.

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