Нефть в обмен на девушку

Алексей Митрофанов

  Нефть в обмен на девушку  Алексей Митрофанов  Астрель, АСТ.   В один из приездов в Ирак, депутат российского парламента Александр Филатов в холле правительственной гостиницы Астрель, АСТ. В один из приездов в Ирак, депутат российского парламента Александр Филатов в холле правительственной гостиницы "Эль-Рашид" встретил девушку. Тинни продавала сувениры в маленькой лавочке. Филатов пригласил девушку в номер, но ее не пустила охрана, а наутро вместо магазинчика сувениров Филатов увидел лавку, торгующую саблями, а вместо Тинни - усатого продавца, не говорящего по-английски. Филатов понял, что стал участником игры. Саддаму явно от него что-то нужно....

Oxford GCSE Maths: Foundation Plus Homework

  Oxford GCSE Maths: Foundation Plus Homework  Oxford University Press.   Oxford GCSE Maths for Edexcel is a brand new course designed to match the two-tier Edexcel linear specification for first examination in 2008. This Homework Book is written for the Foundation tier, and provides the support you need if you are aiming to achieve a grade С at GCSE. The book is especially useful if you are using Foundation Plus Students' Book. Written by experienced teachers and examiners, this book provides you with: Homeworks for each topic, with a focus on practice and consolidation ф Review homeworks, focusing on prior topics for continual reinforcement. Exam-style homeworks, to build your confidence and technique. Worked examples where appropriate, so the book is self-contained. Handy pocket size, so you can carry it around with you. Oxford GCSE Maths for Edexcel comprises Homework Books at each of four levels: Foundation, Foundation Plus, Higher and Higher Plus. Формат: 14,5 см x 21...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. Oxford GCSE Maths for Edexcel is a brand new course designed to match the two-tier Edexcel linear specification for first examination in 2008. This Homework Book is written for the Foundation tier, and provides the support you need if you are aiming to achieve a grade С at GCSE. The book is especially useful if you are using Foundation Plus Students' Book. Written by experienced teachers and examiners, this book provides you with: Homeworks for each topic, with a focus on practice and consolidation ф Review homeworks, focusing on prior topics for continual reinforcement. Exam-style homeworks, to build your confidence and technique. Worked examples where appropriate, so the book is self-contained. Handy pocket size, so you can carry it around with you. Oxford GCSE Maths for Edexcel comprises Homework Books at each of four levels: Foundation, Foundation Plus, Higher and Higher Plus. Формат: 14,5 см x 21......

Fowler's Modern English Usage

R. W. Burchfield

  Fowler's Modern English Usage  R. W. Burchfield  Oxford University Press.   The acknowledged authority on the language: Comprehensive, practical advice on grammar, syntax, style, and choice of words; Controversial or disputed usage explained in full, with clear unequivocal guidance; Based on the unrivalled language resources of Oxford Dictionaries, the largest language research programme in the world; In-depth coverage of both British and American English, with reference to the English of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa; Wide-ranging examples of actual usage, taken from a broad selection of newspapers, journals, and books from across the globe. Формат издания: 14 см х 22,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. The acknowledged authority on the language: Comprehensive, practical advice on grammar, syntax, style, and choice of words; Controversial or disputed usage explained in full, with clear unequivocal guidance; Based on the unrivalled language resources of Oxford Dictionaries, the largest language research programme in the world; In-depth coverage of both British and American English, with reference to the English of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa; Wide-ranging examples of actual usage, taken from a broad selection of newspapers, journals, and books from across the globe. Формат издания: 14 см х 22,5 см....


Найман Э.Л.

  Трейдер-Инвестор  Найман Э.Л.  Трейдер-Инвестор  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Трейдер-Инвестор...

Rashi (Jewish Encounters)

Elie Wiesel

  Rashi (Jewish Encounters)  Elie Wiesel  From Elie Wiesel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, comes a magical book that introduces us to the towering figure of Rashi—Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki—the great biblical and Talmudic commentator of the Middle Ages. Wiesel brilliantly evokes the world of medieval European Jewry, a world of profound scholars and closed communities ravaged by outbursts of anti-Semitism and decimated by the Crusades. The incomparable scholar Rashi, whose phrase-by-phrase explication of the oral law has been included in every printing of the Talmud since the fifteenth century, was also a spiritual and religious leader: His perspective, encompassing both the mundane and the profound, is timeless.Wiesel’s Rashi is a heartbroken witness to the suffering of his people, and through his responses to major religious questions of the day we see still another side of this greatest of all interpreters of the sacred writings. Both beginners and advanced students of the Bible rely on Rashi’s groundbreaking commentary for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From Elie Wiesel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, comes a magical book that introduces us to the towering figure of Rashi—Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki—the great biblical and Talmudic commentator of the Middle Ages. Wiesel brilliantly evokes the world of medieval European Jewry, a world of profound scholars and closed communities ravaged by outbursts of anti-Semitism and decimated by the Crusades. The incomparable scholar Rashi, whose phrase-by-phrase explication of the oral law has been included in every printing of the Talmud since the fifteenth century, was also a spiritual and religious leader: His perspective, encompassing both the mundane and the profound, is timeless.Wiesel’s Rashi is a heartbroken witness to the suffering of his people, and through his responses to major religious questions of the day we see still another side of this greatest of all interpreters of the sacred writings. Both beginners and advanced students of the Bible rely on Rashi’s groundbreaking commentary for......

<<<  Три мешка хитростей. Дарья Донцова             The ESPN Pro Football Encyclopedia, Second Edition (Espn Pro ... >>>

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Нефть в обмен на девушку. Алексей Митрофанов . Книги.

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