Stop Whining and Start Winning: Recharging People, Re-Igniting Passion, and Pumping Up Profits

Frank Pacetta, Roger Gittines

  Stop Whining and Start Winning: Recharging People, Re-Igniting Passion, and Pumping Up Profits  Frank Pacetta, Roger Gittines  Filled with the kind of contagious energy and upbeat attitude that has made Frank Pacetta one of America's most popular motivational speakers, this unique book is for anyone who wants a difference in the workplace. Whatever the occupation, organization, or industry, here are tried and tested solutions, techniques, rules and tactics that get the job done right. Whether you're a manager fed up with your worker's ho-hum attitude or an individual who can't seem to live up to your potential no matter how hard you try, this book will give you ideas that can put into immediate action -- a no-fail formula for ending the whining and instilling in yourself and your employees a winning spirit.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Filled with the kind of contagious energy and upbeat attitude that has made Frank Pacetta one of America's most popular motivational speakers, this unique book is for anyone who wants a difference in the workplace. Whatever the occupation, organization, or industry, here are tried and tested solutions, techniques, rules and tactics that get the job done right. Whether you're a manager fed up with your worker's ho-hum attitude or an individual who can't seem to live up to your potential no matter how hard you try, this book will give you ideas that can put into immediate action -- a no-fail formula for ending the whining and instilling in yourself and your employees a winning spirit....

The Power of the Machine: Global Inequalities of Economy, Technology, and Environment

Alf Hornborg

  The Power of the Machine: Global Inequalities of Economy, Technology, and Environment  Alf Hornborg  "Hornborg argues that we are caught in a collective illusion about the nature of modern technology that prevents us from imagining solutions to our economic and environmental crises other than technocratic fixes. He demonstrates how the power of the machine generates increasingly asymmetrical exchanges and distribution of resources and risks between distant populations and ecosystems, and thus an increasingly polarized world order. The author challenges us to reconceptualize the machine--industrial technomass"--as a species of power and a problem of culture. He shows how economic anthropology has the tools to deconstruct the concepts of production, money capital, and market exchange, and to analyze capital accumulation as a problem at the very interface of the natural and social sciences. His analysis provides an alternative understanding of economic growth and technological development. Hornborg's work is essential for researchers in anthropology, human ecology, economics, political......

Playing for a Living: Without Apology

Lou Androes

  Playing for a Living: Without Apology  Lou Androes  Turning the work place into a play place is the ultimate goal to enhance the quality of life for everyone. PLAYING FOR A LIVING WITHOUT APOLOGY, by author Lou Androes, examines the art of attaining economic freedom and demonstrates the important value of Ben Franklin?s Power-of-the-Penny philosophy, which he faithfully applied to his own life the day he received his first paycheck. Androes describes some changes already taking place in corporations and businesses to bring play into the work place in order to better meet human needs. Readers will discover immense benefits and rewards in applying this philosophy to their work experience.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Turning the work place into a play place is the ultimate goal to enhance the quality of life for everyone. PLAYING FOR A LIVING WITHOUT APOLOGY, by author Lou Androes, examines the art of attaining economic freedom and demonstrates the important value of Ben Franklin?s Power-of-the-Penny philosophy, which he faithfully applied to his own life the day he received his first paycheck. Androes describes some changes already taking place in corporations and businesses to bring play into the work place in order to better meet human needs. Readers will discover immense benefits and rewards in applying this philosophy to their work experience....

Coping With Corporate Campaigns : Patterns of Activist Intrusion

James E. Lukaszewski

  Coping With Corporate Campaigns : Patterns of Activist Intrusion  James E. Lukaszewski  The ?corporate campaign? has evolved into one of the more negative and destructive anti-corporate actions that can be taken against a business or high-profile organization. Labor activists, out of frustration with typical bargaining approaches, originally developed the technique. It first appeared as an identified strategy in the 1960s in an organizing campaign against J. P. Stevens, a textile manufacturer in the South. Today most activist organizations, NGOs, and religious activists use, participate in, or sanction such tactics. Corporate campaigns are part of a large and growing worldwide anti-business attitude. In this insightful monograph Mr. Lukaszewski describes corporate campaigns: what they are, how they work, who conducts them,typical activist tactics, corporate behaviors that trigger attack, Alinsky?s rules, and corporate preparation and response.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ?corporate campaign? has evolved into one of the more negative and destructive anti-corporate actions that can be taken against a business or high-profile organization. Labor activists, out of frustration with typical bargaining approaches, originally developed the technique. It first appeared as an identified strategy in the 1960s in an organizing campaign against J. P. Stevens, a textile manufacturer in the South. Today most activist organizations, NGOs, and religious activists use, participate in, or sanction such tactics. Corporate campaigns are part of a large and growing worldwide anti-business attitude. In this insightful monograph Mr. Lukaszewski describes corporate campaigns: what they are, how they work, who conducts them,typical activist tactics, corporate behaviors that trigger attack, Alinsky?s rules, and corporate preparation and response....

101 Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions: Sell Your Strength!

Caryl Rae Krannich, Ronald L. Krannich

  101 Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions: Sell Your Strength!  Caryl Rae Krannich, Ronald L. Krannich  Regardless of how well you write resumes and letters, you simply must excel in the job interview to get the job. But conducting an effective interview is more easily said than done. This book outlines the interview process--from preparation to close and follow-up.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Regardless of how well you write resumes and letters, you simply must excel in the job interview to get the job. But conducting an effective interview is more easily said than done. This book outlines the interview process--from preparation to close and follow-up....

<<<  Практикум по лесной энтомологии. Учебное пособие. Е. Г. Мозолевская, ...             Контрольно-аналитическая деятельность руководителя дошкольного образовательного ... >>>

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Stop Whining and Start Winning: Recharging People, Re-Igniting Passion, and Pumping Up Profits. Frank Pacetta, Roger Gittines . Книги.

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