Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Сказки и истории. В двух томах. Том 2

Ганс Христиан Андерсен

  Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Сказки и истории. В двух томах. Том 2  Ганс Христиан Андерсен  Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение.   Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Сказки и истории. В двух томах. Том 2.   Большинство сказок Андерсена, собранных во втором томе, сравнительно мало известны, хотя среди них встречаются и хорошо всем знакомые: Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение. Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Сказки и истории. В двух томах. Том 2. Большинство сказок Андерсена, собранных во втором томе, сравнительно мало известны, хотя среди них встречаются и хорошо всем знакомые: "О том, как буря перевесила вывески", "Что старик ни сделает, все хорошо", "Двенадцать пассажиров" и другие....

Экономическая теория. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов

Н. Д. Елецкий, О. В. Корниенко

  Экономическая теория. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов  Н. Д. Елецкий, О. В. Корниенко  ИКЦ ИКЦ "МарТ". 100 экзаменационных ответов. Экспресс-справочник для студентов вузов. Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с действующим Государственным образовательным стандартом по курсу экономической теории. Дана характеристика экономической системы общества и рыночной экономики, рассматриваются классические проблемы микроэкономической и макроэкономической теорий, отражены аспекты кризиса командной экономики и перехода к рынку, изложены основы курса истории экономических учений. Учебное пособие предназначено для изучающих экономическую теорию студентов высших учебных заведений, аспирантов, преподавателей, а также всех тех, кто интересуется теоретической экономикой....

Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies

Douglas T. Hicks

  Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies  Douglas T. Hicks  Wiley.   Practical, easy-to-follow ABC guidelines for small and mid-sized businesses. Incorporating activity-based costing (ABC) concepts into your business without relying on the usual complex ABC jargon can be a daunting task-even for the most experienced accountant. In Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies, professional accountant Douglas Hicks shows you how to sharpen your competitive edge while bringing you the Wiley. Practical, easy-to-follow ABC guidelines for small and mid-sized businesses. Incorporating activity-based costing (ABC) concepts into your business without relying on the usual complex ABC jargon can be a daunting task-even for the most experienced accountant. In Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies, professional accountant Douglas Hicks shows you how to sharpen your competitive edge while bringing you the "total package" of cost information-not just the computational elements. Using an approach developed while solving problems for small and mid-sized companies, Hicks has created a reader-friendly, comprehensive narrative covering every aspect of the ABC industry, including step-by-step instructions for building a cost accumulation and distribution model for any size business. With examples taken from Fortune 1000 companies, readers will find a wealth of information on ABC features, including: The logic behind ABC and its cost......

Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise and Democratic Reform Among the Soviets and in Eastern Europe

George Soros

  Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise and Democratic Reform Among the Soviets and in Eastern Europe  George Soros  Now back in print: George Soros on funding and supporting the kind of grassroots democratic movements that helped bring down oppressive governments throughout the Communist bloc. George Soros has done more for open societies than any other private citizen in the world. In Underwriting Democracy he describes his experiences helping to bring about democratic change in Eastern Europe--experiences that are especially relevant now that our country has begun to intervene (though in an entirely different way than Soros) to create functioning democracies. Throughout the 1980s George Soros worked to identify and fund the growing political movements that caused the downfall of Eastern Europe's Communist governments. He established foundations, first in his native Hungary, and then in eight other countries, and used them to finance everything from the installation of previously forbidden copying machines in public libraries to the creation of experimental schools, clubs, and workshops...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now back in print: George Soros on funding and supporting the kind of grassroots democratic movements that helped bring down oppressive governments throughout the Communist bloc. George Soros has done more for open societies than any other private citizen in the world. In Underwriting Democracy he describes his experiences helping to bring about democratic change in Eastern Europe--experiences that are especially relevant now that our country has begun to intervene (though in an entirely different way than Soros) to create functioning democracies. Throughout the 1980s George Soros worked to identify and fund the growing political movements that caused the downfall of Eastern Europe's Communist governments. He established foundations, first in his native Hungary, and then in eight other countries, and used them to finance everything from the installation of previously forbidden copying machines in public libraries to the creation of experimental schools, clubs, and workshops......

The Other War: Global Poverty and the Millennium Challenge Account

Lael Brainard, Carol Graham, Nigel Purvis, Steven Radelet, Gayle Smith

  The Other War: Global Poverty and the Millennium Challenge Account  Lael Brainard, Carol Graham, Nigel Purvis, Steven Radelet, Gayle Smith  The plight of the poorest around the world has been pushed to the forefront of America?s international agenda for the first time in many years by the war on terrorism and the formidable challenges presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In March 2002, President Bush announced the creation of the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). This bilateral development fund represents an increase of $5 billion per year over current assistance levels and establishes of a new agency to promote growth in reform-oriented developing countries. Amounting to a doubling of U.S. bilateral development aid?the largest increase in decades?the MCA offers a critical chance to deliberately shape the face that the United States presents to people in poor nations around the world. This book makes concrete recommendations on crafting a new blueprint for distributing and delivering aid to make the MCA an effective tool, not only in its own right, but also in transforming U.S. foreign aid and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The plight of the poorest around the world has been pushed to the forefront of America?s international agenda for the first time in many years by the war on terrorism and the formidable challenges presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In March 2002, President Bush announced the creation of the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). This bilateral development fund represents an increase of $5 billion per year over current assistance levels and establishes of a new agency to promote growth in reform-oriented developing countries. Amounting to a doubling of U.S. bilateral development aid?the largest increase in decades?the MCA offers a critical chance to deliberately shape the face that the United States presents to people in poor nations around the world. This book makes concrete recommendations on crafting a new blueprint for distributing and delivering aid to make the MCA an effective tool, not only in its own right, but also in transforming U.S. foreign aid and......

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Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Сказки и истории. В двух томах. Том 2. Ганс Христиан Андерсен . Книги.

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