From the Cockpit: Coming of Age in the Korean War

Tex Atkinson

  From the Cockpit: Coming of Age in the Korean War  Tex Atkinson  Book DescriptionAn autobiography of a naval aviator who flew over 100 combat missions in the Korean War. Tex Atkinson flew F4U Corsairs and AD Skyraiders. He served on the USS Princeton and USS Boxer. An important contribution to the history of naval aviation with detailed and often chilling accounts of combat flying during the Korean War and of straight-deck carrier operations during that time. Includes excellent descriptions of the flying characteristics (and hazards) of the Corsair and Skyraider. Also a very human story with accounts of the author's growing up years in Hillsboro, Texas and his attendance at Southwestern University. There is an interesting account of a Willie Nelson concert to benefit the restoration of the Hill County courthouse which burned to the ground and was completely rebuilt to look like the original. Book includes two photo sections (32 pages total) of excellent personal and naval aviation photography. This is a much expanded and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAn autobiography of a naval aviator who flew over 100 combat missions in the Korean War. Tex Atkinson flew F4U Corsairs and AD Skyraiders. He served on the USS Princeton and USS Boxer. An important contribution to the history of naval aviation with detailed and often chilling accounts of combat flying during the Korean War and of straight-deck carrier operations during that time. Includes excellent descriptions of the flying characteristics (and hazards) of the Corsair and Skyraider. Also a very human story with accounts of the author's growing up years in Hillsboro, Texas and his attendance at Southwestern University. There is an interesting account of a Willie Nelson concert to benefit the restoration of the Hill County courthouse which burned to the ground and was completely rebuilt to look like the original. Book includes two photo sections (32 pages total) of excellent personal and naval aviation photography. This is a much expanded and......

Movie Blockbusters

  Movie Blockbusters  Book DescriptionBig-budget, spectacular films designed to appeal to mass audience: is this what- or all- blockbusters are? Movie Blockbusters brings together leading film scholars to consider this most high-profile and culturally significant genre. Drawing on a range of critical perspectives, the book traces how and why the Book DescriptionBig-budget, spectacular films designed to appeal to mass audience: is this what- or all- blockbusters are? Movie Blockbusters brings together leading film scholars to consider this most high-profile and culturally significant genre. Drawing on a range of critical perspectives, the book traces how and why the "event movie" has played such a large role in the popular imagination, tracing a path from the spectacles of the silent era to the effects-laden mega-hits of the digital age. The contributors explain what the rise of the blockbuster says about the Hollywood film industry, address the work of notable blockbuster auteurs such as Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, discuss key movies such as Jaws, The Jazz Singer, The Ten Commandments, Terminator 2 and Titanic, and consider the various contexts in which blockbusters are produced, distributed, marketed and consumed. In addition, the book considers the movie scene outside Hollywood, discussing blockbusters made......

Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes

Arno Schmidt

  Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes  Arno Schmidt  Book DescriptionThe ultimate quick-reference cost control resource for busy kitchens The Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes is a powerful tool for controlling food costs in any foodservice operation. Now in an updated third edition, this encyclopedic reference is packed with helpful, practical information, including kitchen yields for more than 2,000 ingredients listed by food groups, sample purchase quantities, suggested serving sizes, tips and tricks for working with various ingredients, and other helpful tools for getting the most out of any size budget. This Third Edition broadens the knowledge of seasoned chefs and novices alike with new material on 150 previously unlisted ingredients, as well as: Coverage of ingredients unique to Indian, Chinese, Latin, and Japanese cooking Information on caloric counts, nutrition, and seasonal foods Serving sizes accepted in most fine restaurants A versatile,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe ultimate quick-reference cost control resource for busy kitchens The Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes is a powerful tool for controlling food costs in any foodservice operation. Now in an updated third edition, this encyclopedic reference is packed with helpful, practical information, including kitchen yields for more than 2,000 ingredients listed by food groups, sample purchase quantities, suggested serving sizes, tips and tricks for working with various ingredients, and other helpful tools for getting the most out of any size budget. This Third Edition broadens the knowledge of seasoned chefs and novices alike with new material on 150 previously unlisted ingredients, as well as: Coverage of ingredients unique to Indian, Chinese, Latin, and Japanese cooking Information on caloric counts, nutrition, and seasonal foods Serving sizes accepted in most fine restaurants A versatile,......

Техника художественной эмали, чеканки и ковки

  Техника художественной эмали, чеканки и ковки  Высшая школа.   В книге рассмотрены практические приемы ручной художественной обработки металлов и техники горячей эмали, чеканки и художественной ковки. Описаны инструменты и приспособления для этих работ, а также способы изготовления инструментов. Рассмотрены различные виды эмальерных чеканных и ковочных работ, отличающиеся по своей технологии и дающие различный художественный эффект. Для студентов высших и учащихся средних художественно-промышленных учебных заведений.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Высшая школа. В книге рассмотрены практические приемы ручной художественной обработки металлов и техники горячей эмали, чеканки и художественной ковки. Описаны инструменты и приспособления для этих работ, а также способы изготовления инструментов. Рассмотрены различные виды эмальерных чеканных и ковочных работ, отличающиеся по своей технологии и дающие различный художественный эффект. Для студентов высших и учащихся средних художественно-промышленных учебных заведений....

100 Bullshit Jobs... And How to Get Them

Stanley Bing

  100 Bullshit Jobs... And How to Get Them  Stanley Bing  Collins.   The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and the growing importance of the issue across a wide range of professions. Now, best-selling author and lifelong practitioner Stanley Bing enters the field with a comprehensive look at the many attractive jobs now available to those who are serious about their bullshit and prepared to dedicate their working life to it. What, Bing inquires, do a feng shui consultant, new media executive, wine steward, department store greeter, and Vice President of the United States have in common? What, too, are the actual duties performed by a McKinsey consultant? Other than sitting around making people nervous? Could that possibly be his core function? Likewise, what does an aromatherapist actually do, per se? Sniff things and rub them on people, for big fragrant bucks? Is that all? The answer in all cases is Collins. The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and the growing importance of the issue across a wide range of professions. Now, best-selling author and lifelong practitioner Stanley Bing enters the field with a comprehensive look at the many attractive jobs now available to those who are serious about their bullshit and prepared to dedicate their working life to it. What, Bing inquires, do a feng shui consultant, new media executive, wine steward, department store greeter, and Vice President of the United States have in common? What, too, are the actual duties performed by a McKinsey consultant? Other than sitting around making people nervous? Could that possibly be his core function? Likewise, what does an aromatherapist actually do, per se? Sniff things and rub them on people, for big fragrant bucks? Is that all? The answer in all cases is "Yes." They all have bullshit jobs. ......

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From the Cockpit: Coming of Age in the Korean War. Tex Atkinson . Книги.

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